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what embarrasing thing happened


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i just came back from the store. pretty good looking girl working at the checkout. she asks me how i am today; i usually respond, good thanks, but on this special occasion i tried to pull the good thanks, yourself?it went horribly wrong and i said, good..... yer..?i was going for yourself? after what seemed like a long pause she says, fine i'm doing well, or something to that effect. i look up after avoiding eye contact ( really yek?) , she looks kinda wierded out but not as embarrassed as i felt. i should have just gone with the elusive, good thanks. now i know better.

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Guest Ricky Downtown

lol that happens to me all the time. my embarrassing moment of today was finishing early while having some morning sex with a girl from my hall...but i don't really care i guess i got mine

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Last summer I spent a few weeks in a hospital in Dublin. It had gotten pretty late and I was bored watching TV so I decided to have a late night fap session. Me and Pamela Handerson were getting down to business and everything is going just swell when i hear the sound of the door popping open. I completely freeze, one-hundred-percent deer in the headlights as my nurse pops in with the pills I was supposed to have before bed.


She apologizes and goes behind the door but she still has to give me those pills. It was the middle of summer though so I have no blanket, nothing within arms reach to suppress my massive throbbing, veiny, hard sirch except a thin sheet. I looked down at the bulge under the single layer of budget blanket, said fuck it, and told her to come in. Most awkward moments of my life. She just kept apologizing and saying she had kids and it was completely natural and didn't bother her.


Every moment was more horrible than the last, but my boner wasn't even thinking about taking the day off. My penis wanted to savor every fucking second of the worst moments of my life. I finally swallowed the pills and enough of my shame to tell her goodnight as she walked out. Door clicked shut and what else could I do but let Ms Handerson finish what she'd come to do. True story.

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Last summer I spent a few weeks in a hospital in Dublin. It had gotten pretty late and I was bored watching TV so I decided to have a late night fap session. Me and Pamela Handerson were getting down to business and everything is going just swell when i hear the sound of the door popping open. I completely freeze, one-hundred-percent deer in the headlights as my nurse pops in with the pills I was supposed to have before bed.


She apologizes and goes behind the door but she still has to give me those pills. It was the middle of summer though so I have no blanket, nothing within arms reach to suppress my massive throbbing, veiny, hard sirch except a thin sheet. I looked down at the bulge under the single layer of budget blanket, said fuck it, and told her to come in. Most awkward moments of my life. She just kept apologizing and saying she had kids and it was completely natural and didn't bother her.


Every moment was more horrible than the last, but my boner wasn't even thinking about taking the day off. My penis wanted to savor every fucking second of the worst moments of my life. I finally swallowed the pills and enough of my shame to tell her goodnight as she walked out. Door clicked shut and what else could I do but let Ms Handerson finish what she'd come to do. True story.


I used to work in a hospital. Don't worry, it happens to everyone.

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i slipped on some spaghetti someone had dropped on the floor at the grocery store today. i didn't fall, just did this sorta awkward tapdance number before casually walking away.




death trap





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was in orchestra rehearsal and my girlfriend was nearby sitting in the audience, I'd been texting her bits of dialogue from "children of men" like "We need him, Theo! We need the baby. We need him! It's a girl, Luke. A girl? I had a sister." and "He's a fookin deadman!" that the dreadlocked character patric says. She didn't really respond so I turned toward her while the conductor was talking to other sections and I was like "Yoou're a fookin deadman!" she didn't even look up and then I looked over and some female violinists were staring at me. So I then turned back to my girlfriend and back to look like I wasn't looking at them to check their responses (just randomly looking around). In the end the combination of things probably made me seem weirder than necessary. Then I just sank out of view. I wasn't really embarrassed but didn't really want any attention.

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The guy behind the counter at the deli was a soft speaker so I had to say "sorry/what's that?" after every other thing he said.

I had to swipe my sandwich through a few times to get the machine to read the UPC code.

Sorry, today just wasn't that embarrassing. I've still got 2 and half hours remaining, and I am going to be hanging out with at least one other human being before the night's through... so there's still time to get my humiliation on. Plus I just had a cup of coffee so I can embarrass myself more enthusiastically.

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Didn't happen today, but my major embarrassing moment for me was last summer when I was camping with friends and their friends (including a few black guys). Someone was talking about traveling to Central America and I said they should go to Nicaragua, but I tried to say it with an accent and it sounded like I said Niggeragua

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I had taken a pink vitamin one fine morning day (Since My mom insisted I take them) without having eating anything prior or after. That day at school we had TAKS testing (some mandatory skill assessment BS racist test we take in Texas). Mid way through the test I burp and lo and behold vomit comes up. To try and save my self humiliation I hold in the vomit. I look around to see if anyone noticed but everyone was hard gazed in their tests. I sit there for like 3-4 min trying to think if I should just get up and rid of it in the trash can or maybe quickly grab it and take it outside whilst I vomit but I didn't want to cause I scene.


So I tear a piece of paper off my test, right down a little note, get up take it to my teacher and she writes me pass to restrooms.


Guess what color the vomit was? Times up.. Pink.




This is middle school like the last incident.


Well I have stage fright (some what better now) and I had to play a song in front of the class I had been practicing for weeks.


I knew how to play the song, alone... When no one was watching. When it came time to play in front of everyone I just forgot the whole song.


And literally played like SHIT!!.!!.!! It was bad. Really really bad. Did I mention how bad it was?


Anyways when I sort of played this weird screeching noise from hell. I sat back down and was so embarrassed and angry at myself I started to cry.


In the class. Behind everyone... Silently and too myself though. Someone probably noticed me though.


If there are any wired sentences or stuff that don't make sense/spelling errors. I just got back from a long shift at work... Bare wit me.

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this shit happens constantly to me




i go to Starbucks almost daily. well today I decided to try treating the workers there like humans


so I said, 'See you around!'


and I suddenly felt really uncomfortable so I added, 'Starbucks guy!'


so it was 'See you around, Starbucks guy!'


I think it was alright in the end. the worst is when I think a girl is paying attention to me and I'm forced to avoid that location for at least a month.

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Last summer I spent a few weeks in a hospital in Dublin. It had gotten pretty late and I was bored watching TV so I decided to have a late night fap session. Me and Pamela Handerson were getting down to business and everything is going just swell when i hear the sound of the door popping open. I completely freeze, one-hundred-percent deer in the headlights as my nurse pops in with the pills I was supposed to have before bed.


She apologizes and goes behind the door but she still has to give me those pills. It was the middle of summer though so I have no blanket, nothing within arms reach to suppress my massive throbbing, veiny, hard sirch except a thin sheet. I looked down at the bulge under the single layer of budget blanket, said fuck it, and told her to come in. Most awkward moments of my life. She just kept apologizing and saying she had kids and it was completely natural and didn't bother her.


Every moment was more horrible than the last, but my boner wasn't even thinking about taking the day off. My penis wanted to savor every fucking second of the worst moments of my life. I finally swallowed the pills and enough of my shame to tell her goodnight as she walked out. Door clicked shut and what else could I do but let Ms Handerson finish what she'd come to do. True story.



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lol, avoiding places after I embarrass myself. I sympathize. Haven't been to my local health food store in 8 months for this reason

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Most recently, flirting with a girl at her jewellery stall then later finding out her pops was standing by, probably observing, then later still finding out she was considerably younger that what I'd first assumed. Danger zone.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Today I bought some food and it came to £5.30 but the asian chap in the shop pronounced 'thirty' so oddly that I couldn't understand him at all and just had to thrust coins at him

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Guest Lube Saibot

lube saibot made fun of my (new) girlfriend, didn't bother me at all


correction, i didn't know who his new girlfriend was, so i drunkenly hobble over to him sitting next to his new girlfriend and ask if the new girlfriend is faring well.


she smiled knowingly.


in retrospect it was actually pretty cool.



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I just watched a video of me doing mad footwurk to dj nate at a preparty

oh fuck--this footage would be solid gold. A bounty of 10 rubies is placed on this video. Where's Boba?



It might end up on youtube :p

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