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saw these taken from twitter comedy people on some site somewhere. thought they were funny. fuck it.


Feed a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Feed a fish a man and he’ll eat for like two and a half months



As my 5 year-old son and I carved the pumpkin today, I swear I heard him say, “That’s what happens to snitches.”



Had my son’s hearing tested because he’s always yelling. Turns out he’s just an asshole :sad:



I like my women the way I like my Star Wars films – At least 27 years old & never having had Hayden Christensen in them.



A super quick way to look really disturbing is to walk through the rain really slowly without trying to cover yourself at all.



TBS you don’t need to announce “you are watching the wizard of oz” over the shot of Dorothy walking down the fucking yellow brick road.



I am eating that dense German health bread that is the size and weight of a thick leather wallet.



12 string guitars only have 6 extra strings, but they’re 85 TIMES as likely to be used in a song about wizards.



Just visited MySpace. Half the lights are out, bears are living in my comments section, and a homeless guy’s been pooping in my blog.



If someone says they’re only human, give them a second look. That sure does sound like something a robot would say.



Your funky hat lets me know that you’re crazy.



Finding the perfect analogy is like balancing a muffin on a pencil.



I think I could fake sign language myself out of a jam.



Sometimes playing catch is very similar to throwing things at a child in a backyard.



“Ok, sure.” -Nicolas Cage, after reading any script.



That cop says I should go to jail for smoking PCP in my car, but I say that cop should go to jail for being a saber-toothed tiger.



I think more than one company should be allowed to sell Monopoly.


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A super quick way to look really disturbing is to walk through the rain really slowly without trying to cover yourself at all.




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