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Why America is an awesome country


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How very sound of your government, they're just looking out for you.


I didnt even believe this when I read the title.



The FBI has claimed a right to lie to courts, not just withhold state secrets. This is amazingly brazen.
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I love anti-america threads! One of these days we are going to get bombed to smithereens by the whole world, and then everyone will live in peace and harmony forever!

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I love anti-america threads! One of these days we are going to get bombed to smithereens by the whole world, and then everyone will live in peace and harmony forever!


Perhaps the title was a bit overzealous. But it really did piss me off a lot.

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The FBI has claimed a right to lie to courts, not just withhold state secrets. This is amazingly brazen.


well, at least they're being honest about it.

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On a related note:


May 16th 2011

Indiana court strips citizens of right to resist unlawful police entry: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/05/16/indiana-court-strips-citizens-of-right-to-resist-unlawful-police-entry/

A little-noticed Indiana Supreme Court decision late last week overturned long-standing precedent and stripped citizens of the right to resist unlawful police entry to their homes, in a move dissenting justices called "breathtaking" and "unnecessarily broad."

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Ummmmm... Offended American here! Now if you excuse me I have Big Macs to eat and Nascar to watch and other countries to not give A SHIT about.

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So, are vagina's being frisked? I need to know.



Aggressively my good sir, aggressively.


*taps side of nose knowingly*

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Guest abusivegeorge

man i would kill for some aggressive vagina frisking right now.


with my penis.



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The FBI has claimed a right to lie to courts, not just withhold state secrets. This is amazingly brazen.


well, at least they're being honest about it.


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