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perhaps he has....you have a point no doubt.



but this is, if nothing, a lie that he was caught giving outright for no reason other than to lie.



so whats that say about his going to the mat for anything?

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Agreed, ranky. I knew nothing of this guy before weinergate, and I still haven't been following it that closely, but my overwhelming impression is ~


- if anything, weinergate proves he's about as honest as politicians come. He seems to be colossally naive, not a sleazebag. First he's naive enough to send the pics by twitter. Second he didn't actually do anything. It seems he was at the very start of exploring the idea that his position and "asset" could get him some action on the side. Third, he was stupid enough to lie at first, then follow up with a mea culpa. Didn't he learn anything from Bill? Americans aren't ready for the truth. You can just imagine him having a showdown with his (probably dominant) wife (given that he was too intimidated to actually follow through on the weinerpics), she gets the truth out of him, and urges him to come clean, and he follows her advice (though admittedly, it would have been very hard to continue lying with the huge trail of evidence he left behind). Lastly his apartment is quite modest, which means he probably takes his "civil servant" role seriously.


Now is exactly the time TO keep him in office - hopefully he's a bit wiser, and the public shaming has nipped his sleazebag impulse in the bud early. He'll probably be on his best behavior from now on. If not, and he gets nabbed again, then I agree with others, perhaps it'll be a growing up experience for the US public, to accept politicians with "flaws."


Btw I don't think there's necessarily truth to the idea that philandering distracts a public figure from their job. Speaking from personal experience, I've been most in need of a "release valve" during the times when I've been working the hardest. Given this dude's level of fitness, and the fact that watmm folks liked him, I'm guessing he's a hard worker. Probably needed something light and playful on the side, free from responsibility, where he could just be a little boy. Been there.

yes to all of this.


everyone here seems to take the "who cares what he does in his private life" approach, which makes sense for the sausage fest that is watmm. I have to agree. But other I've talked to, mostly women, usually come out with the "if he's a public figure then he should carry himself better than average people." it's a fair argument. Someone more eloquent than I tell me why that's wrong so I feel comfortable with my initial gut reaction.

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Guest underscore


what an ego on this dude! we have politicians complimenting their own wangs on television. america, fuck yeah!

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From time to time, we all do stupid things in the name of our Wieners, but as a public figure, you should know better.


She find pictures in my email

I sent this bitch a picture of my dick

I don't know what it is with females

But I'm not too good at that shit


See, I could have me a good girl

And still be addicted to them hood rats

And I just blame everything on you

At least you know that's what I'm good at


And I always find, yeah, I always find, yeah, I always find something wrong

You been putting up with my shit just way too long

I'm so gifted at finding what I don't like the most

So I think it's time for us to have a toast


Let's have a toast for the douchebags

Let's have a toast for the assholes

Let's have a toast for the scumbags

Every one of them that I know



Not that I really care what this dude does.

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Agreed, ranky. I knew nothing of this guy before weinergate, and I still haven't been following it that closely, but my overwhelming impression is ~


- if anything, weinergate proves he's about as honest as politicians come. He seems to be colossally naive, not a sleazebag. First he's naive enough to send the pics by twitter. Second he didn't actually do anything. It seems he was at the very start of exploring the idea that his position and "asset" could get him some action on the side. Third, he was stupid enough to lie at first, then follow up with a mea culpa. Didn't he learn anything from Bill? Americans aren't ready for the truth. You can just imagine him having a showdown with his (probably dominant) wife (given that he was too intimidated to actually follow through on the weinerpics), she gets the truth out of him, and urges him to come clean, and he follows her advice (though admittedly, it would have been very hard to continue lying with the huge trail of evidence he left behind). Lastly his apartment is quite modest, which means he probably takes his "civil servant" role seriously.


Now is exactly the time TO keep him in office - hopefully he's a bit wiser, and the public shaming has nipped his sleazebag impulse in the bud early. He'll probably be on his best behavior from now on. If not, and he gets nabbed again, then I agree with others, perhaps it'll be a growing up experience for the US public, to accept politicians with "flaws."


Btw I don't think there's necessarily truth to the idea that philandering distracts a public figure from their job. Speaking from personal experience, I've been most in need of a "release valve" during the times when I've been working the hardest. Given this dude's level of fitness, and the fact that watmm folks liked him, I'm guessing he's a hard worker. Probably needed something light and playful on the side, free from responsibility, where he could just be a little boy. Been there.

yes to all of this.


everyone here seems to take the "who cares what he does in his private life" approach, which makes sense for the sausage fest that is watmm. I have to agree. But other I've talked to, mostly women, usually come out with the "if he's a public figure then he should carry himself better than average people." it's a fair argument. Someone more eloquent than I tell me why that's wrong so I feel comfortable with my initial gut reaction.


wow. just no. just no.



first off, what he does in his private life, if revealed to the public, should come under scrutiny, as he is a public official, and should expect that intrusion into his life. HOWEVER that makes him guilty of NOTHING in terms of his ability as a public official.



once the man lies, however, about something, that shows his inability to maintain honesty as a public official...therefore he should get the kick.




its fine to accept officials with flaws. but the motherfucker didnt admit the flaw when confronted with it. instead he blatantly lied. thats a very different thing, and for a fucking public official, ahem, a MAN WE VOTED FOR TO BE HONEST SO AS TO LET US UNDERSTAND WHAT WE ARE PAYING INTO....if Weiner had any balls he would have openly admitted to it, and said "So the FUCK WHAT?" Did he waste taxpayer money? Did he break a law?



There are officials murdering and raping entire societies in the name of American freedom with almost no way to reign them in publicaly, but it suits us to get our justice against a loudmouth sexualized state rep. on the small scale of things. I hate to pull this card, but in this case I feel that its warranted.



this was a complete waste of our time until the man lied about what he had sent out to people. which makes even more of a mockery of our govt.



fuck this shit i hate this shit.



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How do you guys know so much about these politician's stances and views? I guess I dont really care enough about them unless they are the butt of a joke. Not kidding. I had no idea what Wiener was all about women's rights. Even more wonderful irony

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He shoud step down cause he is fucking stupid. Pics? Bare chested? Get a fucking life. Random women? What a fucking dork. Step down for being a fucking dork. You nerd. DC is the nerdiest town. Over grown trust fund brats running around. Dislike

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He shoud step down cause he is fucking stupid. Pics? Bare chested? Get a fucking life. Random women? What a fucking dork. Step down for being a fucking dork. You nerd. DC is the nerdiest town. Over grown trust fund brats running around. Dislike





humanity needs to die for good. ugly truth.

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He shoud step down cause he is fucking stupid. Pics? Bare chested? Get a fucking life. Random women? What a fucking dork. Step down for being a fucking dork. You nerd. DC is the nerdiest town. Over grown trust fund brats running around. Dislike



full disclosure: I haven't watched any video of him lying. Might feel more like SR4 in that case. But as someone else said, it's rare to find a half-decent politician, and if he is one, better not throw him away too quickly.


I also think Pelosi saying he should step down is sad. Why can't she just say nothing. Apparently Barbara Wawa said she was impressed with his pics. Lol I like that woman.

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Guest yikes

This is not a private issue. He is a public servant. He was hired to serve a constituency and this is interfering with his ability to do that. I doubt there's a soul in Washington or New York government that will lift a limb for him at this point. Further to that end he seems to have used public resources in both the act and the cover-up.


To paraphrase a guy who's smarter than me, Weiner volunteered for the front line of a war he knew full well the stakes of, and in the middle of a firefight he handed his enemies a loaded rifle. He should step down, and if he doesn't, he should be unceremoniously removed when New York redistricts. This dude has a 100% rating from womens rights groups, he was one of the most vocal proponents of gender equality issues. Think on that for a second and ask yourself if he should be allowed to keep his job.


I seriously cannot believe this shit. How much of a moron can you be. The dude sent dick pics to girls he met online whose identities he could not verify, using his public twitter account (he claims he intended to DM; well you fool it's still your public twitter account). Dude is done, as well he should be

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To paraphrase a guy who's smarter than me, Weiner volunteered for the front line of a war he knew full well the stakes of, and in the middle of a firefight he handed his enemies a loaded rifle. He should step down, and if he doesn't, he should be unceremoniously removed when New York redistricts. This dude has a 100% rating from womens rights groups, he was one of the most vocal proponents of gender equality issues. Think on that for a second and ask yourself if he should be allowed to keep his job.


Being the devil's advocate: he's obviously a guy who dances the tango with lots of women. But would that make him a bad proponent on gender equality issues? I'd argue he'd be a good one. Think of all the experience he's got with women. There's only one way to knowing the female point of view for a guy. If more politicians were good with women, there would be far less equality issues.


And why would he be good with women? Don't forget it takes two to tango. These women knew bloody well where things were going, and were playing along just as well.


Also, an excellent soldier handing enemies a loaded rifle would still be an excellent soldier. The analogy is skewed. First, politics should not be a battlefield, or even compared to it. Second, if all soldiers on the front line would be expelled whenever they made a mistake, there wouldn't be a front line.

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I don't see why he should resign at all. So he's got caught and appeared in the media for have pictures of himself and sending stuff to random women. Does this in any way affect the way he does his job and his ability? I don't know diddly about the man himself, whether he's good or bad at what he does, taking pictures and being seedy wouldn't change his ability.


And all this "he should be a decent public figure" is complete bullshit nowadays. He's not a peado or a rapist so leave the pervert alone to get on with what satisfys him. It's not like he's doing it while he's working.

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But at the same time, he did everything he could to assfuck his career, thinking it wouldn't happen. Proves a certain level of incompetence right there.

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sometimes he just eerily reminds me of blowhard morons like Bill Oriely with stupid shit like this




fucking embarassing :facepalm:


edit: we've actually been doing a 'bill maher watch' on the politcal podcast i do with my sister because of his recent (in the last year) odd water carrying he does for the establishment


what exactly is embarrassing about that video?




oh haha you meant the part where he describes muslim terrorism as 'the greatest threat against our country' do you actually agree with that premise? do you find the tone of Fox news embarrassing?


edit: at first i thought you linked to the other video i posted, which actually wasn't that bad but really? you don't find this slightly embarrassing that he makes several US jingoistic blanket generalizations about muslim culture?


edit2: you don't find his odd tunnel vision use of the word 'they' troubling in the face of his claims of being non religiously minded? Luckily Ellison corrected him and said 'what do you mean by the bill, do you mean the taliban? iran? who are you talking about'. Unfortunately most ignorant americans think in a strange tunnel vision way and actually believe we are waging a real military effort against 'the terrorists' and that they can mean any scary arab who talks about killing americans, which is an absurd premise on its face

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If limbaugh/hannity represent the republican party i think it's fair to say Maher is the equivalent for the democratic party, but as far as being very 'left' i'd say he's much more centrist than even his counterparts Stewart/Colbert, who are moderate liberals at best

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this whole 'Weinergate' scandal makes me think back to the classic conspiracy theory that every mainstream politician is hiding something secret and potentially compromising about themselves that 'higher ups' are aware of. IT seems if Weiner has been doing this for so long and so out in the open, it was only a matter of time before his career imploded like this. TMZ just released like 20 more photos of him posing bare chested at the gym, some of them he's hididing only his genital area with a carefully placed towel.


makes me think that people like Ron Paul and Dennish Kucinich probably have no real 'dirt' on them, it's the only way they have been able to be out spoken for so long

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But at the same time, he did everything he could to assfuck his career, thinking it wouldn't happen. Proves a certain level of incompetence right there.


i would say not only does it show incompetence it shows an insanely high amount of Hurbis similar to the hubris exhibited by Elliot Spitzer.

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wamen don't want to see pics of your dick and chest. It's a guy thing. He doesn't know women! He didn't tango. The opposite in fact. Women are into emotion and romance.

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wamen don't want to see pics of your dick and chest. It's a guy thing. He doesn't know women! He didn't tango. The opposite in fact. Women are into emotion and romance.


yeah yeah

and when they fart it's like tinkerbell blowing the smell of roses in your face.

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