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i love all these bullshit 'woman dont like that' claims. I hear the claim that women don't like porn either and that 'tis a guy thing' luckily science has proven that completely wrong! clitoral blood flow equals penile blood flow of arousal during porn in actual studies.

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But apparently he was sending pics to random women? Unsolicited, unmoistened women. They get skeeved when you do this. Not that I've tried.

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But at the same time, he did everything he could to assfuck his career, thinking it wouldn't happen. Proves a certain level of incompetence right there.


i would say not only does it show incompetence it shows an insanely high amount of Hurbis similar to the hubris exhibited by Elliot Spitzer.


this is a good point. But we all liked Elliot Spitzer when he appeared on "Inside Job" didn't we? (ok, maybe only I did, but he seems smart and on the "right" side)


Yeah, I'm pretty easygoing when it comes to this sort of stuff.


Regarding the "he knew what he was getting into" comment, um we elected him to be a politician, not a priest. Sure he should have exercised better judgment, but I really only care about how he performs his job. Wish the rest of America felt the same.


When I look at Weiner I think "dumbass." When I look at anyone who would force him out of office for his indiscretion, I think "traitor to the country." Ie., I would much rather Ken Starr have been tarred and feathered than Bill Clinton, what he did in my estimation was immeasurably more toxic and anti-American.

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But at the same time, he did everything he could to assfuck his career, thinking it wouldn't happen. Proves a certain level of incompetence right there.


i would say not only does it show incompetence it shows an insanely high amount of Hurbis similar to the hubris exhibited by Elliot Spitzer.


this is a good point. But we all liked Elliot Spitzer when he appeared on "Inside Job" didn't we? (ok, maybe only I did, but he seems smart and on the "right" side)


Yeah, I'm pretty easygoing when it comes to this sort of stuff.


I really enjoyed for a time both Weiner and Spitzzers ability to perform political theatrics for public consumption, i mean it's not often a politician can actually make headlines because of a rousing speech, bernie sanders gets it sometimes but Weiner seemed to become a household name overnight.

At the same time though i can't help but feel like having that kind of passion and driving determination in certain aspects of politics (same thing can be said for Spitzer pissing off the some of the richest people in the world living in his own city) lead to their own demise, often these kind of personality traits are a double edged sword. Where one can be a firey contentious but principaled strong willed son of a bitch on the house floor, that same person might also find himself virtually invincible sending sexy pics out to 20 some people from his workplace. It's the classic parable of the strong ego being the key to one's success but also one's own demise.


Regarding the "he knew what he was getting into" comment, um we elected him to be a politician, not a priest. Sure he should have exercised better judgment, but I really only care about how he performs his job. Wish the rest of America felt the same.


yeah pretty much agree

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Guest yikes

the headlines are still great


"more pressure on wiener"

"wiener leaves for treatment"


after all is said and done i agree with lumpy, we the mothefucking people are due a porno dvd from all this nonsense

it would give everyone closure and timeless art would be created

,ball-sacks emptied

wiener and ginger lee-soon to be released from the valley on a filetube near you in about a week


Also huma is pretty cute i wouldn't mind stuffing her fulla my wiener,what was this guy thinking?

maybe she is super boring/devout muslim in bed?

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

Is there a term for that kind thing? What would be the twitter variation of Sexting be?



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I've always thought of people that use Twitter as "Twitter Twats" so Twatting should be entered into the English dictionary for everyday use. Twatting, yes.

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