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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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And here's the photo. Yes, I'm aware that they look like clown shoes or bowling shoes. Don't care. I bought them off a guy at work who sold me four pairs of boots for $120, pretty good deal imo.



I admire that you're working on developing your style and don't get discouraged but... Damn, Gina.


That ain't houndstooth, that's chicken wire.


Black and white and red are kind of the most statementy of color choices, and those are very ostentatious patterns.


Black shirts and black pants alone are actually so forceful that either alone is sort of discouraged in a lot of conservative professional attire (eg no black except in shoes and belt prior to 6pm, have to go with grey or charcoal or navy suits when doing respectful business to show you ain't trying to overshadow anyone). That kind of conservative standard isn't necessarily what you should adhere to, but it's something you might want to keep in mind whilst deciding how far you want to push the envelope (if indeed you want to push it).


So but wearing a lot of black alone is a little showy, but that isn't a sin or anything. And but so if you're wearing black and white... Uh, that kind of contrast is what you build a formal evening thing out of with a tux, or a kind of flashy white shirt and black (not charcoal!) suit deal at a fancy non-business shindig or a date nite or something. Black and white is definitely statementy, so like really make it count.


Basically I'm trying to say as nicely as possible that that jacket is over the top in a I'm a pimp kind of way, because that pattern is exaggerated and not at all traditional and that's a lot of contrast. Which might be cool if you're playing a gig or out having fun but I'd honestly get fired by my boss if I wore that to work. It's a novelty jacket. I could never pull it off in a million years.


And then I'm just... The boots are sort of. Like I just. Um. Again it's kind of novelty and "fun" and you maybe can rock them but when you pair them with the jacket you better be willing to back up the statement that you're making which is basically I've got the biggest swinging dick on this commuter rail and my swag is such that if you were to light up the world with a uv lamp you would see a thousand slugtrails heading away from kanye west and towards my aforementioned genitalia.


This is just my opinion and you didn't ask for it and I'm nobody to say what you should do and I apologize if I offend because I like you, modey. I think you probably look great most of the time but that outfit is flashy as fuck and my dick isn't big enough to pull it off.


I mean, you go with what works for you, but... Damn, Gina.

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I've got no idea what 'damn, gina' means. But the fact is, I did wear that to work yesterday and didn't get fired. That said, my workplace is lenient as fuck when it comes to dress code (ie. there isn't a dress code).

I don't intend to be traditional either, by any means. Maybe a little, but more in terms of shape rather than colour.

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Damn Gina is from the 1990s U.S television sitcom "Martin" starring Martin Lawrence, who used to say Damn Gina a lot.


And I'm ok with you wearing whatever you'd like and I know most workplaces are more lenient than mine re: dresscode. I wasn't suggesting you should get fired or anything. It's just a flashy get up is all and you mentioned getting weird looks and I'm just saying why maybe you were, but if you're dressing how you want to dress, then keep on truckin.


But yeah, guys can't get away with too much at once without getting weird looks, as you've discovered.

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Went out to a friend's gig lastnight, with the intention of only consuming the contents of my hipflask and then going home. Of course that didn't happen, as afterwards we headed to a warehouse party, and then somehow ended up at a really mainstream party where people were dancing to disturbingly Pendulum-esque pop drum and bass. Spent all of my money on beer and taxis. The first world problem being that I need to exercise self control, aargh!


I'm lactose intolerant, but I can't stop drinking white russians.

Use soy milk?

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Eugh. Seeing people who have been writing music for only a couple of years post on facebook that they are at the TOP OF THE ELECTRONIC CHARTS on beatport or whatever.

I know you gotta be in it to win it and I'm not really in it (I don't network, I don't play gigs, I don't really ever really do anything but write songs and post them on forums)

but its still very demoralising

I have been writing music for fifteen years!

Considering how long that is I should be fucking amazing at it, but I'm just kind of 'pretty good'

Ah well, I'll keep chipping away at it

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Yeah, it's pretty fucked really. You have to be a bit of a whore to get noticed these days. It's not enough to just make amazing music. Which is why I get frustrated when trying to get gigs and such. I'm a performer, not a promoter!

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Yeah, exactly. It just reinforces my cynicism toward people. There's only a handful of people that I know that actually EXPLORE music (like there are only a few people I know who are into stuff for reasons other than that their friends got them into it. Turn the fucking radio on at random hours! Click on random links! Find some shit)


Having said that, the onus is on me to do better.

I still believe that if your shit is insane it will find its way to people.

I have to make more insane shit I guess


you seem to be doing brilliantly with the scene over there though dude!

Edited by od++
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I think your stuff is pretty damn excellent already! I just wish I knew the right promoters, etc to get you out here for some shows.


Eh, I get gigs every now and then, I guess. Haven't played since April, but then again a synthpop band contacted me lastnight about playing some gigs together soon so that could be promising.

My problem is that my music isn't chippy enough to be considered a permanent part of the chiptune scene (ie. I don't use a gameboy or other console to compose tracks), and I don't 'DJ' so can pretty much forget about the dance based electronic scene. Experimental gigs are easy to get but nobody fucking dances!

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Yeah, it's pretty fucked really. You have to be a bit of a whore to get noticed these days. It's not enough to just make amazing music. Which is why I get frustrated when trying to get gigs and such. I'm a performer, not a promoter!


you can book your own gigs


how do you think 'scenes' start?

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And here's the photo. Yes, I'm aware that they look like clown shoes or bowling shoes. Don't care. I bought them off a guy at work who sold me four pairs of boots for $120, pretty good deal imo.



I would have just thought you were in a ska band.

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And here's the photo. Yes, I'm aware that they look like clown shoes or bowling shoes. Don't care. I bought them off a guy at work who sold me four pairs of boots for $120, pretty good deal imo.



I would have just thought you were in a ska band.



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Yeah, it's pretty fucked really. You have to be a bit of a whore to get noticed these days. It's not enough to just make amazing music. Which is why I get frustrated when trying to get gigs and such. I'm a performer, not a promoter!


you can book your own gigs


how do you think 'scenes' start?

Like I said, I'm not a promoter. I don't have the time to rehearse and promote at the same time. I know it sounds silly for me to complain about it when I don't want to book my own gigs, but the truth is that I just can't pull the crowds that the dedicated promoters can. Maybe I should get a manager, haha.

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