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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Guest disparaissant

i accidentally ate bread with milk in it and i am basically in a foetal position because fuck you lactose

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i accidentally ate bread with milk in it and i am basically in a foetal position because fuck you lactose


i feel for you, i know how that's like i was lactose intolerant my whole childhood but it went away. i used to drink goats milk instead of cows milk.

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donut or bageldonut or bagel donut or bagel donut or bagel donut or bagel donut or bagel donut or bagel donut or bagel donut or bagel donut or bagel donut or bagel donut or bagel donut or bagel


too late for both


i want both and an espresso


apple spice fabreze smells like compost bin after a few days

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this advert [ safety warning] keeps coming up on spotify (audio only, now i've watched the video and i'm even more depressed about it (camera filming a camera wtf):


is that his natural voice? what a dick. level crossings,..headphones.. wtf

Edited by tauboo
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Thanks. He's got it 3 out of 5 times since the first one, and the other two were tub turds, so not the worst thing in the world.

My FWP is that the second season of Louis CK is only at 72% and I've got nacho fixings waiting to melt on some nachos... 13 more minutes this is bullshit.

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The power has been out in my flat since I got home (1 hour or so). Technicians upgrading the electricity meter. When I got home they told me 5mins, so I went for a walk, came back and they said 10mins. Now it's 40mins later and still no power, gah. I wanna watch breaking bad!

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Guest jasondonervan

The new office I moved to a couple of weeks ago has been fairly empty most of the time, populated mainly by the team I work within. Unfortunately everyone else has shuffled in to fill the rest of the desk spaces as of this morning, and it's turned into a rowdy cacophony of banal office chatter. I think more days working from home are in order.

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Guest Gary C

My phone at work has been replaced with a fancy model. I've used the thing probably 10 times in 3 years.


But the problem is that the fancy new display is too bright. It's brighter than my monitor and keeps distracting me. This isn't any good when I do the bare-bare-bear minimum anyway.

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Another FWP to offset the good news: I bought this cononut-caramel-crunch "hawaiian" coffee and it's gross.


This makes me really sad, because the best coffee I've ever had was in Hawaii (Kona), black and pure and fresh, and just thinking about it makes me happy, and just reading your description of bullshit "hawaiian" signifiers makes me want to puke.

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Guest disparaissant

í jumped through a ton of hoops trying to land a job where i was one of two finalists and didn't get it and knew the whole time that i should probably not bother since the other person was more qualified for the position they were looking for (though i'm more qualified for what they do in general) but i'm still fucking let down that i didn't get the job.

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Guest jasondonervan

í jumped through a ton of hoops trying to land a job where i was one of two finalists and didn't get it and knew the whole time that i should probably not bother since the other person was more qualified for the position they were looking for (though i'm more qualified for what they do in general) but i'm still fucking let down that i didn't get the job.


Replace with less and add 'stitch-up job' somewhere in the mix, and this was me about 4 months ago. I'm pleased to report that fucks given by me now equate to zero, as it turns out the job I went for didn't materialise into the job that was promised for the 'successful' candidate.


Sorry to hear about your fun and games, but try and channel that disappointment into determination to get the next one.

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Guest disparaissant

i'm less messed up about it right now. it would have been really awesome to get that job because it would have meshed with my school schedule perfectly. the position was for design work which i LOVE but which is not actually what i'm studying any more. the person who got the job is. fair's fair i guess. the job was pubilicity coordinator for the lgbt center in town. and i nailed the interview so hard they're recommending me for a temporary position in the women's resource center and then want me to sign on when they need someone else. so it's not a total loss i guess.

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Guest jasondonervan

C'est la vie. Good news on the temporary role though, sounds like they had a tough time choosing yet still want to keep you in the frame for the future.

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I keep contacting promoters in the hope of playing shows at regular electronic nights, but seem to be too upbeat for the experimental electronic guys, not chip enough for the chip guys, and too psychedelic for the dance guys. I'm tempted to just pander to individual tastes in my demos and then once I actually get the gigs, play my usual upbeat stuff.. stand out from the others etc. This might result in me gaining a reputation as someone who is notorious for going against the grain, haha.

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could go out i suppose. but feeling too weird. just drinking alone, but it's kind of boring. i honestly have no idea qwhat i'm doing any


i spilled wine on my keyboard last week and some of the keys dont work anymore, including backspace



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could go out i suppose. but feeling too weird. just drinking alone, but it's kind of boring. i honestly have no idea qwhat i'm doing any

augh, I know that feeling too well. I'll plan to go out, and to save money I'll have a couple of drinks at home first, but then I get comfortable and end up staying in, listening to records.

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could go out i suppose. but feeling too weird. just drinking alone, but it's kind of boring. i honestly have no idea qwhat i'm doing any

augh, I know that feeling too well. I'll plan to go out, and to save money I'll have a couple of drinks at home first, but then I get comfortable and end up staying in, listening to records.

I feel so judged when I tell people IRL about the nights I spend drinking alone. It's a good thing others WATMMers exist. :beer:

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chatmm used to give me the illusion of social antics even in my most incredible, last-minute failures of going out. it's so much nicer to pretend you have friends online than pay money to pretend you have friends in a bar.

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Haha, well, my main problem lately is that I get frustrated that all of my friends play at the events that I attend and I don't seem to get the same amount of exposure. Which leads to me staying home more often than usual, and therefore not getting a chance to 'network'.. It's a dangerous cycle!

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