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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I got pretty sick in India and had to get hooked up to an IV with antibiotics in my hotel bedroom. Which only cost about $60 USD including all the pills and the doctor visit.


Then, a few days later, I had to see another Indian doc because I kept getting numb and dizzy.


Turns out I have high blood pressure. He prescribed me some antihypertensives, and again the whole process was dirt cheap (pills maybe $5).


I'm back in the states and my hands and face keep going numb and tingly. I don't have health insurance. I can't afford to see a doctor in this country.

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I think one of my front lower teeth is loose and wants to come out, but it's being held in place by a metal wire/cement that's connected to it's equivalent tooth on the other side. It hurts like a bitch if I'm chewing something tough on it. I dreamt last night that it fell out, along with the one beside it shortly after, and became convinced that wire was the only thing holding my bottom teeth in place. Woke up relieved that it was only a dream, but then remembered I still had a potentially major tooth problem in reality. Any time I hear about someone visiting the dentist to any procedure done it usually costs them over a grand. Fuck that.


But the above FWPs sound worse, and I really hope ingrown toenails wins most IDM 2014. It'll probably just be something nerdy instead.

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I've been doing this thing where I put everything I fancy, music wise, into a spreadsheet and head down it buying a few everynow and then. Now I have a huge list which will take me ages to reach the bottom of. Every time I purchase more gets added. It seems like I'll never buy an album soon after release. I seem to be sticking to my ordered list strictly. Is that OCD?

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Only if you buy it because it's on the list and not because you genuinely want it. Lists can be cool ways of solidifying intentions.

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my hair's thinning near the crown. fuck.

I've had the same problem the past two years or so. I've just taken to shaving my entire head with a 3mm attachment as a solution. Helps blend it in better that way I think.

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I got pretty sick in India and had to get hooked up to an IV with antibiotics in my hotel bedroom. Which only cost about $60 USD including all the pills and the doctor visit.


Then, a few days later, I had to see another Indian doc because I kept getting numb and dizzy.


Turns out I have high blood pressure. He prescribed me some antihypertensives, and again the whole process was dirt cheap (pills maybe $5).


I'm back in the states and my hands and face keep going numb and tingly. I don't have health insurance. I can't afford to see a doctor in this country


Why are you taking medicine to fix a diet and lifestyle problem?

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Because I had no issues until I got diarrhea and became dehydrated despite drinking ORS and water and it was only a five day course of meds anyway? My bp was fine three weeks ago (when I still had insurance). Jeez mom, I've been watching what I eat and trying to exercise and I don't smoke and I barely drink anymore.


The FWP is that a doctor in the states could help me monitor shit and rule out other (more/less serious) things re the numbness and I can't afford a 10 minute checkup.

Edited by baph
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Guest Iain C

My only real pal at work is leaving to move back up north and spend time with a sick elderly relative. He's definitely made the right decision, but I'll miss having someone to talk to.


Plus I'm going to have to help train his replacement, meaning more work for no extra reward.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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It's almost 4AM and I need to get up at 10:30am to follow up on what I told my friend I'd do, and my bed is another 40 minutes away, minimum. That particular combination is totally not in sync with my lifestyle. And I need to eat something substantial ASAP. Damn damn DAMN.

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it's the nicest day we've had all year here, and I gotta spend all day interviewing for jobs... this is only a half problem though, it may be the end of my being broke.

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I just bought a brand new reissue of the Smashing Pumpkins vinyl Siamese Dream, but Urban Outfitters saw fit to put not only a bit sticky as fuck price tag label on it but also a "oh shit that's never coming off unless I ruin the sleeve" electronic tag label on. GRRRR!!!


Plus I'm stuck in tonight as my siblings are not available and going out on your own here is pants. Meh!

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My throat hurts like a motherfucker. I can hardly swallow my own spit.


This always happens to me around spring time for some reason.


(whine whine)

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move to the desert near the sea. No pollen.


Are you suggesting it might be asthma or something. Never really thought about it.


But aren't your eyes suppossed to be all swollen if it's asthma?

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A super hot girl I've be flirting with for weeks showed next to zero interest in me at a party and instead talked to a strong attractive Argentinian of nazi descent. I was very upset and being a whiny bitch and then felt ungrateful and unfaithful that this got my dander up when I already have a super hot gf. Then I felt even worse and went home and felt like shit. Yay!!!

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(unimportant FWP update)

Elevator in my apartment complex is offline "until further notice", and the water will be shut off tomorrow from 8 AM to 5:30 PM. Laundry room is on the bottom floor and I live on the top floor, but at least I'm getting exercise. I will shower before bed tonight and hope I don't need to use the toilet in the morning before work.

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move to the desert near the sea. No pollen.


Are you suggesting it might be asthma or something. Never really thought about it.


But aren't your eyes suppossed to be all swollen if it's asthma?



asthma, no i was just talking about alergies, which fill your sinuses, and puff up your eyes and what not. Asthma is more about not being able to breath cause your lungs tense up.


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My sherbet lemons, which, may I add, are called lemon sherbets, crack after a few small sucks and the contents are solid sherbet and not dusty like they should be.

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