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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Applying for a job that I have a pretty good chance of getting, and will pay a LOT more than my current job, doing the same kind of work; but I don't want to leave my amazing workplace :/

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It's my friend's birthday and I have a fancy beer I need to deliver to him before party time's over. But I'm abnormally tired, it's 10pm, and he's probably about to pass out from drinking all day. It's going to take a half hour to walk there. I'm going to arrive and be all awkward and weird. Also, I have no beer for myself and the liquor store is closed. Damn damn damn!

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I got a pretty bad upper crotch bruise while mountain biking the other day - it now it hurts to wear pants. Staying home all day with no pants on. This is so uncomfortable seriously. I need to embrace the pantslessness but I cannot. + it hurts like a motherf****r when i sit up or bump into stuff.

Edited by yshf
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Guest jasondonervan

I still don't understand why people can't not wear clothing. i only dress so i don't get arrested.


Duuuuuude! Respect the never-nuuuuuuudes....

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Throw a molotov at him. He'll get the point.

FWP: Some asshole yelled at me as i was trying to fix my car's alarm and then he came back and threw a molotov at me. Recovering with burns in the hospital right now.

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Someone just left the following comment on one of my metal song snippets on soundcloud:




Instruments sound delicious but good lord this is way too loud

Isn't "way too loud" a compliment for a metal song?

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Guest Sprigg

House/ dogsitting for my parents for a week and a half. Incredibly bored already and it's only been one day.

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Someone just left the following comment on one of my metal song snippets on soundcloud:




Instruments sound delicious but good lord this is way too loud

Isn't "way too loud" a compliment for a metal song?

why does volume make music any more valid? metal music is just as good quiet, but i'd rather the assault on my ears.

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Guest realtrance

There's a new Thomas Pynchon book coming out in a coupla months, but I have a huge book backlog and I've been too tired to read much lately.

I'll ask him to shorten it for you.

House/ dogsitting for my parents for a week and a half. Incredibly bored already and it's only been one day.

Are you allowed outside?


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Someone just left the following comment on one of my metal song snippets on soundcloud:




Instruments sound delicious but good lord this is way too loud

Isn't "way too loud" a compliment for a metal song?

why does volume make music any more valid? metal music is just as good quiet, but i'd rather the assault on my ears.


Well, I was just confused as to why it was an issue.. Maybe something to do with my mastering/compression choices? I dunno, I like the complete wall of noise that I've managed to achieve with it.

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My landlord is trying to evict the crazy coocoo lady who's been living rent-free in my duplex for the past 1.5 months, and called the cops over last night. They visited for about ten minutes and left, taking no action.

10 more days in that nuthouse and I can finally move 20 miles away from the city. Can't wait.

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my dad's bought a camera online from a dodgy company in hong kong. there's terrible reviews all over the internet about ripping people off, sending used, reconditioned, faulty or fake goods, zero support, non-existent warranty, the list goes on and on... no matter how much i warn him about this stuff, he still thinks he's got a bargain. a £260 camera for £190 is too good to be true!


:siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh: :facepalm:

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I need help with my alcoholism.


But it's a career limiting move to take short term disability to go to rehab lol,.


Maybe you could get someone to help you 1 on 1 for a month or so to ween yourself off instead of having to go to a hospital and get the dt's or whatever?

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I need help with my alcoholism.


But it's a career limiting move to take short term disability to go to rehab lol,.


Maybe you could get someone to help you 1 on 1 for a month or so to ween yourself off instead of having to go to a hospital and get the dt's or whatever?



I have the dts that's the scary part.... I have seizures, fever, and i'm tachyrdiatic if I don't have alcohol...... I've been struggling for years. I don't know what to do.... =(


I've been fighting it with on/off success for years.......



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Get help man . . short-term it might be hard with work but it sounds like you're in for a rough landing if you don't take care of it. Wish abusivegeorge was here to share his stories. If you're not sure you can do it on your own - like have even little doubts - get help. Go to rehab or meetings or whatever.


Much love & good luck dude.


edit: nice avatar

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I got a promotion at work and for the first time ever I'll have people reporting to me. The first world problem part being that most of my colleagues need to reapply for their jobs, and there aren't nearly enough jobs for everyone.. so most of my friends here will be leaving. I feel guilty about celebrating as a result!

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zole, I don't have to fire anyone, thank fuck. We already got super drunk on tuesday night after the announcement, so I guess that's kinda celebration..?

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