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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I started taking care of this beautiful dog because my cousin does not currently have the capacity to do so. My problem is that I know I won't be able to keep him forever, but he is awesome and I'm going to fall in love.


Why is that?

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Because she is going to want him back, and I told her I would take care of him until she is in a position to be able to care for him again.

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Well.. if she isn't in a position to care of it in the first place, she probably shouldn't have him back.


Keep him I say, even though that's probably easier said than done.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

im collabing with someone and the dude literally is an idiot. i mean, im not expecting much outta him cause he's a total noob but still, AT LEAST GET THE FUCKING NOTES RIGHT! i sent him some chord work and he made the melody but the notes arnt right. i told him about it and when he changed it it was still in the wrong key. dont even get me started on his percussion mixing (its awful). ive got a lot of work ahead of me.

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My cat's favorite cat food smells like a penguin tank.

My cat's favourite food smells uncomfortably similar to what comes out of her arse a few hours later.

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The outside drain has blocked up again, second time in two years. This means that i can't use the water in my house (lucky i've got some prepacked in the fridge then isn't it, you naysayers from that other thread ;-p )


probably gross alert



I knew that they should have never installed that fucking eco toilet when the other one's flush mechanism packed it in. I said that it wouldn't provide enough water. When the city of san fran mandated the same it caused the same dramas. The pipes have been engineered with more water per flush in mind, otherwise the system backs up. I have accounted for this by waiting for it to fill and flushing again, a couple of times, but really it's not the same. Fucking brisbane city council what a bunch of ignorant cunts, signing off on shit that they have no idea about just because it gets them feeling all warm and buzzy through the mantra of eco friendly. Once this shit happens to enough people i'll bet the winds will change. Of course rich people wouldn't install these toilets, they'd ignore the rule and just buy whatever the fuck they want. So they won't notice it's a problem. -sie- /rings real estate (i have tried using draino and whatever already, a professional is required) This won't be fixed until after i've had to get up and go to work probably. If it was my house i would have just rung up a 24 hr plumber and it would be sorted already. Renting is a pain.




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Do you not understand what the leaks said, or do you just not understand why people care?

why people care? I thought it was obvious police and shit were watching us for safety...

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Do you not understand what the leaks said, or do you just not understand why people care?



He's just trolling. Ironically attempting to be your fwp. Obviously we don't need to spend hundreds of billions worldwide on global millitary exercises and domestic spying networks, when the average number of western civilians killed by terroist actions has remained stable at an insignificant number, lower than shark attacks and certainly lightening strikes, for decades. What about the tens of thousands that die every year from road accidents (in the US alone)? We don't ban cars and force everyone on to government approved donkey carts. And how about the millions that die every year due to malnutrition, or even the hundreds of thousands due to (in the US again) a poorly functioning health care system. By any logical metric, the war on terror benefits not the public, it's an absolute disaster for the public. Long lines and invasive checks at the airports, any political action outside of that approved status quo is monitored and even agressively targeted with peace activists beaten and jailed, criminal records then blighting lives. And on and on. It's ridiculous in the extreme. Only a fool or someone who stands to gain financially would agree with what's happening.



(sorry, just killing time before work, the plumber is here (yay!!). Had to wake up early to deal with him (boo, hiSs !!))

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I dunno how much you've read about the subject logakght, but here's a few articles I dug up just now if you're interested. Start with the actual leak stories though if you haven't heard much about it. I'm honestly kinda baffled that you don't see why people are upset - the fourth amendment basically flew out the winda earlier this year.







edit: @delet, yar I don't think log is just trying to be a troll, I've seen him ask some pretty broad questions on the boards before and I like giving people the benefit of the doubt. but yes, the points you made help drive it all home. a ridiculous, expensive, intrusive, illegal surveillance state is all around us. check out that eff.org link ^^ kinda helps drive home the "chilling effect" that awe/erlichmann is always mentioning.

Edited by luke viia
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I dunno how much you've read about the subject logakght, but here's a few articles I dug up just now if you're interested. Start with the actual leak stories though if you haven't heard much about it. I'm honestly kinda baffled that you don't see why people are upset - the fourth amendment basically flew out the winda earlier this year.







edit: @delet, yar I don't think log is just trying to be a troll, I've seen him ask some pretty broad questions on the boards before and I like giving people the benefit of the doubt. but yes, the points you made help drive it all home. a ridiculous, expensive, intrusive, illegal surveillance state is all around us. check out that eff.org link ^^ kinda helps drive home the "chilling effect" that awe/erlichmann is always mentioning.

hey thanks meng. also yeah I ain't trolling this time.

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Also, they must have been running low on people to drone strike, because across north africa and the middle east to pakistan, they've gone and broken out criminals. My brother joked that they need them cause they were running low on mercenaries for the Syrian insurgency. But perhaps there'll be a september surprise and they need a purported cause for the intended effect.

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