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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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fucking lol, you guys are worried about agreeing and disagreeing. I was just trying to have a discussion/argument.


fucktard is probably my most signature word and is also short for fucking retard. I use it to give my poems more of my character, like on Vonnegut's 'so it goes.'


Yeah in general I have to say we have better quality of life than people in Middle Ages. The thing is people like to compare with each other, the competitive nature. Comparing wealth is one of the most common things people do. When poor people get rich, I don't think most of them are willing to donate their money back to the poor. That's fine. It's human nature to be greedy and not give a fuck about others. To help people get rich, you have to tell them to not get into debt. I'm just trying to educate fucktards.

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Krugman makes a pretty convincing argument for raising the minimum wage, and puts to rest the productivity issue as well (I'll give you a clue - Germany :) )


Sorry if I came off as snarky, just tying in HDI with the income inequality seems a little a disingenuous - there's little relationship there. HDI relates obviously to overall health of an economy, and I definitely agree that poor people in developed countries are very well off relative to people who live on under a dollar a day.


The reason I was tying in HDI was because our basic needs are well met in North America (and elsewhere) compared to hundreds of years ago. However, It seems that people have a sense of entitlement about them, like they should have as many nice things as a forensic accountant, a lawyer, or a CEO who has put a ton of hours into their profession, and have been highly responsive and adaptive to the opportunities that arise, but they want that stuff while working a gen-labour job or pumping gas. All this while they aren't even working nearly as hard as a farmer 120 years ago that had to work damn hard just to survive. They aren't thankful that they're able to survive off of flipping burgers or whatever, they want iphones and nice cars etc, when our forefathers weren't even sure if they'd survive the next winter.


Not sure I'm communicating effectively here, I'm going on about 20hrs with no sleep lol. I'm just ranting I guess. lol

Edited by StephenG
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I think i understand your point, however, there are many cases where people are not really actually surviving on minimum wage. And if you're someone who is at the top, you should be concerned with that.

Relative poverty is a bitch to deal with psychologically. I don't really think it's a sense of entitlement to want to be able to save money and not live paycheck to paycheck, or to ask for benefits, especially when corporate management is making huge profit off the labour of others (note to delet: this is not slavery ;) ).

It's also imperative to realize that while you certainly did work hard to get where you are, others who are working these menial jobs are working hard as well (seriously, flip burgers in a busy McDonalds and tell me its not hard work). Going a step beyond that, whose job provides more intrinsic value, that of the plumber or that of the accountant?

While it's certainly possible to make a shit-ton of money doing manual labour (my brother made close to $400,000 as an electrician in 2013 - yes working in the oil-fields north of Fort Mac), it's not the norm.


Now the idealist in me says that all members of our society should be accorded the same rights and privileges. While the realist in me says that will obviously never happen, it doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to lift everyone to live in relative comfort. After all, we are all humans, and should all be afforded dignity.


edit: this article about relative wealth is a fantastic read:


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Guest disparaissant

my fwp is just, linux in general.

i'm compiling linux from scratch on my RPi and it compiled for 28 or so hours and then errored out. and I have no idea why. siiiiigh.

and i'm trying to install debian on my mbp but am having a nightmarish time getting wireless to work - which is a problem because there's no ethernet to fall back on :|


also some asshole in my last class got called on and said he didn't read any of the shit we were supposed to read and the prof decided, based on that, to quiz us based on the readings from time to time.

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I feel stupid for not trying harder with a lovely lady I met tonight.


also being in gay bars and dancing to gay bar music, while a shitload of fun, presents a raft of FWPs.

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I feel stupid for not trying harder with a lovely lady I met tonight.


also being in gay bars and dancing to gay bar music, while a shitload of fun, presents a raft of FWPs.


Like what?



He can't get sausage out of his mind now. :happy:


That and keeps hearing The Village People everywhere he goes.

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I feel stupid for not trying harder with a lovely lady I met tonight.


also being in gay bars and dancing to gay bar music, while a shitload of fun, presents a raft of FWPs.


Like what?



He can't get sausage out of his mind now. :happy:


That and keeps hearing The Village People everywhere he goes.


Not seeing the problem.


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I feel stupid for not trying harder with a lovely lady I met tonight.


also being in gay bars and dancing to gay bar music, while a shitload of fun, presents a raft of FWPs.


Like what?



He can't get sausage out of his mind now. :happy:


That and keeps hearing The Village People everywhere he goes.


Shit, man. I didn't realize until last summer what the lyrics in "YMCA" were about when I attempted to sing it at karaoke. I was like "waaait aaa miiinuuu"

Not that I have anything against the LGBT community. I just thought the song was about something completely different before. Trippy.

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Aw man, Cool Edit...brings me back.


Is it freeware/abandonware now or can you buy it still?

well it's easy to find on the internet because everyone loves it but SHHHHHHHHHH. not to discuss those things


i think i found out what happened to me. i tried to save while the track was playing.

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