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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I was worried on my walk about something marginally douchee that i said in the radiohead/colbert thread. But now i can't be bother quoting myself in that thread, so that i can get a little self admonishment on. Much easier to write about thinking about doing all that in this thread.


UPDATE: Oh nos, i did it again, although this time it's less douchee and more silly.

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my roommate is apparently hellbent on keeping a copy of the Da Vinci Code out in plain sight in the living room, though I've never seen him reading it, or hanging out in the living room. I have a suspicion that he thinks Dan Brown makes him appear intelligent. If that's not a problem, I don't know what is

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I wanted to chill last night and play some vidyagames and my controller's batteries died.


The battery has died in my set of scales. Now i can't see how fat i am !





(edit: every five seconds, whilst weeping and eating donuts (no i don't do that))

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Well, I guess we'll see.


Sidenote: I've had a weird rash on my ankle for at least a month now...I was hanging out right in front of the Hudson river with my ex when it seemed like a bug(s?) bit me. Do you guys know what this is? It doesn't really itch. Should I go to a doctor?




Who knows what's been in/flooded out of that river over the last couple of months. But if you have a rash that won't go away, i'd say have it checked out. Is it fungal, or a reaction to something else? Or have you picked up some exotic nematode from the deepest congo, that is currently burrowing it's way towards your brain?


Not sure which lesion you are referring to but I think you mean the diffuse papules. I don't think it looks like much to worry about. It appears to be a localized, eczema-like area of inflammation probably due to dry skin or some other irritant. Being that it was the Hudson, a chemical irritation can't be ruled out :emotawesomepm9:


It does not look angry enough to be scabies, which is the next closest thing I would think of. If it starts to itch really badly, ooze, crust or otherwise look grody, I would go to the doctor. In the meantime, use a cortisone-containing ointment on it for a week or so. Don't go past a week though because steroids thin the skin with repeated application, which could leave you vulnerable to worse things like a bacterial or fungal invasion.


I had basically the exact same thing from dipping my toes in the water at the Santa Monica pier. Also, there was some gross tar shit on the bottom of my toe that took 25 minutes to scrub off in the shower.


The rash lasted about a month and slowly went away, with judicious ointment application.


The tar will haunt my dreams forever.

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Guest dean789

I wanted to chill last night and play some vidyagames and my controller's batteries died.


The battery has died in my set of scales. Now i can't see how fat i am !





(edit: every five seconds, whilst weeping and eating donuts (no i don't do that))

Why not use a mirror? or ask a friend if your ass looks too big

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I wanted to chill last night and play some vidyagames and my controller's batteries died.


The battery has died in my set of scales. Now i can't see how fat i am !





(edit: every five seconds, whilst weeping and eating donuts (no i don't do that))

Why not use a mirror? or ask a friend if your ass looks too big


Mirrors can be deceptive. As you lose weight so slowly, you can generally think that you are still shudderingly obese when in fact you've been losing it quite nicely. Well that and then i'd have to look at myself in the mirror. heh.

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currently debating what i should go back to school for. I'm an older guy. Returning to school. A career change. Should I go into something I'm good at doing? Or should I go into a field that is hiring. Basically, Should I go into IT or should I go back for something like landscape architecture. I'm better at being a creative person with some technical stuff. I can't program code to save my life. I'm terrible in calculus type math but pretty good in geometry and spatial thinking. Also good at biology. I could maybe do the other stuff involved with IT but I think I would hit a wall and I don't think i could grow old doing IT as it is basically a young mans game. But its a hot field. I just don't think i have the raw talent. I tried to learn easy Object Oriented programming and couldn't do it. . In the third world I wouldn't have a choice.. So for that I am thankful!

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i keep seeing Mormonism ads on tv since i've woken up. the fuck? retarded.


isn't that a bit lazy of them ? Shouldn't they be out and about trying to sell their religion door to door, like the witnesses do ? Ads on tv, oh dear. God will be displeased when he gets around to bothering to hear about this.

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Guest disparaissant

no its this huge push they're doing. i am now living with mormons, i know all about it.

i keep getting suggested videos on youtube for those ads. my mom wants to make one. "i'm a boring homemaker from australia who lives in wisconsin now and im a mormon" yeah people will really wanna see that mom.


first world problems:

i am sick of hearing about steve jobs

i procrastinated on my anthropology homework and stayed up until just now doing it and still havent studied for my goddamn french quiz tomorrow

i have to be up in 6 hours

and i cant sleep because my girlfriend is coming out here tomorrow and we are gonna have a really awesome weekend and i cant wait

Edited by disparaissant
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no its this huge push they're doing. i am now living with mormons, i know all about it.

i keep getting suggested videos on youtube for those ads. my mom wants to make one. "i'm a boring homemaker from australia who lives in wisconsin now and im a mormon" yeah people will really wanna see that mom.


I wanna meet that mom!



and i cant sleep because my girlfriend is coming out here tomorrow and we are gonna have a really awesome weekend and i cant wait



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I work as a hair stylist by day so I hear more than my share of first world problems. A girl today was saying that the blonde high-lights she'd had in the past had been 'too brassy' and went on an impassioned tirade; her life had essentially come to a halt because her hair was a shade off...

Another client of mine was complaining about how she sent her car to be washed / detailed today and found that there was still some dust on her dashboard afterword. She was livid!

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i had my eyes tested earlier today and they gave me eye drops to check the health of my eyes which caused me to have hardly any near vision and made my pupils so wide they looked like i was tripping. stumbling around down town here i could only see blurry people walking past me but the weirdness was that it made my hearing sense heightened, it felt like i was on drugs, but not pleasant drugs. it took about an hour to return to normal but now i am aok

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I only mentioned it because my brother had to do something similar the other day, and they wanted him to bring sunglasses (as if you'd go anywhere in queensland without them, heh). Thankfully my dad was there to drive him home afterwards.

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