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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Fuck. My wife gave me her cold and I've been chugging tons of vitamin C, so it's pretty mild.

What sucks is that I wanted to go out tonight so I drew up a hot bath... but forgot to check it in time before it ran out of hot water.


I wanted to cook the sick out of me with a good sweat but instead, I ended up sitting in a luke-warm bullshit waste of time.


I'm really fucking pissed right now.



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We have a small water heater just for our apartment. It fills up to just below the drain switch and runs out. it was about an inch over the drain switch, which means it filled up 2 inches with cold water. FML.


I normally take scalding hot baths so, when I'm used to that temperature, it really fucks me off.

Edited by jefferoo
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Guest disparaissant

ive got about 30 hours left to enjoy being with my girlfriend before she has to go back to pittsburgh and i have no idea when we will be able to see each other again and i want to enjoy the next 30 hours but i cant stop focusing on how short of a time that is :(

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We have a small water heater just for our apartment. It fills up to just below the drain switch and runs out. it was about an inch over the drain switch, which means it filled up 2 inches with cold water. FML.


I normally take scalding hot baths so, when I'm used to that temperature, it really fucks me off.


Yeah it would. I never use the bath, but even a cold shower is a nightmare for anyone but a masochist, well if it's not summer.

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i can't come up with a creative, funny or prickish way to make derpderppissant know she's stepping into "too much information" area with her postings in this thread :sad:



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Guest uptown devil

i can't come up with a creative, funny or prickish way to make derpderppissant know she's stepping into "too much information" area with her postings in this thread :sad:





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im not picking on you or anything, it's just that it's a bit awkward that you would post such personal stuff in the open internets, i think we're very susceptible to googling too. i kinda like how this thread turned into non-ltm's ltm forum though it's a bit weird too. well if you're feeling confident enough go ahead i guess..

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Guest disparaissant

yeah i guess i just dont particularly care about being googled, i probably should. oh well. its not like im posting the REALLY weird stuff, anyway.



and i was getting sick of this av, delet. was.

Edited by disparaissant
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Guest disparaissant

the rebellious part of my brain? is there a nonrebellious part.


(jk ur cool delet i just dont have anything to change it to right now anyway)

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So you hear that everyone, we have a challenge. Find disparaissant a new avatar.












You go first, i'll just hang out over there being lazy. ----------------------> ;-]

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I'm playing what may or may not be the biggest Pselodux gig so far this weekend, and no Brisbane WATMMers can be bothered coming to the Gold Coast and spending $$30 to get in to the expo so they can see me play..

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