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as the night has progressed I've grown more and more despondent. Agoraphobic Nosebleed. this is as 'extreme' as music has ever gotten. i don't think there exists music more violent than this. I've heard Pig Destroyer, Torture Garden, Pulse Demon, The Locust, Napalm Death, and an assortment of harsh noise. This is just fucked.



Perfect! Not that noise music is supposed to primarily be 'fucked.'


This is as fucked as it gets.



that's disgusting.

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james ferraro = godhead from sound temple



James is great, but he's been trying my patience in the past year. Night Dolls was a shit record, and his live set in London back in February was piss-poor. Come back, James. We love you.

I unfortunately can't speak one way or another about his live performances, as I've only seen Spencer Clark live (though he was excellent). But I was digging his Night Dolls album. He really tapped out a 1980's Troma teen flick vein, but the pop structure is a really interesting direction for such an oddball aesthetic.


It's worth bearing in mind, though, that in the same year that he released Night Dolls, he put out three releases, and like, fourteen last year—I'd definitely say his releases in 2009-2010 constitute his best work to date.



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as the night has progressed I've grown more and more despondent. Agoraphobic Nosebleed. this is as 'extreme' as music has ever gotten. i don't think there exists music more violent than this. I've heard Pig Destroyer, Torture Garden, Pulse Demon, The Locust, Napalm Death, and an assortment of harsh noise. This is just fucked.



Perfect! Not that noise music is supposed to primarily be 'fucked.'


This is as fucked as it gets.



that's disgusting.



AxNB is great if you don't take their lyrics seriously... Their lyrics are all about pushing the boundaries of what is considered offensive, for the sake of causing discomfort and questioning (One of their earlier albums is titled "Frozen Corpse Stuffed With Dope") most of them seem pretty stream of concious also... musicially it's some pretty unforgiving grindcore. I reccomend checking out the PCP Torpedo EP as a good start. It's not overly long and it's pretty good. Their newest "Agorapocalypse" is also pretty impressive. If you can dig those start exploring their other stuff.

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Also suprised no one has mentioned Fantomas... love me some Mike Patton and this project is probably his most out there by far, and it's really fuckin great The first album, "Amenaza Al Mundo" and "Suspended Animation" are excellent, as chaotic as they are, they aren't random or improvised... Mike and the band wrote all of it.



Discordance Axis is pretty extreme even for grindcore standards... their lyrics are actually somewhat intelligent when looked up also...



Probably my fav Melt Banana song from my fav album of theirs...



Phantomsmasher (aka James Plotkin) this album is all over the place... jazzy/noisy/music concrete-ish/noise rock fucking idk what to call it, but i do enjoy it




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I don't know if this belongs here but Electric Masada is pretty intense. John Zorn's evil twin to his Masada group, usually featuring Mr Bungle's Trevor Dunn, laptop/noise specialist Ikue Mori, and others. I'd highly recommend listening to Tekufah or Lilin. Monstrous stuff!

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I don't know if this belongs here but Electric Masada is pretty intense. John Zorn's evil twin to his Masada group, usually featuring Mr Bungle's Trevor Dunn, laptop/noise specialist Ikue Mori, and others. I'd highly recommend listening to Tekufah or Lilin. Monstrous stuff!


I've been meaning to get to Electric Masada for a long time now and I keep forgetting... After this little reminder I may have to do so.


Also, while we're on the topic of Zorn I'll see your Elecric Masada and raise you some Naked City, man I need to revisit this one, it's been a while.



although this for the most part is one of the more "normal" tracks on the album

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I don't know if this belongs here but Electric Masada is pretty intense. John Zorn's evil twin to his Masada group, usually featuring Mr Bungle's Trevor Dunn, laptop/noise specialist Ikue Mori, and others. I'd highly recommend listening to Tekufah or Lilin. Monstrous stuff!


I've been meaning to get to Electric Masada for a long time now and I keep forgetting... After this little reminder I may have to do so.


Also, while we're on the topic of Zorn I'll see your Elecric Masada and raise you some Naked City, man I need to revisit this one, it's been a while.



yeah man Naked City are excellent, my favourites being their eponymous first album and Radio - I may even like radio more. Bit of trivia: Electric Masada often play "Metal Tov" from that album





shameless plug: selling alot of these in the record crate


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I've been on a massive Kevin Drumm kick myself recently, all of his stuff is uniformly excellent.


The bastard. :emotawesomepm9:

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Before Death From Above 1979, there was the MUCH more noisy/aggressive project they had called Femme Fatale... They had 3 EPs of pretty awesome stuff. I have 2 of them in pretty decent quality, they're a little hard to find. If anyone's interested I can upload them to mediafire, send me a PM.



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On a slightly different note, I reccommend raionbashi and mama baer :) posting from my phone so no links, but youtube raionbashis performance at no fun festival for some mindblowing stuff...

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