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Tottenham riots


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Guest disparaissant

juche-like ideas and dictatorships is something every communist adopted, communism doesn't work, period.

first time in history where a part of korea was doing alright is toward the end of 80s

i'm not gonna derail the thread by arguing but lol

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woops, i missed a word, i meant every "communist state adopted", makes a big difference..

the 2nd sentence is okay though, argue away, you're not gonna derail anything, we're on the internets.

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Heres an idea.


Stop cleaning up after the rioters.


Give everyone arrested a broom and bucket and make them clean it up.


Shamed public service is a good start imo! Especially if our prisons are full.


And im sure there would be a great turnout to watch them do it (although that could easily spark more violence I do admit...)

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Heres an idea.


Stop cleaning up after the rioters.


Give everyone arrested a broom and bucket and make them clean it up.


Shamed public service is a good start imo! Especially if our prisons are full.


And im sure there would be a great turnout to watch them do it (although that could easily spark more violence I do admit...)

There's always more than enough dog shit, chewing gum, used johnnies, quavers packets, fag butts and grafitti to go around.


Fucking Quavers packets man

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eh well i'm not gonna argue someone else's political views anyways.

those are not views but facts, life in korea for most folks in the old times was shit, well, it was pretty much anywhere, the first time where you could call it somewhat alright by our standards was towards the end of the 1980s for the south. good luck arguing with that.


every state that seriously considered itself communist was an utter failure in the end and transformed out of it, this also is a pretty clear cut fact. im not putting down everything marx said, a lot of his views and theories sound very reasonable to me but something goes really wrong when applied in practice. i've been born in the ussr and have enough first and mostly 2nd hand experience about the wonders of communism, so people calling themselves communists now seem extra pathetic and delusional to me.

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Guest disparaissant

er if you'll notice i amended my post about him to reflect his actual anarcho-socialist joke, people call him a communist to piss him off but he really isn't one.

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Guest Lady kakapo

good quote from The Guardian:


this is what happens when people don't have anything (apart from blackberries and BMWs with tinted windows), when they have their noses constantly rubbed in stuff they can't afford, and they have no reason ever to believe that they will be able to afford it



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good quote from The Guardian:


this is what happens when people don't have anything (apart from blackberries and BMWs with tinted windows), when they have their noses constantly rubbed in stuff they can't afford, and they have no reason ever to believe that they will be able to afford it





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Guest Lady kakapo

I live and work in one of the communities affected. Let me tell you about Andrew. Andrew was born into an immigrant family. His father was distant and violent and died while Andrew was still relatively young. His mother tried her best, but to be honest was a bit mental. He was fairly directionless as a teenager, including being expelled from school at one point, but he was a reasonably talented artist and had ambitions to become an architect, though nothing became of this. He saw one of his best friends murdered in brutal fashion right before him. He later joined a gang and through a certain charisma rose to prominence. Then he invaded Poland.


What I’m trying to say is Tauboo is more evil than Hitler.

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this is a bit alarming. fighting mindless violence with even more mindless violence. when did football hooligans suddenly become heroes. this could all end with the EDL becoming cool.

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Guest disparaissant

“First off, I don’t know what’s best. But this is what I do know. Unlike most of you, I’ve fought with police, I’ve thrown missiles at them. I’ve kicked in shop windows and looted stuff. I was born into an area that people told me was full of ‘the dregs of society’. I’ve been young, poor and angry. I’ve felt there was no opportunity in life and all that stretched in front was a bleak, penniless future. And I know that most people with happy, fulfilled lives don’t go on rampages of violence. I also know that successive Governments have put the pursuit of wealth ahead of maintaining a sense of community. When you’ve been told there’s no society, why would you care about other people? When you see the bankers nearly destroy capitalism and still get their bonuses, what do you think of personal responsibility? The key is making people believe they have opportunities in life, not opportunities to loot. And maybe the money spent intervening in a civil war in Libya would be better spent on schools.

I could go on, but most of you have made up your minds. You get the society you create. Enjoy it."

Tony Evans, Times Football Editor

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i don't feel like continuing to argue this but i'm just gonna say


you can't boil this down to one reason. this is my point. al hounos said it pretty well, would these people be rioting as thoroughly if they had jobs? would the riots be spreading as quickly if people didn't feel oppressed, be it economically, or by the police, or etc.? maybe kakapo's right and they're all cunts and richard hammond types but i fail to see how that means there is literally no reason for this, like some of you are saying.

didn't you see the picture i posted of a Currys employee that was caught?


don't see the point you're making...


girl's probably on minimum wage selling expensive aspirational goods she can't afford.


"this is my point. al hounos said it pretty well, would these people be rioting as thoroughly if they had jobs?"


she had a job. regardless of whether it was minimum wage or not, she had a job.

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Guest disparaissant

i also followed that point up with several others. i wasn't saying that every single rioter fits into every one of those categories. at all.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

There is something that doesn't really gel with me when people talk about creating community and prospects but all they can come up with as how to do that is to put more money into schools. Is it so unusual to be young poor and angry? Is there anything governments ought to do to stop people being young, poor or angry? They might be able to help you not be poor but not the other two.

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i also followed that point up with several others. i wasn't saying that every single rioter fits into every one of those categories. at all.

oh i know, i'm replying to keltoi who seems to think that the picture i posted had no relevance to what was said.

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I think the gravity of what it meant to close Woolworths has finally hit home to some people. I mean 18 months without Pick'n'Mix is going to have some detrimental response, who would have thought it would manifest itself like this ....

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