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Unobvious Things That Delight You

Guest hahathhat

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Pressing the trunk open button in my dad's car.

Waking up and not feeling tired (pretty much never happens unless I drink an energy drink before bed like a bupkis.)

How well I wake my voice up when getting phone calls while sleeping.

Paying exact change. <3<3


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Guest Gravity

pressing quality mechanical buttons

Walking outside while sleep deprived.




When the tracks for a mix CD you're burning fit perfectly in the allotted CD-R time limit.

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Guest disparaissant

i just realized that my new computer is set up in such a way that i am totally comfortable using it and that delights me greatly.

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People who smile.


So few people actually do this and even the tiniest smile can make you feel so good.


waking up to see that it snowed several inches during the night and you are cozy in bed



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-looking out the window while sitting on the toilet

-staying up way later than i should

-squawking, cawing, and tweeting back at birds

i have done all three of these today, and i fully agree.

I really love doing these too. Catbirds and Canadian Geese are fun to yell back at.

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-squawking, cawing, and tweeting back at birds


these ones are gonna show my weirdo side but :


- staring at my cat eyes while dancing and making non-sense gestures and enjoying so much the non-impressed-everything's-ok look that it gives me back


- peeling off labels from bottles (especially beer bottles in parties). I also like to peel off the round plastic layer that's glued inside the beer bottle cap. Some of them are hard to remove, other are easy (according to the brand of the beer). by the way I dunno which kind I prefer - the easy ones or the hard ones. I guess middle-level ones because the hard ones are impossible to remove without being torn. lol

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Guest EleminoP

Drumming drum rhythms with the finger on one hand and having the beat end on my index finger so that the next measure can start with the thumb.


Drum machines.

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air guitar makes me happy. but when i play air guitar i actually use foot pedals too. my wah is bad ass but when i change effects, it looks the best.



edit: also rolling salami inside a piece of provolone with a roasted red pepper gives me half a woody too


there are some people with gravely voices that are very soothing to me. i like listening to them talk. i also like some indian accents. i would like deepak chopra to read song lyrics to me. that voice makes me very soothed and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

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Guest disparaissant
there are some people with gravely voices that are very soothing to me. i like listening to them talk. i also like some indian accents. i would like deepak chopra to read song lyrics to me. that voice makes me very soothed and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

i could listen to tom waits being interviewed by david letterman all the time

i dont like letterman but they're obviously friends and have great chemistry.

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Guest disparaissant

there was another one where letterman kept asking him about his album and he kept responding with random nonsequitur factoids, stuff like "mosquitoes aren't drawn to your blood, they're drawn to your breath." or "honey is the one food that never spoils."

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there was another one where letterman kept asking him about his album and he kept responding with random nonsequitur factoids, stuff like "mosquitoes aren't drawn to your blood, they're drawn to your breath." or "honey is the one food that never spoils."

he was on the daily show i think around the same time as that interview. dude went to take a dump before his set and the ceiling collapsed on him. tom waits is amazing.

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Guest MastaN8

Introducing a new girl to an ex.


The "last" button on my remote.


Tapping my fingers to the bpm of a track.


Synth knobs.


Forcing shy introverted people to have conversations.




Catching someone staring at you.


Knowing you have drugs or you will have drugs soon.


Being told what to do.


Jim Henson YouTube videos.




More stuff...

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Playing with my ballsack with one hand in my pocket


Folding paper


Sorting, then stapling paperwork


Getting to be the person who pulls the bus dinger thingy


Clipping my fingernails


Having a huge list and crossing things off as you go

Also doing side quests

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