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i want to build a home stereo out of the different things but i dunno where to start !!! i will slowly buy them for super cheap (less then $10 a peice) at a thift store but dunno what brand to look for and what to avoid like the plag...... so please tell me what are good and bad brands of each of these? i dont wanna buy a super expensive "AUDIOPHILE" 1 but just something that is good ok :smile:




vinyl player


tape player


cd player




thanks watmm


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i have audiophile separates but other people are probably more qualified to advise/recommend. i used to have 70s/80s rotel amp and wharfedale speakers that i liked a lot.


panasonic always seem to surprisingly powerful. 80s or 90s panasonic amps always seem to be good and cheap probably.

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Do you think there'll ever come a day where you don't make a single spelling mistake in one of your posts - Or is that your 'thing' ?

is there gonna be ever a day when you dont get so bent up on the way other people type and mind ur own friggin business???


PS dont ban me i was j/k

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Guest hahathhat

well say a brand whiches "audiophile" to but they maybe will less likely show up


would you like some sale ad with your brand whiches?

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Do you think there'll ever come a day where you don't make a single spelling mistake in one of your posts - Or is that your 'thing' ?

Wow, chill out. Everything's cool. :sup:

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vinyl player



Dude. They call them turntables.




i find that name deceving, anway....


are technics of tape and cd players good. i saw alot of those (but not any vinyl players, there less easy to find)


are technics vinyl players good for just playing home music? i know there good with dj cuz there strong or something but i dont do that. i heard once they have a heavyer needle which will wear out ur records faster is this true?

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Guest disparaissant

up it to $20 or $30 a piece and you're looking at a world of difference

i picked up a harmon/kardon receiver from the 80s for $20

a pair of decent, old school pioneer speakers for $25

a bitchin old school sony tape deck for $15

and got a technics sl-1900 (prosumer 1200 with auto play and shit) from a friend for free (that was lucky)


maybe increase the amount you'll spend by a little bit.

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I think you should buy whatever you can find for under $10 a piece, because I don't think you'll have a massive choice in the matter.

i dont think u understand my patients

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i have a computer ok


its like 8 years old were not all raking in the dough here


You can buy a 'proper soundsystem' for very cheap - and to address your original question, stay far away from Audiovox, Coby, and Emerson brands. Sanyo too.


I'm just surprised with your music making abilities, you created some of your music with (apparently) only computer speakers, if even that.

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thanks joyrex. i saw i sanyo tape player for $1.50 and almost bought it but didnt cuz i was scarred if sanyo is bad brand, looks like i did a good move there :smile:

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