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Michelle Bachman is an evil cunt


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maybe now it's unfiltered, but i really really don't think the internet is going to remain an impartial informational vehicle. soon enough net neutrality will happen. hopefully not next year, but i'd be really surprised if some form of it doesn't happen in 15-20 years.


i see it everyday in america though, so many people simply do not have the will to learn. even with the amount of information on the internet, people still decide to watch jersey shore. knowledge and rational thinking play 2nd fiddle to veiny biceps, fake tans and fake tits. this is not the climate for a surge of rational thinkers.


net neutrality is not about neutering the internet - it's about making it impossible for big corporations to determine who has priority access to the communications infrastructure.



I was watching the daily show: Jon Stewart showed how scared Fox news is of Ron Paul: not a single mention of how he came second in the Iowa straw poll. Now, I'm no libertarian, but it's a sad day when the most principled, sanest guy among the Republican candidates is Ron Paul.


Awepittance - I understand fully what you're saying about criticizing the president, but really the option is - 4 more years of Obama, with at least 2 more years of a Republican controlled house, or 4 years of a Republican presidency with a Republican controlled house for at least the first two years of that term. Imagine someone as spineless as Romney in office with the Republicans in charge? You guys in the States would be saying "Man remember how good we had it under Obama? At least he gave us a reach around once in a while..."

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Guest disparaissant

disapirisant u are wayyyy too into politics.. u get in a huff and puff every time u come to a thread that includes ppl who disagree with u... calm down count to 10 ..



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maybe now it's unfiltered, but i really really don't think the internet is going to remain an impartial informational vehicle. soon enough net neutrality will happen. hopefully not next year, but i'd be really surprised if some form of it doesn't happen in 15-20 years.


i see it everyday in america though, so many people simply do not have the will to learn. even with the amount of information on the internet, people still decide to watch jersey shore. knowledge and rational thinking play 2nd fiddle to veiny biceps, fake tans and fake tits. this is not the climate for a surge of rational thinkers.


net neutrality is not about neutering the internet - it's about making it impossible for big corporations to determine who has priority access to the communications infrastructure.



I was watching the daily show: Jon Stewart showed how scared Fox news is of Ron Paul: not a single mention of how he came second in the Iowa straw poll. Now, I'm no libertarian, but it's a sad day when the most principled, sanest guy among the Republican candidates is Ron Paul.


Awepittance - I understand fully what you're saying about criticizing the president, but really the option is - 4 more years of Obama, with at least 2 more years of a Republican controlled house, or 4 years of a Republican presidency with a Republican controlled house for at least the first two years of that term. Imagine someone as spineless as Romney in office with the Republicans in charge? You guys in the States would be saying "Man remember how good we had it under Obama? At least he gave us a reach around once in a while..."



Ron Paul is probably the only decent candidate for the presidency at all at this point, IMHO.


People bring up his staunch libertarianism as if once in the White House he would suddenly renege on what is probably the most airtight and constant voting record in senatorial history and start abusing executive power.


Honestly, I would be game for getting buttfucked a little more by the rich if it meant less of a chance of getting shipped overseas to die pointlessly.

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maybe now it's unfiltered, but i really really don't think the internet is going to remain an impartial informational vehicle. soon enough net neutrality will happen. hopefully not next year, but i'd be really surprised if some form of it doesn't happen in 15-20 years.


i see it everyday in america though, so many people simply do not have the will to learn. even with the amount of information on the internet, people still decide to watch jersey shore. knowledge and rational thinking play 2nd fiddle to veiny biceps, fake tans and fake tits. this is not the climate for a surge of rational thinkers.


net neutrality is not about neutering the internet - it's about making it impossible for big corporations to determine who has priority access to the communications infrastructure.



I was watching the daily show: Jon Stewart showed how scared Fox news is of Ron Paul: not a single mention of how he came second in the Iowa straw poll. Now, I'm no libertarian, but it's a sad day when the most principled, sanest guy among the Republican candidates is Ron Paul.


Awepittance - I understand fully what you're saying about criticizing the president, but really the option is - 4 more years of Obama, with at least 2 more years of a Republican controlled house, or 4 years of a Republican presidency with a Republican controlled house for at least the first two years of that term. Imagine someone as spineless as Romney in office with the Republicans in charge? You guys in the States would be saying "Man remember how good we had it under Obama? At least he gave us a reach around once in a while..."



Ron Paul is probably the only decent candidate for the presidency at all at this point, IMHO.


People bring up his staunch libertarianism as if once in the White House he would suddenly renege on what is probably the most airtight and constant voting record in senatorial history and start abusing executive power.


Honestly, I would be game for getting buttfucked a little more by the rich if it meant less of a chance of getting shipped overseas to die pointlessly.


yes yes and yes...


Ron Paul is America's only hope in my opinion because he lives outside of both parties... he's a lone wolf who will challenge both sides ruthlessly. He won't be able to accomplish much at all though (too much opposition in congress) but he will reveal to Americans how long the two parties have been fucking us over.

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Ron Paul is a million times better than Bachmann any day, I give you that. Only problem is that libertarians are the biggest hypocrites of any political persuasion.

He's against big goverent, yet plans to be the leader of one of the largest governments on earth. Please. If you all think Ron Paul is going to stick by what he says, by all means, vote for the guy. Just see what happens when he gets elected. You will be disappoint.

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Ron Paul is a million times better than Bachmann any day, I give you that. Only problem is that libertarians are the biggest hypocrites of any political persuasion.

He's against big goverent, yet plans to be the leader of one of the largest governments on earth. Please. If you all think Ron Paul is going to stick by what he says, by all means, vote for the guy. Just see what happens when he gets elected. You will be disappoint.


Can you expand further on how you are so confident about my inevitable disappointment?

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A. Congress

B. Senate

C. He is a politician.


Sort of the same obstacles that befell Obama actually.


Back to Bachmann...


I just saw this on Gawker (more on the stupid side than the evil side this time):




Michele Bachmann Wishes Elvis Happy Birthday, on His Death Day


By Jim Newell, Aug 16, 2011 2:57 PM


Michele Bachmann opened her event in Spartansburg, South Carolina today by wishing Elvis Presley a Happy Birthday! How nice. The thing is, Elvis died 34 years ago today. He was born in January. So all in all, a pretty typical day for Team Bachmann.

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i guess its my naivete that makes me wanna pull for a guy whose record proves he sticks to what he tells others.


its not hypocrisy for a libertarian to be elected president, that makes absolutely no sense. libertarianism does not mean a complete absence of executive power. if anything, libertarians would strive to gain those positions in order to downgrade their significance.


that's like saying anarchists would be hypocrites for trying to take down the government.


A. Congress

B. Senate

C. He is a politician.


Sort of the same obstacles that befell Obama actually.


Back to Bachmann...


I just saw this on Gawker (more on the stupid side than the evil side this time):




Michele Bachmann Wishes Elvis Happy Birthday, on His Death Day


By Jim Newell, Aug 16, 2011 2:57 PM


Michele Bachmann opened her event in Spartansburg, South Carolina today by wishing Elvis Presley a Happy Birthday! How nice. The thing is, Elvis died 34 years ago today. He was born in January. So all in all, a pretty typical day for Team Bachmann.



what is the alternative then? we are all fucked?


we can certainly agree that Bachmann is wretched though.

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A. Congress

B. Senate

C. He is a politician.


Sort of the same obstacles that befell Obama actually.


Didn't I just say "He won't be able to accomplish much at all though (too much opposition in congress) but he will reveal to Americans how long the two parties have been fucking us over. "


I feel like my expectations are in the right place...

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that's like saying anarchists would be hypocrites for trying to take down the government.




what is the alternative then? we are all fucked?


Libertarians aren't that far off from being anarchists. That's what makes them so attractive. Only problem is, like communism, it just won't work when put into practice.




Someone really should start a Ron Paul thread at this point.

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that's like saying anarchists would be hypocrites for trying to take down the government.




what is the alternative then? we are all fucked?


Libertarians aren't that far off from being anarchists. That's what makes them so attractive. Only problem is, like communism, it just won't work when put into practice.


Wait a minute... you just said he would face "Sort of the same obstacles that befell Obama actually" ... and now you are saying he would be able to put his political philosophy into practice?

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that's like saying anarchists would be hypocrites for trying to take down the government.




what is the alternative then? we are all fucked?


Libertarians aren't that far off from being anarchists. That's what makes them so attractive. Only problem is, like communism, it just won't work when put into practice.


no one is saying anything about putting it into practice.


you go up against a rigged system established since the end of the Eisenhower administration, you take baby steps.


If Ron Paul gets into office, I can guarantee you the United States will not be a libertarian "paradise." But as far as pulling out of the wars, that saves money. Engaging in real competitive trade, that saves money and brings jobs back domestically. States' rights vs. federal? Now that's a tricky area.



What really gets me is the fact that almost all of the problems facing the United States today aren't due to the need of new government infrastructure, but due to sloth and ignorance in terms of policing loopholes and abuse of power. The Constitution don't mean shit if no one enforces it, and that is what has been happening for the past 60 years.


to repeat, the reason I say Paul is the only decent candidate is because, afaik, he's the only candidate that proposes military non-interventionism.

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this is a ron paul thread now... seriously fuck off with this cunt, I don't even want to type her name. It's like being forced to talk about music but instead of music you like we all have to talk about Justin Beiber

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Sorry, I'm using mobile, so I can't jump around and be nimble with my replies



no worries...im not angry


who would you vote for? would you vote?

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i find it interesting that republicans nor democrats are put up against a wall and made to explain their pipe dream utopia of what the end result of their reign would be, but libertarians are. I think it's a double standard.

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that's like saying anarchists would be hypocrites for trying to take down the government.




what is the alternative then? we are all fucked?


Libertarians aren't that far off from being anarchists. That's what makes them so attractive. Only problem is, like communism, it just won't work when put into practice.


Wait a minute... you just said he would face "Sort of the same obstacles that befell Obama actually" ... and now you are saying he would be able to put his political philosophy into practice?


I'm not saying that at all. I don't actually see how you interpreted that at all.

I'm saying the common misconception among libertarians (in general) is that their way of government will work. It won't. The current government infastructure would have to be completely dismantled. However sexy that sounds, if it happened in 4 years, we would have Armageddon on our hands.



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Ron Paul has disappointed me a couple of times, but I've always admired his staunch anti war and pro civil liberties attitude. There aren't very many mainstream politicians left actually making that a core issue of their campaigns.


Daily show did an awesome segment on Paul last night and how the establishment is threatened by him


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that's like saying anarchists would be hypocrites for trying to take down the government.




what is the alternative then? we are all fucked?


Libertarians aren't that far off from being anarchists. That's what makes them so attractive. Only problem is, like communism, it just won't work when put into practice.


Wait a minute... you just said he would face "Sort of the same obstacles that befell Obama actually" ... and now you are saying he would be able to put his political philosophy into practice?


I'm not saying that at all. I don't actually see how you interpreted that at all.

I'm saying the common misconception among libertarians (in general) is that their way of government will work. It won't. The current government infastructure would have to be completely dismantled. However sexy that sounds, if it happened in 4 years, we would have Armageddon on our hands.


that's absolutely absurd, and it's also contradictory

you say that Ron Paul will run into the same obstacles as Obama and you list many of them. so how will this view of libertarian policies amount to a full on libertarian utopia in any way that quickly?


edit: when you level the same type of utopian standard on democrat or republican policies, those are actually very scary to me.

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that's like saying anarchists would be hypocrites for trying to take down the government.




what is the alternative then? we are all fucked?


Libertarians aren't that far off from being anarchists. That's what makes them so attractive. Only problem is, like communism, it just won't work when put into practice.


Wait a minute... you just said he would face "Sort of the same obstacles that befell Obama actually" ... and now you are saying he would be able to put his political philosophy into practice?


I'm not saying that at all. I don't actually see how you interpreted that at all.

I'm saying the common misconception among libertarians (in general) is that their way of government will work. It won't. The current government infastructure would have to be completely dismantled. However sexy that sounds, if it happened in 4 years, we would have Armageddon on our hands.


Politics is all about compromise... and unless you have actual opponents to the war on drugs, wars in the middle east, war on our civil liberties, federal reserve, censorship of the internet, etc... the results are always gonna be the same.

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