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wanna sync that shizzle? :emotawesomepm9:


syncs were really fun back when I went into the CHATMM room. Honestly I had to stop doing using CHATMM because my social anxiety knows no boundaries. But people were genuinely enjoying that feature. That's all I'm going to say apart from that I value MAXIMUS and KAINI in equal measures, all part of the experience of WATMM. Anyway.

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Guest underscore

i'm guessing in an alternate universe members of the we are the music maker chat room are up in arms about the deletion of the forumatmm, a forum added to the chat room the year before


edit: and, that forum was kinda fuckin cool, you could like chat with people while they were offline

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i'm guessing in an alternate universe members of the we are the music maker chat room are up in arms about the deletion of the forumatmm, a forum added to the chat room the year before


edit: and, that forum was kinda fuckin cool, you could like chat with people while they were offline






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i'm guessing in an alternate universe members of the we are the music maker chat room are up in arms about the deletion of the forumatmm, a forum added to the chat room the year before


edit: and, that forum was kinda fuckin cool, you could like chat with people while they were offline



...aswell as "Banned" members..

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Guest Pennywise

Posting in a forum about a chatroom made for a forum to chat in to talk about the forum that the chat room is LAME


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so he's a girl that likes boobs........ interesting!........



My girlfriend is a real girl and boobs are honestly probably in her top 5 interests.


edit: my gf is not Max


Oh god, I hope not, anyway.

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so he's a girl that likes boobs........ interesting!........



My girlfriend is a real girl and boobs are honestly probably in her top 5 interests.


edit: my gf is not Max


Oh god, I hope not, anyway.


directed by M. Night Shamalamadingdong

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As I work, I hang out in the IRC #watmm channel on freenode.

If you join and there are not many people there, or they are quiet/idling, dont write it off as shite. It's a different beast to chatmm where you could see how many people were in there when you visited the forum.

If you generally have your PC on all day, get into the habit of jumping into the IRC channel and just leave it open. This is the way IRC communities form.

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Things I have learned in this thread


- joyrex hates us

- maximus is not trolling she is a just teenage girl

- list of chatmm stuff you guys did is so classic (feel bad I missed it)


Is this why karmakramer comitted board suicide today? that guy was v funny, we should do a memorial on banned users or something. We need a people's history of WATMM you know.


btw I'm lurker and would never ever talk but vote for recreating chatmm on soulseek

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Guest AcrossCanyons

lol @ butthurt form



Anyway, I've installed the Chrome Chat. Good suggestion Chaosmachine! LETS GO PEOPLE!


Yeah, I installed this but no one else had. GET IN THIS SHIT!


See, a happy solution that keeps the problems out of my hair. Everybody wins!


not if you don't have chrome.


ps anybody who believes maximus is a girl is an idiot.


pps this thread is a terrible replacement for chatmm. its just a thread full of shit posts.

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ps anybody who believes maximus is a girl is an idiot.


pps this thread is a terrible replacement for chatmm. its just a thread full of shit posts.

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Man, I have all of this downtime at school. If only there was some way I could chat about electronic music with others. Perhaps on the forum I go to daily. Some sort of Chat-WATMM hybrid.


I could give that IRC shit a try. There should be a how-to sticky thread tutorial, I'm new to IRC.

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download mirc - that's the client you'll be using. unless you're on a mac, then you'll want to get colloquy.

go to the freenode server, then type /join #watmm.

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Awww yea, let's get this party started. I hope the CHATMM regulars become IRC regulars.


Oh yea, MIRC is a 30 day trial. What happens when the trial is over. Will it annoy me like WinRar, or will it not let me use it anymore?

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