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Anonymous are apparently going to kill facebook on Saturday

Guest boo

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

hay guise is facebook down yet? I don't have an account.


p.s. I noticed joyrex's spelling mistake, but I didn't wanna be a spelling nazi. plus there was the off chance that the cojones were so big that they had to ship them in cajones.

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fucking cojones in cajones, that would be impressive.


facebook still up, but it's only 4:00 in the afternoon Saturday here...still a whole 8 hours to go. Unless Anon is using a later time zone still....

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It seems to be running significantly slower, and pictures aren't loading correctly but perhaps thats my connection being shitty... I can't tell

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facebook is so fucking big there no chance of anyone taking it down. shit i would doubt the concerted efforts of small governments. a loosely grouped pseudo collective has no chance. theyve got heart tho.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

the perceived legitimacy of the threat has been denied by Anon for months. they never officially stated they'd DDOS anything. making a "kill facebook" threat without any intention is something anyone can do using the "Anonymous" name.

it's amazing what you can learn by using Google.







Op facebook began several months ago, and had between 10 and 20 members. At its conception it had one goal:

To bring attention to the fact that facebook stored the data of user accounts.


This later developed into a second goal:

To develop an ethical, anonymous facebook alternative.


Development began on the site (albeit slowly), and all was well for a few days. Then came news of anonplus, an anonymous social network, similar to the one that was being developed at #opfacebook. The site in development by #opfacebook was slowing to a halt and so i decided to offer the source to the team at anonplus. This cam as a relief as i was growing tired of the project. I expected them to accept my offer of free source code and a mostly functioning site that would have reduced the embarresment they subjected themselves to with the epic fail of anouncing a site before they started coding. Unfortunately however, the "leader" (i lol'd) was a bit of a bitch, and i was subjected to a number of attempted doxes and then kickbanned.


Without anyone to take over or any interest remaining in the project, it was eventually scrapped, and with the media attention of facebooks policies #opfacebook should have died gracefully. Obviously however, this was not the case.


Nobody ever removed the channel, and so at some point rumours began as to what #opfacebook was. The plan before it was scrapped had been a mass deletion of facebook accounts, however it was decided that a mass deletion of facebook accounts would occur on november the 5th, however this was decided to be a bad idea and so it was removed from the pad. Unfortunately, this left only the draft of a message to facebook, warning that they would "never forget" the 5th of november. At some point, somebody saw the near-empty channel and joined it. Rumours were spread ranging from 0-day exploits in facebook to physical attacks on the server. Soon #opfacebook gained around 40 people who expected an attack on facebook.


The sudden growth of the channel, and the rumours of an attack on facebook brang swarms of mediafags, and then everything turned into a mess similar to the one you'd expect if shit his a fan. And not hard shit - kind of soft and sticky shit.


People started joining really fast, partially because of the media but mainly because of a particularly awesome and lulzy op who didn't afraid of nothing and secretly wanted to kick 200 users because he/she thought it would be funny whhen they all got mad. Unfortunately rum removed his/her op status because he was jelly, and that fucked things up even more because he was left with an embarresing op and nearly 200 people.


Anyway, the whole thing is a massive clusterfuck and i feel responsible, so can someone sort that shit out?

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Guest Calx Sherbet

they're less relevant since they threatened to expose the Zetas' internal police and government contacts, and the Zetas basically made them back down - hardly the invincible hacker group they thought they were, so (now pay attention, this is where it gets complicated) my statement about them having to attack Farcebook is basically there way of reasserting their perceived dominance in the online-terrorism circles and to the rest of the world.


lol. you're so clueless, you clown

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they're less relevant since they threatened to expose the Zetas' internal police and government contacts, and the Zetas basically made them back down - hardly the invincible hacker group they thought they were, so (now pay attention, this is where it gets complicated) my statement about them having to attack Farcebook is basically there way of reasserting their perceived dominance in the online-terrorism circles and to the rest of the world.


lol. you're so clueless, you clown


Enlighten me then, fuckwit.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

they're less relevant since they threatened to expose the Zetas' internal police and government contacts, and the Zetas basically made them back down - hardly the invincible hacker group they thought they were, so (now pay attention, this is where it gets complicated) my statement about them having to attack Farcebook is basically there way of reasserting their perceived dominance in the online-terrorism circles and to the rest of the world.


lol. you're so clueless, you clown


Enlighten me then, fuckwit.


oh chill out, guy.


anyway. they weren't doing anything to "re-assert dominance". the original plan wasn't hostile to begin with. besides, it goes back way before the Zeta fiasco.


now the people behind the hoax, idk. whether they ever be serious or not, it doesn't reflect the opinions of the Anon's who are actually running the show and making the "official" operation posts. it's like extreme (yet fake) activism, as opposed to well mannered protest.


yea it's not a big deal, and it doesn't affect my life. but i just found it more interesting to look into rather than jumping to some vague conclusion.


why do people repeatedly return to threads they don't care about, just to keep reading more and post about how much they don't care?

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i thought that anonymous won the battle against the Zetas, didn't their guy get released from being kidnapped without having to pay any sort of ransom? if that's not winning against a murderous drug cartel... what is?

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From what I've read, there has been no proof of either a member being abducted or released. Also there was no proof of the alleged attorney general's website being defaced.


Whole thing smells funny.

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No evidence?


website still looks like this:




But that doesn't really mean anything.


The situation is beyond stupid, this week's cover of an important investigative journalism magazine features the Fawkes mask with the caption "ZETAS VS ANONYMOUS: the other war" .






the article inside has actually no information about it but that was to be expected since the media is generally clueless about what the fuck anonymous actually is. But it irks me greatly to hear anything about anon on the mainstream media, they treat is as if it was an actual organization. I think i'm gonna wirte some letters enlightening all these "reporters".

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the perceived legitimacy of the threat has been denied by Anon for months. they never officially stated they'd DDOS anything. making a "kill facebook" threat without any intention is something anyone can do using the "Anonymous" name.

it's amazing what you can learn by using Google.








Op facebook began several months ago, and had between 10 and 20 members. At its conception it had one goal:

To bring attention to the fact that facebook stored the data of user accounts.


This later developed into a second goal:

To develop an ethical, anonymous facebook alternative.


Development began on the site (albeit slowly), and all was well for a few days. Then came news of anonplus, an anonymous social network, similar to the one that was being developed at #opfacebook. The site in development by #opfacebook was slowing to a halt and so i decided to offer the source to the team at anonplus. This cam as a relief as i was growing tired of the project. I expected them to accept my offer of free source code and a mostly functioning site that would have reduced the embarresment they subjected themselves to with the epic fail of anouncing a site before they started coding. Unfortunately however, the "leader" (i lol'd) was a bit of a bitch, and i was subjected to a number of attempted doxes and then kickbanned.


Without anyone to take over or any interest remaining in the project, it was eventually scrapped, and with the media attention of facebooks policies #opfacebook should have died gracefully. Obviously however, this was not the case.


Nobody ever removed the channel, and so at some point rumours began as to what #opfacebook was. The plan before it was scrapped had been a mass deletion of facebook accounts, however it was decided that a mass deletion of facebook accounts would occur on november the 5th, however this was decided to be a bad idea and so it was removed from the pad. Unfortunately, this left only the draft of a message to facebook, warning that they would "never forget" the 5th of november. At some point, somebody saw the near-empty channel and joined it. Rumours were spread ranging from 0-day exploits in facebook to physical attacks on the server. Soon #opfacebook gained around 40 people who expected an attack on facebook.


The sudden growth of the channel, and the rumours of an attack on facebook brang swarms of mediafags, and then everything turned into a mess similar to the one you'd expect if shit his a fan. And not hard shit - kind of soft and sticky shit.


People started joining really fast, partially because of the media but mainly because of a particularly awesome and lulzy op who didn't afraid of nothing and secretly wanted to kick 200 users because he/she thought it would be funny whhen they all got mad. Unfortunately rum removed his/her op status because he was jelly, and that fucked things up even more because he was left with an embarresing op and nearly 200 people.


Anyway, the whole thing is a massive clusterfuck and i feel responsible, so can someone sort that shit out?


Yes, physical attacks on facebook's solitary server.


and 40, or even 200 people is not really a huge amount of people expecting attacks on facebook.

What I get from that "article" is that they thought they could delete facebook accounts. When they found out they couldn't they gave up. But some people thought something might still happen. But nothing happened. So what. It's not like any kind of activism at all, because nothing fucking happened.

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