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Guest Helper ET

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So.. Where the FUCK did your rent money go? did it just disappear because of quantum fluctuations the day before rent was due? did the illuminati zap it with microwaves?


Jesus fucking christ man, you always prioritize rent! doesn't matter if you have no internet or food for the month, you at least pay the god damn rent. that's the most basic factor that defines the difference between being a human being in society and a barbarian. Forget a job without a place to live. People will not trust you one bit. Regular meals? Heat? HAHAHAHA! Homelessness is a snowballing thing that is hard to get out of.


I'm speaking out of love here, I have done some financial mistakes and have at a few times almost slipped into the abyss of homelessness. There are no lessons like hard lessons, and here's what you need to get into that skull of yours: That thing you call a brain with all its genius and fun ways to conceptualize about the world does not float around on its own, it needs a body, and that body needs a few basic things - heat, food, water. Things also get really weird if you don't have social contact, you burn alot of bridges and opportunities, and for that you need to swallow your pride and be a zombie, at its very least have a place to stay. You might not always want to feel like a misunderstood genius.


The way I see it you have at least three options, ranked:


A: Talk with your landlord and your flatmates.


B: Call your parents. Move back in with them.


C: Seek out shelters, squatters & dumpster-divers or other lowlifes. I know a guy who did the latter and he had a good time, but it gets old fast. He had somewhere to go back to when the fun was over, what really sucks about it is when you don't.


I'm not sure about this, but I have an inkling that's what this is about so take heed if it applies; Lay off the drugs, get help if that's what it takes. Get some guidance about planning your life and what you want to do. Some institutions out there are there to help you.

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this and past threads have proven that you are incapable of living on your own, move back to your parents', get and education/work experience and try again.

I have to go with this, it seems the only sensible option sadly.


nothing sad about it. I would absolutely go with this option. if you can't afford to live alone, then don't! better than being a burden on your roommates, quite frankly. people shouldn't feel like they have to live alone in an apartment as soon as they hit 18. the economy is shit, your parents brought you into the world they can continue to support you until you have enough money to move out. that's my opinion.

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It's fucking absurd and ridiculous that we still have this attitude that kids have to move out as soon as high school is over.


18 - that means its college time! uhm... I would have saved myself A MOTHERFUCKING SHITLOAD OF MOTHERFUCKING TROUBLE




had I not fallen for this societal concept of 'college at 18 college independence at 18 move out of the house at 18'it truly is bullshit!




guess what, not everybody is on the same schedule. i look at these kids finishing motherfuckin school and i have ZERO envy of them, ZERO desire to be where they are!!! I'm moving at my own pace! I'm a creative individual and - not to be narcissistic, lets just call it realistic self confidence - I have a rather gigantic amount more intelligence and creativity than a great deal of people who are graduating at this time.




the kid has a boner the size of texas


I was SORT OF in your shoes. I had an apartment, using drugs [i'm assuming that's part of this?]. A lot of drugs, skipping class every single fucking day. Basically, wake up, buy drugs with parents money, return to apartment, use drugs, fall asleep, party, use more drugs, make music for days on end without sleeping, party, sleep, etc. It was fucking absurd, unhealthy, irresponsible, and overall the worst time in my life - despite that it may sound fun, it was bad and ethically depraved, I'm not going to beat myself up for that now though. I should have never been given the chance to be in that situation. I obviously wasn't ready for independence, had no desire for it, and didn't understand its value.


face the facts kid, you're on heroin




"It beats me up that people feel they must move out and support themselves when everybody else does. I know that sounds massively soft, but realize it's the truth. People are all different. I suggest kids stay at home and do their own shit, then start school when they realize whats up, get paid and get laid when the time is right, you're not missing out, my parents say I'm missing out on the lifestyle, no this is a preconceived and overall pathetic excuse, there is nothing to miss out on. What, the intellectual conversations? Incorrect. The paydirt - payload, cash money motherfucking shindig lifestyle. I've got more to me than some of these dull ass bell bottom cowards shoveling snow at the bike shop getting laid then drinking beer in front of the TV. I'll get to it when I do, right now I'm learning how simply to BE HEALTHY as in ingest correct chemicals on the right schedule, because that HEATH is the very experience of life."


Don't be homeless, go home, get yourself on your feet, stay in the moment, remember whats up, then get paid while you can, life will move right, I don't have a job, my parents detest me, I'll be free someday, right now I have to be home, I can be who I am when I say I can be on it, right from the top cowards drop, makes their heart stop, boners in their pants they dance, like they prance when I show them the kind of man I am, with plans, and grams. I can bend at the knees for free, then gobble, the air with my laughter, the money making prance taker, I follow thee, then post, then boast. I roast. From top to bottom I scar the honey loggin beat boxin free taking money gram stack breakin boner shifting light weight liftin creepy corncob haggard stifled laughter boner doll in a hamper with knicker bell bottom sneakers kickin and quiting fallin and shittin honey money big meat crimpin tinted sunglasses wiltin phoney jacking smacking and lackin in all of the above like dove chocolate out the box like a fuckin wigwam off simpson s he know nothin like a buttin in my muff topping big ass shitndig mfdoafsad






"I see people who are pushing themselves really hard, and I understand that is necessary much of the time. For me, I can't even imagine trying to work a job to pay the amount of rent and food, etc, that I needed back then. I was in NO position to move forward. I decided to move home.



It's been a year since then, I'm off all drugs, I exercise daily, and I am in school learning to get over social anxiety and some of the depression that likely fueled drug abuse. I hate motivated, successful, and happy people, and I hate society. At the same time, I'm moving towards that point every day, enjoying good health, self confidence and all the things that make me want to go on a shooting rampage from time to time."










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Guest uptown devil



It's fucking absurd and ridiculous that we still have this attitude that kids have to move out as soon as high school is over.


18 - that means its college time! uhm... I would have saved myself A MOTHERFUCKING SHITLOAD OF MOTHERFUCKING TROUBLE




had I not fallen for this societal concept of 'college at 18 college independence at 18 move out of the house at 18'it truly is bullshit!




guess what, not everybody is on the same schedule. i look at these kids finishing motherfuckin school and i have ZERO envy of them, ZERO desire to be where they are!!! I'm moving at my own pace! I'm a creative individual and - not to be narcissistic, lets just call it realistic self confidence - I have a rather gigantic amount more intelligence and creativity than a great deal of people who are graduating at this time.




the kid has a boner the size of texas


I was SORT OF in your shoes. I had an apartment, using drugs [i'm assuming that's part of this?]. A lot of drugs, skipping class every single fucking day. Basically, wake up, buy drugs with parents money, return to apartment, use drugs, fall asleep, party, use more drugs, make music for days on end without sleeping, party, sleep, etc. It was fucking absurd, unhealthy, irresponsible, and overall the worst time in my life - despite that it may sound fun, it was bad and ethically depraved, I'm not going to beat myself up for that now though. I should have never been given the chance to be in that situation. I obviously wasn't ready for independence, had no desire for it, and didn't understand its value.


face the facts kid, you're on heroin




"It beats me up that people feel they must move out and support themselves when everybody else does. I know that sounds massively soft, but realize it's the truth. People are all different. I suggest kids stay at home and do their own shit, then start school when they realize whats up, get paid and get laid when the time is right, you're not missing out, my parents say I'm missing out on the lifestyle, no this is a preconceived and overall pathetic excuse, there is nothing to miss out on. What, the intellectual conversations? Incorrect. The paydirt - payload, cash money motherfucking shindig lifestyle. I've got more to me than some of these dull ass bell bottom cowards shoveling snow at the bike shop getting laid then drinking beer in front of the TV. I'll get to it when I do, right now I'm learning how simply to BE HEALTHY as in ingest correct chemicals on the right schedule, because that HEATH is the very experience of life."


Don't be homeless, go home, get yourself on your feet, stay in the moment, remember whats up, then get paid while you can, life will move right, I don't have a job, my parents detest me, I'll be free someday, right now I have to be home, I can be who I am when I say I can be on it, right from the top cowards drop, makes their heart stop, boners in their pants they dance, like they prance when I show them the kind of man I am, with plans, and grams. I can bend at the knees for free, then gobble, the air with my laughter, the money making prance taker, I follow thee, then post, then boast. I roast. From top to bottom I scar the honey loggin beat boxin free taking money gram stack breakin boner shifting light weight liftin creepy corncob haggard stifled laughter boner doll in a hamper with knicker bell bottom sneakers kickin and quiting fallin and shittin honey money big meat crimpin tinted sunglasses wiltin phoney jacking smacking and lackin in all of the above like dove chocolate out the box like a fuckin wigwam off simpson s he know nothin like a buttin in my muff topping big ass shitndig mfdoafsad






"I see people who are pushing themselves really hard, and I understand that is necessary much of the time. For me, I can't even imagine trying to work a job to pay the amount of rent and food, etc, that I needed back then. I was in NO position to move forward. I decided to move home.



It's been a year since then, I'm off all drugs, I exercise daily, and I am in school learning to get over social anxiety and some of the depression that likely fueled drug abuse. I hate motivated, successful, and happy people, and I hate society. At the same time, I'm moving towards that point every day, enjoying good health, self confidence and all the things that make me want to go on a shooting rampage from time to time."











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vamos i've been itching all day... what did you NEED to delete?


I need to delete some old posts about my music. I googled my own -bandname- today and some old and very ugly threads came up.



I read your post as saying, "I hate you vamos, I can't wait for you to be banned and all your posts be deleted" - now I'm not sure that's what you were saying. sorry.

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Put on a banana suit and wait on the corner of 5th and Union St. at 1800 EST, When a PT Cruiser with tinted windows passes, the driver will throw you a paper bag. Look inside and there will be approx. 57,000 in Russian Rubles. There will be a phone number inside for you to call and wait for further instructions.


This will be the beginning of a life of espionage, eroticism, and all kinds of thrilling shit.

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Put on a banana suit and wait on the corner of 5th and Union St. at 1800 EST, When a PT Cruiser with tinted windows passes, the driver will throw you a paper bag. Look inside and there will be approx. 57,000 in Russian Rubles. There will be a phone number inside for you to call and wait for further instructions.


This will be the beginning of a life of espionage, eroticism, and all kinds of thrilling shit.

OMG, ET is gonna be the main character in Sergei Lukyanenko's next series!


The only thing I could be any more excited about is if they were written by Steig Larsen, or maybe Steffani Mire!

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Guest carthief

I just want to say, vamos, that your first response to et's problems sounded really heartfelt, and for me, rang true.


I've been talking to a number of people at work lately about the ridiculous idea that, if you don't go to college right after high school, you're a failure (that's what was pushed where I grew up)... and I think a lot of the things you brought up relate to that kind of mindset...


I moved back in with my parents when I was like 24-25, I'm still there, and I couldn't be happier. I had a lot of the problems et seems to be dealing with (addiction, social problems, etc.), and, despite having a really horrible time growing up in my parents' house for some legitimate reasons, once I got older and started seeing them as people too, we developed a really great relationship.


My only problem now is that I have a girlfriend I love and hope to marry, and of course she wants us to live on our own, but the support and love I get at home with my parents (due to some longstanding mental illness as well), is something I'm having a hard time leaving behind... and plus I want to be there when they're older to take care of them, as they have me.


The other day I was leaving for work and saw this guy who lives across the street waiting with his son at the bus stop, and I was embarassed thinking he knows I'm older and still live at home...it wasn't until later in the day I remembered that he, his wife, and his son live across the street in his parents' house, with his parents, and the guy and his wife are probably a good 10-15 years older than me.


ET - I have love for you and I wish you the best. Keep talking to us.

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