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HAAH yea i can see that. i see the space invader thing too. it was a really quick rough in trying to modernize the current w but it sounds like JR is pretty set on that. i will focus my efforts on making a few cool shirts if it works out.


Like I said, I'm open to suggestions - I didn't make any time to do more designs yet, but hopefully I'll have some free time to do so this week and put some more up.


nice, ordered the purple/grey one.


Thank you! You're the first one! If it wasn't being handled by an outside firm, I'd throw in a copy of WATMM Volume One with it as appreciation!


If you can and want to, please let us know what you think of it and the overall quality. Hopefully that will inspire others to take the plunge.

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Guest JW Modestburns

i'm sorry...$25? i understand that's the going rate at a lot of places, but no way would i spend more than 15 bucks on that. which brings me to my next point. reading through this thread it seems that NO one recognizes that logo (save for Joyrex himself). what's wrong with the 'W' that shows in the tab when on here? i always liked that. or maybe a 'watmm' in that font/color/style?


This auxien fellow has a point.. paying $27 (includes shipping) for a t-shirt is a bit steep, especially when its a one color print.


Don't make me start a website called watmmtshirtsforless.com.

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O, but you can send him a copy anyways. There's no reason to hide behind outside firms! ;p


Last time I checked, mailing something wasn't free versus chucking one in a package that's going out already where the shipping's paid for.


i'm sorry...$25? i understand that's the going rate at a lot of places, but no way would i spend more than 15 bucks on that. which brings me to my next point. reading through this thread it seems that NO one recognizes that logo (save for Joyrex himself). what's wrong with the 'W' that shows in the tab when on here? i always liked that. or maybe a 'watmm' in that font/color/style?


This auxien fellow has a point.. paying $27 (includes shipping) for a t-shirt is a bit steep, especially when its a one color print.


Don't make me start a website called watmmtshirtsforless.com.


You obviously missed the part about it being an AA tee, along with a vinyl print, and not some laser printed crap like CafePress offers that comes off after three washings. Quality has a price, and it's not like I'm selling these things to get rich or anything.


That also doesn't mean there can't be periodic sales, either...


Seriously though - is it the price that's keeping people away from buying one, or the design, or both?

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Seriously though - is it the price that's keeping people away from buying one, or the design, or both?


tbh, probably the design. my theory is people will buy a shirt for one of two reasons:


1. it looks so amazing you just have to own it.


2. it functions as a beacon to other people with similar interests.


even better if you can combine both aspects on the same shirt.


what we've got is sort of the opposite. it's just a simple logo, which isn't bad, but isn't really exciting, either. and no one will recognize it. maybe 1 in 1000 people would recognize the aphex logo, but the watmm records logo is so obscure even our own members don't know what it is.

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dude you just deleted multiple posts of criticism!


that's no way to sell a t-shirt..


They were not posts about the shirts at all, except yours, which I couldn't be arsed to separate you Oscillik comments from your shirt comment - yes, you think the shirts are wack. Thank you for your honest opinion.


Seriously though - is it the price that's keeping people away from buying one, or the design, or both?


tbh, probably the design. my theory is people will buy a shirt for one of two reasons:


1. it looks so amazing you just have to own it.


2. it functions as a beacon to other people with similar interests.


even better if you can combine both aspects on the same shirt.


what we've got is sort of the opposite. it's just a simple logo, which isn't bad, but isn't really exciting, either. and no one will recognize it. maybe 1 in 1000 people would recognize the aphex logo, but the watmm records logo is so obscure even our own members don't know what it is.


I never considered the recognition factor, since WATMM is hardly well known, even online... I figured it would be something nice for members of the site to own, nothing more. The obscurity aspect is valid - hopefully that will be rectified soon (and there I go cursing it again).


As for the design - I'd have to think a bit about what visuals would make it more inticing without 'tarting it up' for the sake of doing so - I guess if I did a theme like the WATMM Compilation series (putting the "W" logo in places like cornfields, signs, everyday places, etc. might be more interesting than just a logo. I've said repeated times if anyone has any ideas to post them here, and a few have already.


when you say it's a vinyl print, do you mean like this where the design is almost like thick paint?





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Seriously though - is it the price that's keeping people away from buying one, or the design, or both?


yeah, the design and price both leave much to be desired.


mainly though, I'm saving my money because I don't want to support your shitty attitude. real talk, joybulb.

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Seriously though - is it the price that's keeping people away from buying one, or the design, or both?


yeah, the design and price both leave much to be desired.


mainly though, I'm saving my money because I don't want to support your shitty attitude. real talk, joybulb.


That's your choice, of course - but if you dislike my way of running things here, why bother sticking around?


Also, what would you find a reasonable price, and do you have any suggestions for a design?

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what would you find a reasonable price, and do you have any suggestions for a design?


$15 would be reasonable, IMO. The hoodie has a reasonable price-tag if ya ask me ($40). As far as designs, jules had some good ideas in this thread... maybe you could hold a watmm logo design competition (poll) and let the members vote on the designs you pick from the pool...? The winner of the design contest could maybe get a free shirt...?


That's your choice, of course - but if you dislike my way of running things here, why bother sticking around?


There are a lot of good people here at WATMM. I may not like the way you run the ship, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna jump.

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I'm lucky enough to enjoy the design & I don't mind paying a premium to support a site I enjoy. (I think $20 is a reasonable price for a printed AA tee. but then I live in nyc, where you can buy baked crap for more than that)


Owning an obscure shirt is like a secret handshake. One day one of you will come up and feel my boob, and I will look in to your big brown eye and say, Brother.


edit: thanks JR, I already own vol. 1 :flower:

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I'm lucky enough to enjoy the design & I don't mind paying a premium to support a site I enjoy. (I think $20 is a reasonable price for a printed AA tee. but then I live in nyc, where you can buy baked crap for more than that)


Owning an obscure shirt is like a secret handshake. One day one of you will come up and feel my boob, and I will look in to your big brown eye and say, Brother.


edit: thanks JR, I already own vol. 1 :flower:


I appreciate your support - and if I do lower the prices, I will PayPal you the difference since you were kind and willing enough to pay the asking price to begin with.

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what would you find a reasonable price, and do you have any suggestions for a design?


$15 would be reasonable, IMO. The hoodie has a reasonable price-tag if ya ask me ($40). As far as designs, jules had some good ideas in this thread... maybe you could hold a watmm logo design competition (poll) and let the members vote on the designs you pick from the pool...? The winner of the design contest could maybe get a free shirt...?


That's your choice, of course - but if you dislike my way of running things here, why bother sticking around?


There are a lot of good people here at WATMM. I may not like the way you run the ship, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna jump.


Yeah, I figured that would be your response - fair enough.


Also, thanks for the feedback - I think having a design contest would be a good idea, although I've been thinking about some alternate ideas myself, so perhaps a combination of both? Perhaps a "Artist Series" with designs done by members here, incorporating the WATMM logo into some creative design...


i would definitely prefer a shirt with the whole word "WATMM" on it in some form.


and ideally i would pay $20.


20, eh? they're 22.50 right now, with only some of the variants and more expensive shirts going for more...

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Seriously though - is it the price that's keeping people away from buying one, or the design, or both?


tbh, probably the design. my theory is people will buy a shirt for one of two reasons:


1. it looks so amazing you just have to own it.


2. it functions as a beacon to other people with similar interests.


even better if you can combine both aspects on the same shirt.


what we've got is sort of the opposite. it's just a simple logo, which isn't bad, but isn't really exciting, either. and no one will recognize it. maybe 1 in 1000 people would recognize the aphex logo, but the watmm records logo is so obscure even our own members don't know what it is.


what chaosmachine said.


with something like this, maybe doing a poll for 2 weeks out of 5 different (Joyrex approved!) designs would be a good idea. that way us users feel a bit more invested in the process; that seems particularly important given the kind of site this is. if we all voted on it, at least SOME portion of the users would be happy with the design. i'm not seeing much love for the current design logo (though there's nothing wrong with it, i think we're just unfamiliar with it. except maybe the width of the lines thing pointed out earlier in the thread. that irks me)


just ideas. it would have to be SWEET to warrant me dropping 20+ dollars on ANY t-shirt these days. and i think a large portion of people feel the same way.

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+1 for watmm design competition. there's a lot of talent here.


i wouldn't mind a watmm shirt for ~$20, seems to be a standard price but $22 isn't a big deal.

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maybe we could get one that's my avatar on the front and on the back i will hand-select an excerpt from one of my posts for each member who purchases. i would of course receive many free items for lending my celebrity to this process. if people wish to start sending me free things in advance please pm me. i will accept FLACS ONLY of autechre's kiosk.

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