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Why do you ban people for nothing

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Joyrex said, once upon a time,


From time to time, people do get banned, usually due to their own actions, or being part of a larger issue that warrants their removal for the better of the community. When someone is banned, it's natural to start a "Why was [insert banned member's name here] banned?" thread -while this is not a violation of the rules, multiple threads of this nature (especially when either there is an existing thread already addressing the matter or an official thread from a Mod or Admin regarding the matter) are considered inflammatory and counterproductive, and will be removed. Willful re-posting of such threads may result in your warning, suspension, or banning if the severity warrants it. Any greviences you have with a member being banned should be PMed or emailed to Joyrex.




Or something. And then he swallowed the key. CLOSED DOORS


Now I dunno if I missed the main "max and sup are banned" thread, but an explanation would be cool. Sup was good people, even if he couldn't spell his way out of a mcdondolands managerial position. Max, on the other hand, can go to hell. Since (s)he's been banned my desire to kick cute lil girls in the head has gone down dramatically.

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i dont understand why am i to be banned


i just want to know to prevent myself from being banned


ive used th is forum for years but didnt make an account til now why will i be banned




Read the rules for fucks sake.

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Now I dunno if I missed the main "max and sup are banned" thread, but an explanation would be cool. Sup was good people, even if he couldn't spell his way out of a mcdondolands managerial position. Max, on the other hand, can go to hell. Since (s)he's been banned my desire to kick cute lil girls in the head has gone down dramatically.


The spelling was trolling, but I personally found it funny.

The grammar was legit though sup.gif

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I just gotta get a JBC in here before this thing gets shut down.



JBC wattm, JBC :sup:


I will always remember sup for his rejection of idm and post-idm aesthetical modes.



WTF the sup icon doesn't even work anymore?


The time for JBCing is over. Fuck you.

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easy ways to get banned:


- constantly bump threads with short, annoying, content-free posts.

- constantly bother the mods via pm or gtalk.

- constantly complain about the arbitrary nature of watmm moderation. yes, it's arbitrary, get over it. it's an imperfect system run by busy people in their spare time. we have variable amounts of patience and tolerance.


basically, the more frequently annoying you are, the greater your chances of being arbitrarily banned.


if i was joyrex, i'd just rewrite the rules to say "if you're annoying, we'll probably ban you, eventually." that's basically what it comes down to.

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if i was joyrex, i'd just rewrite the rules to say "if you're annoying, we'll probably ban you, eventually." that's basically what it comes down to.


If that were the only rule, this place would be way better craic.

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Guest disparaissant

i asked sup why he was banned

BALL: cuz he said i have bad grammer and subvertsion on watmm

BALL: i think hes mad cuz i sold better shirts for less $$$ then him

BALL: and i re started my blog when he unjusty banned MAX


muppet face: well i will poor out an e-beer for you homie you will be missed

BALL: this will be the worse decision joyrex made in his life

muppet face: you gonna start a sup is the music makers website

BALL: dunno

BALL: maybe


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