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psssh VV Cephei isn't the largest, not even close.

VY Canis Majoris is.

i would love to see it go hypernova, it's got a radius like 2000 times that of our sun and was an O type star back when it was young. its also 40x the mass of our sun and is totally just gonna go kablooie all over the fucking galaxy. luckily its far enough away that we dont have to worry about gamma ray bursts but it will probably light up the sky pretty good. only 100,000 or so years!!!!


Yeah. Still cool gif though :) Gets the point across and helps during finals.


Also Adventure TIme rocks btw. I saw your avatar before and just thought it odd but after my friends got me hooked on Adventure time I was like oh yea cool avatar lol.

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Guest disparaissant

i've got an astronomy final on friday and hypernovas will be part of that

as will the big bang, theoretical shapes of the universe, and subatomic bullshit. might just have to spout off on watmm about all this crap.

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i've got an astronomy final on friday and hypernovas will be part of that

as will the big bang, theoretical shapes of the universe, and subatomic bullshit. might just have to spout off on watmm about all this crap.


I loved the astronomy courses I took during college. UT even had one structured around the Drake Equation that covered the search for extraterrestrial life. That was back in 2005 too, before the explosion in extrasolar planet finds.


Good luck on your final.

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i've got an astronomy final on friday and hypernovas will be part of that

as will the big bang, theoretical shapes of the universe, and subatomic bullshit. might just have to spout off on watmm about all this crap.


Yeah I've actually taken Solar And Galactic Astronomy at University of Houston. Got A's on them both, they might have been intro classes though not sure. But I love astronomy, if my math skills suffice, I wouldn't mind doing Astrophysics.


Good luck, if you want to talk I'm down might help you remember for your test.

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Guest disparaissant

yeah this is cosmology n shit. rather liking it. even the really basic math we've gotta do for it is a bit above what i know (have not taken math in 10 years!) but i get most of it.


but man stuff like dark matter and dark energy and crazy ass subatomic particles and THE UNIVERSE EXPANDING and oh man its all so nuts and i wish i could wrap my head around it a little better but YEAH ITS GREAT

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  • 1 month later...

this heat got me thinking, you think if the bible was written in Norway instead of by desert people that hell would have been a cold place

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I don't follow/care about politics but i would say a conservative politician has more power to affect my life than some random christian.



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  • 1 month later...

So, since I thoroughly enjoyed this thread for a number of reasons both good and bad, I wanted to bump it in response to the earlier claim that religious belief has no consequence on people's personal lives.



Did anyone watch the RNC? These are the people that elected two presidents, for two terms a piece, that completely wiped out economic surplus, overextended the military and defense budget, and all at the expense of the welfare systems. These are also people that won mostly due to the rise in the evangelical vote.


Im happy to say that since this thread went and passed into the nether regions of WATMM, I have taken an active part as a sponsor for the Atheist organization at my university, and we are making quite an inroads....pushing not only debate with Christians (which btw has ended on polite terms everytime) but also social programs, donation drives, etc.

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religion: 'a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance'




the masses interpretation of what the words 'religion' and 'spirituality' mean, are extremely damaged. the modern institutions are of faint resemblance to their ancient root.


there are many types of religions in the world, which we have been lead to believe in. money, sciences, art, eating at the mcdonalds can be a

religion. everyone is religious. it is of course what we are religious about that matters the most. music is a religion

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i am referring to a system of belief that includes a god or gods.

What's your definition of a god?




This was a mistake.

Ugh, this thread is shit. :(


Yes, it certainly is now. My apologies.

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I have many gods.


At night, I really enjoy the bed-God. It's just one of those gods that helps me sleep comfortably. Then, in the morning, I get a little help from the toothbrush-God. He keeps my teeth white and shiny. Thank you toothbrush-God!


I usually ride the bus to school, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is where he bus-God comes in handy! It such a great feeling to just kick back and relax, and let the bus-God take you to your destination. Also, during the very long day, the waterbottle-God is nice to keep in mind. You never know when you might need a drop of water!


I could go on, but my point is that I it's super silly to have only one God. Why just one? Why worship one God only? A God you can't even see? At least the toothbrush-God is right there every morning. I know for sure that guy's real!



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