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Google's guesswork is going too far


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I mean, are there really so many people searching for porn on the internet that this would happen?



Hold on, I missed that question. Please tell me you didnt really mean that.

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"Squinting really hard" is shitty grammar.


not bad grammar chassis, bad usage.


Shitty something anyway.


yeah, "really" is a really 1st grade modifier. but it's also really easy to say.

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well what Google DOESN't know is that 'squirting' does not exist, or so says the Australian prime minister, and well i believe *him* because he would know, am i right?



edit: so am i the only one here who is scared of having kids because of google? how do the parents on this forum actually know for sure their 8 year old kid hasn't already seen an incredible amount of hardcore pornography through the net?

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edit: so am i the only one here who is scared of having kids because of google? how do the parents on this forum actually know for sure their 8 year old kid hasn't already seen an incredible amount of hardcore pornography through the net?

Because - my kid who is 7 doesn't spend much time in front of the computer, and when she does we're generally using it together. Otherwise she's using it to learn more origami, or find coloring pages. She uses mom's iPad to play some music games, some puzzle games and other things like that. She also doesn't have her own computer, and she won't for a couple more years probably. I like spending time with her - it's fun and I get to be a part of her life. When she is old enough to have her own computer, well, we'll just have to talk about using it responsibly. I'm not gonna hover over her like a hawk or install any of that bullshit tracking software/keylogging software, I'm going to trust that the lessons I've taught her as she grows are good ones. It's called parenting, and it's not hard.

Putting your kid in front of the computer and just letting him go while you ignore him is not parenting - and I think if you did have a kid Robbie, you would know better than to do that. I think you're an intelligent, caring person - and those qualities would serve you well as a parent.

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well what Google DOESN't know is that 'squirting' does not exist, or so says the Australian prime minister, and well i believe *him* because he would know, am i right?



edit: so am i the only one here who is scared of having kids because of google? how do the parents on this forum actually know for sure their 8 year old kid hasn't already seen an incredible amount of hardcore pornography through the net?


i was on the internet since i was like 8 years old (the year 2000). they had google (i remember using excite.com a lot too) back then and yeah, i stumbled onto porno and weird shit on occasion (oh rotten.com), but i was usually embarrassed so i'd close out of it immediately.


related story: i read a smutty fanfic about that disney movie "atlantis" when i was a kid and it's what prompted my mom to have the "what is sex?" talk with me, lol.


anyway, as long as you're open with your kids and let them know that you won't be mad at them if they're honest, i don't think they'll get messed up by using the internet. my mom was always really open with me and never censored the media i consumed. i don't even remember what she told me when she started letting me use the internet unsupervised, other than the obvious "never give out personal information" that was drilled into my head. but i remember that she'd always ask about what i was looking at and she'd come into my room to check up on me. she was vigilant but she wasn't intrusive, if that makes sense?


basically, have a good relationship with your kids and the "internet" problem will solve itself because they'll be open with you. if something they see is traumatic, they'll tell you about it and you can talk to them and explain it instead of letting those things fester inside their innocent minds.


also, i think it goes without saying that you should also direct their internet focus a bit--you know, recommend safe websites like neopets.com and disney.com. but for god's sake, don't put filters and crap on their computer. "forbidden fruit" phenomenon, anyone?

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well what Google DOESN't know is that 'squirting' does not exist, or so says the Australian prime minister, and well i believe *him* because he would know, am i right?



edit: so am i the only one here who is scared of having kids because of google? how do the parents on this forum actually know for sure their 8 year old kid hasn't already seen an incredible amount of hardcore pornography through the net?


i was on the internet since i was like 8 years old (the year 2000). they had google (i remember using excite.com a lot too) back then and yeah, i stumbled onto porno and weird shit on occasion (oh rotten.com), but i was usually embarrassed so i'd close out of it immediately.


related story: i read a smutty fanfic about that disney movie "atlantis" when i was a kid and it's what prompted my mom to have the "what is sex?" talk with me, lol.


anyway, as long as you're open with your kids and let them know that you won't be mad at them if they're honest, i don't think they'll get messed up by using the internet. my mom was always really open with me and never censored the media i consumed. i don't even remember what she told me when she started letting me use the internet unsupervised, other than the obvious "never give out personal information" that was drilled into my head. but i remember that she'd always ask about what i was looking at and she'd come into my room to check up on me. she was vigilant but she wasn't intrusive, if that makes sense?


basically, have a good relationship with your kids and the "internet" problem will solve itself because they'll be open with you. if something they see is traumatic, they'll tell you about it and you can talk to them and explain it instead of letting those things fester inside their innocent minds.


also, i think it goes without saying that you should also direct their internet focus a bit--you know, recommend safe websites like neopets.com and disney.com. but for god's sake, don't put filters and crap on their computer. "forbidden fruit" phenomenon, anyone?


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I mean, are there really so many people searching for porn on the internet that this would happen?




but, yeah, google image search is basically useless with safesearch off, unless you're actively looking for porn or random disgusting medical images.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

but, yeah, google image search is basically useless with safesearch off, unless you're actively looking for porn or random disgusting medical images.


so, basically what you're saying is, google image search is useless with safesearch on.

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