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That little yappy dog next door


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Maybe a week or two ago, the neighbor in the apartment just across from our patio must have got a new dog.

It's a little bitch of a dog that has the most aggravating sound when it barks. It is very loud and because its small, the bark is shrill and high pitched. the owner was keeping on their patio bit it literally barked at EVERYTHING. Planes, birds, other dogs, cars, people, squirrells, wind, bugs, air. Everything.

I banged on my own wall out of rage the other day and shhhhed it. I think the owner heard, because the dog has been barking from inside lately.

I overheard a conversation b/w the owner and her neighbor the next day. Apparently the dog is a rescue dog and does not like people. They were talking about how the owner may take it to obedience class, but you never know.


I've been working at home and will be doing so for the next month, every day.

What can be done?


Tips? Tricks?

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music / earplugs / dog for lunch,


seriously though, the easiest way: earplugs, have brought me throu unlucky shared flat combos being a noise sensitive (door slamming) twat I am. You could also have a nice chat with the guy and explain him your situation, that might finally persuade him to send the dog in. A small rescue dog hating ppl lol.

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Well obedience training of course. And speak to the owners, they'll probably be embarrassed about the whole thing. Be nice to them. And then if that doesn't work, complain to the landlord. As the barking dogs is one of societies as yet unresolved challenges. It'll be a great day when we overcome it. Like beating cancer, or making cold fusion a viable energy solution.

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yeah i doubt the owners are enjoying the yapping either.


throw them a steak soaked in sedatives.


Most of the time the problem of yapping dogs doesn't effect the owners, as they are off at work. So they don't get to witness nor hear their precious pooch mentally spasming over the temporary loss of the other members of it's pack, whilst it remains trapped in a meagre natureless vacuum.

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muzzle and/or sedatives - if that doesnt work, steal it and drive it to an isolated location to get lost in the woods - if not kill it. not joking. if a dog was CONSTANTLY barking 24/7 right next to my home and my neighbours refused to do anything about it i would fucking kill that dog.

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Guest Gary C



Your neighbour probably just needs to leave a radio/TV on to soothe the dog whilst no-one's home. It's difficult to suggest something like that though, so you're going to have to get into conversation about it first and say something like "my family dog used to do the same thing and we did... etc."

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My neighbours have two rottweilers that sound fucking horrific at night. Literally sound like theyre trying to get out of thier cage and bite someones face off.


EDIT: I think they might be pitbulls actually

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I fucking hate yappy little dogs, they serve no purpose.


We have a spaniel who never barks (well, has done about 4 times in total since we got him), is obedient (stops, comes back when called etc...) and knows that he cannot enter certain parts of the house.


Why anyone would choose a small shitty yappy "dog" over an obedient quiet one is beyond me

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Why anyone would choose a small shitty yappy "dog" over an obedient quiet one is beyond me


maybe so they don't have to pick up a pound of dog shit twice a day.

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Why anyone would choose a small shitty yappy "dog" over an obedient quiet one is beyond me


maybe so they don't have to pick up a pound of dog shit twice a day.


That's when a cat is a better option. Their lack of love and compassion as cats is still better than a yappy dog whose sadly been abused and/or overbred into a furry ball of confused aggression and perpetual stupidity.


There's a neighbor of mine, across the street, who has this miniature pinscher that makes this horrific bark when it sees any other dog, even from a good 20 yards away. It also thrashes to the point where it chokes itself and begins to gag, making these noises that horror film foley artists would envy. My mutt, who is a shepard/husky puppy, just kinda stares back with cautious pity. The owner mentions it's a rescue dog and abused, and to her credit, she's slowly but surely training him to calm down. A month ago it couldn't get close to people but now I can pet it. Still freaks out around dogs though.

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Guest uptown devil

sample the dog barking for an hour, put some studio monitors on your patio facing your neighbors' place, play the sample at the loudest volume all night long until they figure it the fuck out.


or get a dog whistle.

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Guest Gary C

uptown devil's idea is pretty good, actually. But I wouldn't get into sonic-warfare until you've already discussed it as adults.

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Guest fiznuthian

Dogs bark constantly like that because their owners are pieces of shit who don't spend adequate time with them, train them, socialize them, or go for walks consistently..Don't blame the dog, most of those lil' yappers only yappin because dumb fucks buy a toy lap dog and won't even play with it let alone do anything other than feed it and pet it occasionally.. Dogs can be quite social animals just like humans. Would anyone stick their baby on that porch and leave it there daily? Dogs like to feel part of a group not ostracised and alienated.


I wish these assholes would buy fish instead instead of dogs.. Dogs are not meant for pet owners that want something cute to look at and feed.

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music / earplugs / dog for lunch,


seriously though, the easiest way: earplugs, have brought me throu unlucky shared flat combos being a noise sensitive (door slamming) twat I am. You could also have a nice chat with the guy and explain him your situation, that might finally persuade him to send the dog in. A small rescue dog hating ppl lol.


Great call on the earplugs. I'm a huge believer in them. I use them every night.

Unfortunately, my work at the moment is video editing, so I need my senses. I've been editing with noise-cancelling earbuds and it does little good. I can still hear him.



Ugh. He's barking right now.

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