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how do you pronounce other users names ?


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Guest umop_apisdn

upside down

essines = Eee ess signs

kaen = cane

kinda old school: monumrnt = monumrnt

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That would be the cherry on the cake - Banned because of his controversial opinion on something.


Anyway stop the off topic fatso.


Remember our conversation regarding your grandmother?


Its her cooking me breakfast every morning that keeps me my healthy weight.


Love me some low class pussy.



Isn't there like a bigots-r-us or something in your country you should be at, hating on gays and all other marginalized identities?

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i assume everyone just says 'yek'.. but i wouldn't be surprised if it turned out everyone says 'yik'

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Is it not just - Steeve n Jee ?


haha yeah it is, but I like their way better


especially steveing. steveing as a verb could be a lot of things.

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curious as to how people pronounce mine


like this:





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