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Obama Stinks


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I laugh when Obama is called the most SOCIALEST president EVER! It's just not the political process that's been corrupted but it's the whole political discourse that is all messed up, where up is down and right is left. And as soon as someone steps up and points out these problems they get shouted down by the partisan population. Where are the moderates in all this? Are there any or have they all fallen into this conservative/liberal dichotomy?


But yeah, Obama is a shitty president. This whole bipartisanship stance was dumb. The US is a divided nation and a president, a black one at that, isn't going to mend that. So instead of pandering to the right and moving more right as he's doing it, he should have just fucked them and done whatever he chose when he had the chance. That's what the GOP would have done had they been in his shoes. Question is, would Obama have done any of these things the liberals would have wanted or is it just the way he is? All that hope and change mumbojumbo was just hot air to get elected and Obama is in fact no more left on many things than his predecessor.

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Guest Al Hounos

Obama is black. He doesn't want the first black president to be a one-term president. He should have just told everybody to fuck off and make sweeping progressive change? Naivete like that is exactly why he's president and you're not.


Wake up, WATMM, in democracies you have to appeal to at least 50% of the population. That means you have to appeal to a lot of dullards. Surprised that the campaign was a lot of promises and hype? No shit! It's politics! Not only that, it's American politics!


I'm not a huge Obama fan by any stretch, but he's infinitely better than Bush, or god-forbid, Romney. Yeah, it sucks that we can't just magically have a ballsy, super-progressive president that will turn America into Sweden overnight, but you can either accept that fact and work with it, or sulk about it and do nothing.

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I didn't read all of these posts, but I agree he is a step in the right direction. Maybe some of his policies suck, but he isn't promoting social conservatism and he is trying to right some of the inequalities of our country. When he is elected for his second term he will do a much better job of making all in decisions.

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If you prescribe to just two options he is a step in the right direction but it's still going in the right direction.





As long as congress is manhandled by special interests and filibuster abuse, as well as the Supreme Court, it doesn't really matter if an R or a D is in charge. The entire structure of American politics births corruption at the moment. The only choice is to vote third party. I'm supporting Gary Johnson. It may be a losing candidate but it's a choice and is the right one imo.

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We all know that he's a douche.

seriously man, it's like the 20th time it dumbfounds me, why do you always feel like you are speaking for the majority/many people or are a part of some group like minded people ? it's really horrible.


regarding the topic: vote obama you american morons. if sr4 was feeling more scientific about this issue he would come up with more detailed comparisons, but for some reason he's going all awepittance on it.

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Yeah, it sucks that we can't just magically have a ballsy, super-progressive president that will turn America into Sweden overnight, but you can either accept that fact and work with it, or sulk about it and do nothing.



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Obama is black. He doesn't want the first black president to be a one-term president. He should have just told everybody to fuck off and make sweeping progressive change? Naivete like that is exactly why he's president and you're not.


Wake up, WATMM, in democracies you have to appeal to at least 50% of the population. That means you have to appeal to a lot of dullards. Surprised that the campaign was a lot of promises and hype? No shit! It's politics! Not only that, it's American politics!


I'm not a huge Obama fan by any stretch, but he's infinitely better than Bush, or god-forbid, Romney. Yeah, it sucks that we can't just magically have a ballsy, super-progressive president that will turn America into Sweden overnight, but you can either accept that fact and work with it, or sulk about it and do nothing.

Bravo, I like you, Al.

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both sides of the pond have one earthly hope and that is massively well organized, proper revolution. if we continue sulking in false hope, of the possibility, of efficiently utilizing the currently dictated, conveniently ambiguous, grecian political system that leaves everyone sucking each others cunts, then we will slowly sink into the sand.

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both sides of the pond have one earthly hope and that is massively well organized, proper revolution. if we continue sulking in false hope, of the possibility, of efficiently utilizing the currently dictated, conveniently ambiguous, grecian political system that leaves everyone sucking each others cunts, then we will slowly sink into the sand.


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We all know that he's a douche.

seriously man, it's like the 20th time it dumbfounds me, why do you always feel like you are speaking for the majority/many people or are a part of some group like minded people ? it's really horrible.


regarding the topic: vote obama you american morons. if sr4 was feeling more scientific about this issue he would come up with more detailed comparisons, but for some reason he's going all awepittance on it.


its more scientific than the statements you just made.

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if sr4 was feeling more scientific about this issue he would come up with more detailed comparisons, but for some reason he's going all awepittance on it.


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For the people that talk about revolution... Do you really think the average american civilian would be any match for the military industrial complex, with a huge force of trained killers, advanced weaponry of all kinds, surveillance ranging from wiretapping to drones with infrared cameras, and blind patriotism in general?


Seriously, what is your strategy? In what world do you think that a violent uprising would be successful?

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Obama is black. He doesn't want the first black president to be a one-term president. He should have just told everybody to fuck off and make sweeping progressive change? Naivete like that is exactly why he's president and you're not.


Wake up, WATMM, in democracies you have to appeal to at least 50% of the population. That means you have to appeal to a lot of dullards. Surprised that the campaign was a lot of promises and hype? No shit! It's politics! Not only that, it's American politics!


I'm not a huge Obama fan by any stretch, but he's infinitely better than Bush, or god-forbid, Romney. Yeah, it sucks that we can't just magically have a ballsy, super-progressive president that will turn America into Sweden overnight, but you can either accept that fact and work with it, or sulk about it and do nothing.

Bravo, I like you, Al.


His sympathetic excuses will melt away to reveal the same contempt we all (except eugene) feel*, when in the second term he also does less than jack, well besides fucking things up in a nastier direction.


* - (this statement floats outside of time, so i've the weight of future history/opinion on my side)

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For the people that talk about revolution... Do you really think the average american civilian would be any match for the military industrial complex, with a huge force of trained killers, advanced weaponry of all kinds, surveillance ranging from wiretapping to drones with infrared cameras, and blind patriotism in general?


Seriously, what is your strategy? In what world do you think that a violent uprising would be successful?


And that's just the US military, then there's the mercenaries of Blackwater or whatever they are called now, who are going to do the bidding of the highest payer and that's for sure not the common people.


But all in all, the average American is still too comfortable to stage a revolution and even then a large part still thinks that the American Dream is still achievable and their lucky break to become millionaires is just around the corner and they just need to work hard, because hard work is what is supposed to get you ahead in life and life is just.

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