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The Influence Of Music


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anything that we experience repeatedly will slowly influence us, change us subtly or severely into being a certain way or inspire us to do certain things. we are sometimes inspired or guided by music in what we create or how we think or what we choose in life. certain musics can be more influential then others.


what musics or musicians would you say have been or are the most influential in your life? have you been conditioned by the music you listen to? if you think back to your past, have you witnessed observable change in your demeanor, in your sense of style, your creativity or any aspect of you life or lifestyle?

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I definately think music changes and influences you, you listen to an album/a piece of music and you can experience all kinds of thoughts and emotions that weren`t there before, and I reckon it can make you more intuitive and introspective, more in tune with your own mind, emotions, soul, whatever. It taps into something pretty deep, personal and mysterious, comparable to Psychedelic experiences, meditation, altered states. It can definately be more than just entertainment. Well, that`s my experience of it.

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Guest ruiagnelo

it turns you into an autist nerd that calls everything idm (including electronic music) and treats women as if they didn't get anything at all.

conclusion: don't listen to music

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I believe music is very powerful, but its influences depend solely on how the "user" interprets it. But I will safely assume that it is beneficial to cognitive processes in some cases

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the musics of those close to me, who have passed away, my childhood musics, musics in dreams, influence me the most i would guess. music is very important when i'm with girls. if they like silly music then i'm not likely to spend time with them much. music has been a part of constructing who i am in as much a way as anything else really. if i'd not been listening to a certain music, then i would not have been inspired to have a certain thought of a certain thing and so on. if i'd not been to one music performance or one rave or another, i would not have met an old girlfriend or various friends past or in the present. music in any circumstance, i believe to be no different then an appropriate or inappropriate soundtrac, just like in the films. sometimes, just as in film, the music works very well with what is taking place, other times it is complete shite or it is someone else's sountrac and does not fit with my film at all

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  • 1 year later...

what musics or musicians would you say have been or are the most influential in your life?


The most influential, important:


- L. van Beethoven

- Autechre


Take every other music away from me and any other type of art and i could live the rest of my life just on those two.

I've learned so much from them and i'm not talking about music. If i could only thank them somehow... in next life i guess.

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I definitely experience very strong emotions from listening to music, particularly a lot of 19th and 20th century classical music. It probably has an effect on people when they experience a broad range of emotions, but I don't know what effect that might be.


Listening to music (particularly electronic music) makes me appreciate the sounds of objects around me. Like interesting-sounding washing machines.I've definitely become more aesthetically receptive to found objects and found sounds.

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I try to objective when I first here music before I make any critical judgement of it. Nostalgia, experience, and emotion factors into personal bias and preference so much, to a point where certain people love music that solely for those reasons: that's why those "guilty pleasure" threads are just thought-provoking as say, a thread about why we love any of the featured artists.


One of my favorite antidotes was about Chinese conductor/composer who grew up and worked during the Cultural Revolution. When it ended in 1976, the PRC allowed for the first time pop music from Hong Kong and Taiwan to be imported and tolerated among it's citizens, and before that only state sanctioned music like Guoyue was allowed. The composer said he sobbed with absolute joy and sadness upon hearingmandopop and cantopop for the first time. This is music that most Westerners would deem as cheesy, saccharine pop ballads. He was absolutely overwrought with emotion upon hearing lyrics about personal emotions like love and anger. I need to find the source of this, I had heard it in a lecture years ago. It reinforces why we are drawn to music and how much impact it has on individuals, even when cultural and social context is absent.

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