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Inactivity Killing As Many As Smoking


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

People that don't get used to working out don't know what they are missing. It makes you feel way more clear headed, relaxed and stress free.

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Guest sirch

Stop the Press!


this just in: Bullshit fear maybe killing as many, if not more, than ever before! ? a recent study suggests.. that people... are idiots.

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sitting in an office chair every weekkday but going to the gym every other day isn't good enough apparently. you'll still die.

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People that don't get used to working out don't know what they are missing. It makes you feel way more clear headed, relaxed and stress free.


I stopped going to the gym or running on june because the temperature makes it unbereable. Now instead of exercising I just go to the beach and lay in the sand like a lizard with a broken neck, and I feel just as clear headed and relaxed

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

People that don't get used to working out don't know what they are missing. It makes you feel way more clear headed, relaxed and stress free.


I stopped going to the gym or running on june because the temperature makes it unbereable. Now instead of exercising I just go to the beach and lay in the sand like a lizard with a broken neck, and I feel just as clear headed and relaxed

You're either delusional or a freak, because the vast majority of normal humans can confirm exercise helps you feel at your best, can fight the possibility of getting depressed and balances out your mental equilibrium. I'm sure with 5 minutes of googling science could explain why it's so magical for your bigger picture.

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Smoking what?




That's some crazy talk right there mister. Nobody smokes pubes and survives it mentally.


Explains some of the posts around here.


lol well-played.

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People that don't get used to working out don't know what they are missing. It makes you feel way more clear headed, relaxed and stress free.


I stopped going to the gym or running on june because the temperature makes it unbereable. Now instead of exercising I just go to the beach and lay in the sand like a lizard with a broken neck, and I feel just as clear headed and relaxed

You're either delusional or a freak, because the vast majority of normal humans can confirm exercise helps you feel at your best, can fight the possibility of getting depressed and balances out your mental equilibrium. I'm sure with 5 minutes of googling science could explain why it's so magical for your bigger picture.


I guess i'm a freak then. It seems like exercising is considered as a universally relaxing activity, and there's a chance some people don't enjoy it. I'm not potatoing on a chair either, I play football, basketball and padel every now and then

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Kids won't learn to grow up with exercise because they're not allowed out due to kiddy fiddlers roaming about EVERYWHERE. :facepalm:


Seriously, you smile at a child doing something funny/looking at you and the 'rents shit themselves.


chris morris did a good job of summing up the pointless hysteria involved with this issue.


Thankfully i'm not interested in photographing the general public or the spaces they inhabit, although people do give you funny looks when you take your camera down the beach. This never used to happen, so it is something that they have conditioned into people. Quite sad how mailable their tiny minds are. Maybe all that inactivity softened them up.


except there are a shitload of creeps in the world. you'd be surprised by how many of your friends have been fondled by some uncle.

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Kids won't learn to grow up with exercise because they're not allowed out due to kiddy fiddlers roaming about EVERYWHERE. :facepalm:


Seriously, you smile at a child doing something funny/looking at you and the 'rents shit themselves.


chris morris did a good job of summing up the pointless hysteria involved with this issue.


Thankfully i'm not interested in photographing the general public or the spaces they inhabit, although people do give you funny looks when you take your camera down the beach. This never used to happen, so it is something that they have conditioned into people. Quite sad how mailable their tiny minds are. Maybe all that inactivity softened them up.


except there are a shitload of creeps in the world. you'd be surprised by how many of your friends have been fondled by some uncle.


Exactly, it's family members that are doing most of the fiddling. So this stranger danger thing is by and large a beat up. Hence, you just contradicted yourself and proved my point. There's nothing wrong with cameras in public. And people with children are soft minded, entitled arse trolls; ruining the world one overblown and overbearing illogical mistep at a time.

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@eugene: yeah that'd give a good idea i suppose. i can't help but think of all the manual laborers working on railroads, demolition teams, etc, that are dying early deaths from overactivity, but lol, whatever. it does boggle the mind to imagine people who literally don't move for even fifteen minutes a day. i'd probably burn 15 minutes worth of calories just trying to figure out the logistics of such a sedentary day-plan.

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Kids won't learn to grow up with exercise because they're not allowed out due to kiddy fiddlers roaming about EVERYWHERE. :facepalm:


Seriously, you smile at a child doing something funny/looking at you and the 'rents shit themselves.


chris morris did a good job of summing up the pointless hysteria involved with this issue.


Thankfully i'm not interested in photographing the general public or the spaces they inhabit, although people do give you funny looks when you take your camera down the beach. This never used to happen, so it is something that they have conditioned into people. Quite sad how mailable their tiny minds are. Maybe all that inactivity softened them up.


except there are a shitload of creeps in the world. you'd be surprised by how many of your friends have been fondled by some uncle.


Exactly, it's family members that are doing most of the fiddling. So this stranger danger thing is by and large a beat up. Hence, you just contradicted yourself and proved my point. There's nothing wrong with cameras in public. And people with children are soft minded, entitled arse trolls; ruining the world one overblown and overbearing illogical mistep at a time.


Ah nothing like some good old fashioned generalizations to provide a solid night's sleep.

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Ironic to post this on a messageboard where most members are sedentary for hours on end...


the work out thread is pretty long. SR4 sounds like a total beast. there are a lot of bikers here as well


lol! i wish I was a total beast...slowly but surely...


Im tellin you guys, once you find a routine that the masochist in you sorta enjoys, just keep to it, and add little by little. I eat more than I ever have in my life and it burns off like nothing.\



the problem with most people attempting to workout is that they either


a) do it incorrectly and end up hurting themselves

b) overdo it in combination with undereating

c) dont stick to it long enough to feel the full positive effects


it seriously takes a month or two before you start getting really acclimated to it. but your health drastically increases, and your confidence/positivity shoots through the roof. somedays the runner's high literally stays with you for a few extra hours, its beautiful.


I was myself guilty of all three of the above mentioned problems, but now that im doing it the right way, nothing but good has come from it.


My advice would be to not do those "GET RIPPED IN 30 DAYS" programs. Start small, and gradually add your way up until you feel comfortable but at the same time tired from the workout. Look at it as a long-term investment process for your health...it takes a long time, and the results are slow, but you will get results.

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