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Masked gunman kills 14 at Batman premiere in Denver


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He looks like a guy that doesn't enjoy life.


he's visiting victims of a mass shooting


also, hey, is that posh spice?


I meant in general. When i see a picture of Christian Bale i imagine him taking a bath, sighing and saying something like "All this money for nothing, i can't buy the moon, whats the point"

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He looks like a guy that doesn't enjoy life.


he's visiting victims of a mass shooting


also, hey, is that posh spice?


I meant in general. When i see a picture of Christian Bale i imagine him taking a bath, sighing and saying something like "All this money for nothing, i can't buy the moon, whats the point"


holy fucking LOL

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If criminals were afraid of the police, they would not be criminals.



I'm really mad right now that I can't remember the second and third characters, even though I KNOW that I've learned the second one. Is it "ting"?


Da blah blah shen me

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From what I understand, describing something like an automatic AR-15 as being a more lethal firearm than a regular hunting rifle is a little misguided. Automatic weapons can be very difficult to control. A constant stream or burst of bullets is really intended and most effective for driving your target to and keeping them behind cover. The caliber of bullet is also relatively small (just slightly larger and with more of a charge than a .22). The idea is that if you can hit and injure a combatant you remove two from the battlefield, as someone has to then escort them out/provide them care and that you can transport and carry more rounds if they are lighter and more compact.

Someone on a rampage with a semi automatic hunting rifle (we'll say a 30-06), would likely injure less people but kill more as they would have to be choosing shots more carefully and with a significantly larger and more powerful round.

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sheng1, xiao4


i know the characters but don't understand the meaning, is this some taiwanese meme/internet speak ?


something about laughing loudly..

Ah. Wait, errr... yeah, must be a meme or something. Sounds like it means "What is the loud noise laughing at?". I'm confused.

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this whole thing still makes me shudder when i think about it.


when I first heard the news, and saw that video... I felt sick to my stomach in a way that is very distinct from other sicknesses.


the whole thing is really sad, and there's pretty much nothing you can say about it.


instead we've got all kinds of people arguing, trying to make points, so we can't even unify over this in any meaningful way.


i think i understand now why people were complaining that we just remain silent, give it some time, before thinking about motives. so for that reason i regret some statements i made the day after, and some conversations i had with people about it.


we would do well to mourn, i respect the actions obama took.


i'm sure there will be some progress in the gun control area in the coming months, reasoned and considerate to all parties.


as for mental health, the shooter, a motive, or any sort of grounding for an understanding of this event, that's somewhat less likely, at least in terms of publication and widespread consideration.

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ooooh sorry, I don't speak either language.


And yes, I bet Aurora almost shot Christian Bale for sneaking into their town.


what a cool dude......hanging out with all of the victims.



fuck the red sox though


another picture of sweetness


Definitely the coolest thing he's done, maybe he's realized being a douche is not where it's at.

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