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Dave Mustaine Accuses Obama of Staging Recent Mass Killings


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Guest Shit Attack

yes but whats the point in protesting if something is "pretty much already universally agreed upon " ? who were they hoping to impress by protesting something that most already agree with ? in my book this is more idiotic specially if you end up in jail . Im sure they could have found a much better way to make whatever their point is. this dave fella was just in the middle of some between song banter with the crowd it really wasnt a big deal other than somebody put it on youtube . and again if he said something similar about gw bush people would have applauded or at least not gone down the "MORAL OUTRAGE" bullshit

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my "universally" was concerning the understanding that democracy and freedoms of stuff are good things, which are severely lacking in russia. in russia those ideas aren't too popular (probably shouldn't have used the word "universally") so the girls pull a stunt to bring it to attention. there was a lot of anti-putin activity following the latest elections in russia, but this stunt caught the most international attention.

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and again if he said something similar about gw bush people would have applauded or at least not gone down the "MORAL OUTRAGE" bullshit


it's interesting you bring this up because Mustaine is clearly partisan about things, he never said anything like this about George Bush. Maybe if he had, it would be slightly more respectable because he wouldn't just come off as a lemming who attributes conspiracies to democrats but not to republicans


edit: and when you say 'people' you mean non republicans, well sure that's to be expected since America is full of partisan team loyalty.

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yes but whats the point in protesting if something is "pretty much already universally agreed upon " ? who were they hoping to impress by protesting something that most already agree with ? in my book this is more idiotic specially if you end up in jail . Im sure they could have found a much better way to make whatever their point is. this dave fella was just in the middle of some between song banter with the crowd it really wasnt a big deal other than somebody put it on youtube . and again if he said something similar about gw bush people would have applauded or at least not gone down the "MORAL OUTRAGE" bullshit


Guns will never be illegal in America, I just don't see it as possible. So yeah, it's less about his free speech and more about how silly Obama / Government would have to be to do these kind of false flag operations... not to mention there hasn't been an increase in gun violence (its been on the decline for 30 years), only reason the gun control debate is more prevalent is because of an increase in media coverage.


In fact any form of "false flag" operation that deals with murder and loose canons such as the Colorado shooter would be too risky. I see the Government acting incompetent all the time for power gains but I don't see them as planning elaborate and risky/messy false flags.

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Guest Shit Attack

i dunno i dont think dave mustane personally has to come out and insult the other guys cos just about every other celebrity already does like "george bush dosent care about black people " george clooney sean penn etc its just that people dont get morally outraged about it is the point . and maybe they are mostly savvy enough not to say shit in front of a bunch of singaporeans with camera phones too. but just cos this guy said shit about obama is really why people are mad if it had been mitt romney or david cameron blah blah you get the point

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Guest RandySicko

Dave is looking at the bigger picture


In fact any form of "false flag" operation that deals with murder and loose canons such as the Colorado shooter would be too risky. I see the Government acting incompetent all the time for power gains but I don't see them as planning elaborate and risky/messy false flags.


9/11 was pretty elaborate and messy. The most tangible thing they got out of that is the Patriot Act and a war. Check out Operation Northwoods too. Also, Gulf of Tonkin.

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Guest Shit Attack

I heard lars ulrich said that pussy riot are KGB operatives secretely being mind controlled by vladimir putin as a diversionary tactic while he puts the finishing touches to his first solo album . lars is gonna play bongo's + maracas on it but dont tell anyone !

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i dunno i dont think dave mustane personally has to come out and insult the other guys cos just about every other celebrity already does like "george bush dosent care about black people " george clooney sean penn etc its just that people dont get morally outraged about it is the point . and maybe they are mostly savvy enough not to say shit in front of a bunch of singaporeans with camera phones too. but just cos this guy said shit about obama is really why people are mad if it had been mitt romney or david cameron blah blah you get the point


you would have more of a point if a lot of celebs were coming out against Obama on issues that didn't seem ridiculous. Most of the attention devoted to criticizing Obama seems like a distraction such as his birth certificate being fake or him possibly being a muslim.

When Donald Trump does a press conference about how he's going to prove Obama was not born here, of course he deserves to be called an idiot, etc. When Sean Penn did a speech about how George Bush is a war criminal, its not really that ridiculous since he's right, it's not really a point up for debate. Regardless of what side of the fence you fall on you really cannot equate the two things, it's a logical fallacy of false equivalency.

And it's also not true that people who are 'liberal' have gotten away unscathed for making similar remarks against Bush, Rosie Odonnel was under heavy scrutiny when she said on the View she believed 9/11 was an inside job, which is a lot closer to what Mustaine said than anything Clooney or Penn said

If Dave Mustaine instead criticized Obama for going into Libya or for imprisoning Bradley Manning, then we'd have an interesting discussion on our hands.

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Dave is looking at the bigger picture

In fact any form of "false flag" operation that deals with murder and loose canons such as the Colorado shooter would be too risky. I see the Government acting incompetent all the time for power gains but I don't see them as planning elaborate and risky/messy false flags.


9/11 was pretty elaborate and messy. The most tangible thing they got out of that is the Patriot Act and a war. Check out Operation Northwoods too. Also, Gulf of Tonkin.


I never claimed 9/11 was planned... its possible, but under Dick Clark's testimony on the matter it sounds like there were legitimate aspects of incompetency within our intelligence agencies and communication between them.




RICHARD CLARKE: It would have been irresponsible for the president not to come in and say, "Dick, I don't want you to assume it was al-Qaida. I'd like you to look at every possibility, and I'd like you to look at every possibility to see if maybe it was al-Qaida with somebody else," in a very calm way, with all possibilities open. That's not what happened.

What happened was the president, with his finger in my face, saying, "Iraq, a memo on Iraq and al-Qaida, a memo on Iraq and the attacks." Very vigorous, very intimidating, and in a way that left all of us with the same impression, that he wanted that answer. Well, we couldn't give him that answer because it wasn't true.


My suspicion, so nothing conclusive, because it certainly lacks evidence, but the Government didn't plan 9/11, but ignored a potential threat and later manipulated the attack for political power. This way people like you will assume they planned the attack and even try and encourage that attitude, but there is no evidence there, there was no plan. So bait and switch.




A former White House adviser who has long criticized President George W. Bush on the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks will reportedly be featured in a documentary advancing an admittedly unsupported theory that the Central Intelligence Agency tried to turn two of the 9/11 hijackers into double agents while they resided in the United States in the years leading up to the attacks.


"I've thought a lot about this," Clarke says in the documentary being produced by FF4 Films, in which he describes his theory as "the only conceivable reason that I've been able to come up with" to explain why the White House wasn't informed of the terrorists' presence in the country, the Beast reports.

During the 9/11 Commission's investigation of the attacks, the CIA said it didn't know the location of the hijackers Clarke refers to, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, the Beast reports.

In the documentary, Clarke says his theory, which he says he has no proof to support, concludes that the CIA director at the time, George Tenet, ordered the cover-up after the recruitment effort failed, the Beast reports. In response to that accusation, Tenet released a written statement saying that Clarke has "suddenly invented baseless allegations which are belied by the record and unworthy of serious consideration."

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RICHARD CLARKE: It would have been irresponsible for the president not to come in and say, "Dick, I don't want you to assume it was al-Qaida. I'd like you to look at every possibility, and I'd like you to look at every possibility to see if maybe it was al-Qaida with somebody else," in a very calm way, with all possibilities open. That's not what happened.

What happened was the president, with his finger in my face, saying, "Iraq, a memo on Iraq and al-Qaida, a memo on Iraq and the attacks." Very vigorous, very intimidating, and in a way that left all of us with the same impression, that he wanted that answer. Well, we couldn't give him that answer because it wasn't true.


My suspicion, so nothing conclusive, because it certainly lacks evidence, but the Government didn't plan 9/11, but ignored a potential threat and later manipulated the attack for political power.


over time Clarke get's more revealing about things, not sure when that quote was from but recently he's been pointing fingers at a CIA chief, Richard Blee. Who he claims purposefully omitted 9/11 warnings from Clarke's daily terrorism assessment briefing. In other words Clarke would have normally been the one to intercept and assess the threat at the top of the pyramid, but someone above him removed anything of substance about the potential upcoming attack. I'd say at this point it's been pretty well documented that this was not simple incompetence or an accidental ignoring of events, it was an intentional obstruction at the highest levels.


oh whoops just realized you might have seen it already since you referenced it above

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Guest Shit Attack

hey dont get me wrong by the way i prefer barack to george etc but is this video really accurate ? does he really not know when his birthday is ? granted its youtube but still how the fuck do you not know your own birthday


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RICHARD CLARKE: It would have been irresponsible for the president not to come in and say, "Dick, I don't want you to assume it was al-Qaida. I'd like you to look at every possibility, and I'd like you to look at every possibility to see if maybe it was al-Qaida with somebody else," in a very calm way, with all possibilities open. That's not what happened.

What happened was the president, with his finger in my face, saying, "Iraq, a memo on Iraq and al-Qaida, a memo on Iraq and the attacks." Very vigorous, very intimidating, and in a way that left all of us with the same impression, that he wanted that answer. Well, we couldn't give him that answer because it wasn't true.


My suspicion, so nothing conclusive, because it certainly lacks evidence, but the Government didn't plan 9/11, but ignored a potential threat and later manipulated the attack for political power.


over time Clarke get's more revealing about things, not sure when that quote was from but recently he's been pointing fingers at a CIA chief, Richard Blee. Who he claims purposefully omitted 9/11 warnings from Clarke's daily terrorism assessment briefing. In other words Clarke would have normally been the one to intercept and assess the threat at the top of the pyramid, but someone above him removed anything of substance about the potential upcoming attack. I'd say at this point it's been pretty well documented that this was not simple incompetence or an accidental ignoring of events, it was an intentional obstruction at the highest levels.




I'm not ruling that out as possible, but I think its best to focus on how it was "incompetent" because it is easier to prove and it shows how we were always capable of preventing attacks like 9/11 with the level of military/intelligence/freedoms we had and all thats followed since 9/11 is only making things worse.


Dick Clarke is a great man.

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your government is well capable of fucking you over in the most heinous way possible, hence 6 pages of reassurance thinking the other. god bless.

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your government is well capable of fucking you over in the most heinous way possible, hence 6 pages of reassurance thinking the other. god bless.


This attitude only is met with cynicism and stereotypes such as Alex Jones. It's not about what the government is capable of doing, but what you are capable of proving and relaying to others. You aren't gonna get anyone on your side if you approach these theories already heavily biased/foaming at the mouth like Randy.

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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , thats what i see when i look at your avatar;-) flashbulbs and lightbulbs being turned off randomnly, i love that image;-) awesome

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Just popping in to let you guys know that this is quite possibly my favourite thread going right now.

Seriously lollin ma ass off.

You can take that as a compliment.

Well, most of you...



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FACT - if you isolate the cowbell track in any Venetian Snares album & view it as Morse Code, you will uncover mind control messages planted by the Canadian government & written in the form of dirty limericks because that's how we roll


(if there are no cowbells present on the album use whatever element sounds most like a dog farting)

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