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Baldness cure could be on shelves in two years

syd syside

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I've been shaving my head for the better part of the last 10 years. I feel funny when i don't shave it after 2 weeks and walk around with a hat until I do. I would love the feeling of stepping out of the pool and swaying my hair in slow motion once again!



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What's even worse is that I thought I was safe from MPB because there isn't many bald males in my family from either side, the max is NW3 with vertex thinning at +60, I have a total different pattern, it's thinning all around like Larry David, fucking hell...

Damn son, you have been reading up. You're using bald lingo I've never even seen. Putting a numerical grade to your hair loss won't get pussy any nearer and, in fact, might drive it away.


Lookit, Jefferoo's got a sexy wife (see post your most recent pic thread) and not to be too big of a braggart but my wife is hot as hell and yet Jeff and I have nary a follicle on our scalps. It's as old as time and a foundation of The Game: manage your swag no matter what. There is no other question or concern: am I too fat? do I make enough money? am I losing my hair? all of it codswallop in the face of: how best to manage my swag?


Hormones are the most powerful and broad-spectrum substances in the body. We are finding out now that finasteride (Propecia) wreaks havoc on testosterone production so you might have a thick head of hair but good luck with those man titties and low sex drive--both of which may be permanent despite discontinuation


Guess what? Prostaglandins are no exception and have even more systemic effects than testosterone. Prostaglandins are the foundation of the inflammatory response and the pathways involved fill entire books. This cream will get approved because the FDA gives not a fuck about your well-being and it just might actually get your hair back...at what cost?

let's talk serious, i've been using finasteride for the past 4 years, should i quit it??? :O


that and minoxidil...

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it's funny reading about bald people and people who're balding. i don't know why but it is.

my hair's starting to recede a bit. going a little bit thinner at the front. the rest is long like phexian dinn.

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My hair started thinning out when I was vegan, but I started eating eggs again and it thickened right up.


All of you will also be glad to know I'm currently growing it out :emotawesomepm9:

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i don't care i just read the whole article i'm out...


If in 4 years you haven't experienced sides then don't worry.



xxx: actually my issue with fin is brain fog and also depression, I wouldn't risk taking it knowing my luck. Permanent ED is very rare from everything I've read, even from independent studies, an interesting thing was the nocebo effect, yes sometimes is actually better not to know! Ignorance is bliss as they say.

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i don't care i just read the whole article i'm out...

If in 4 years you haven't experienced sides then don't worry.

i have. but i didn't associated it directly to the use of finasteride, i don't know, i guess it wasn't nothing systematic, it happened a few times during these 4 years but it had happened before, like, stress, anxiety, that kind of stuff, the first time with that girl, etc, which people use to say, it's normal, it happens to everyone... maybe they were lying... :(


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Permanent ED is very rare from everything I've read, even from independent studies, an interesting thing was the nocebo effect, yes sometimes is actually better not to know! Ignorance is bliss as they say.

that's one of the main reasons why i didn't care. till now....
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Hey--don't do shit unless you speak with your doctor. Don't stop anything suddenly and one article does not make an absolute truth. Medication decisions have to be balanced against your own risks and benefits

ok, but from what i know, there's no problem at all in stop taking finasteride...
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My hair's pretty thick so I'm pretty sure I take after the non-balding members of my family (about half the men on both sides seem to maintain full heads of hair well into old age, the other half went bald real young).


I think if I was bald, I'd shave off all hair on my head including eyebrows etc, get really skinny so I look like a skeleton, maintain a pale complexion, & walk around in several layers of robes, scarves, & occult paraphernalia so people think I'm some sort of mystic. Maybe a turban as well so I can rock the terrorist angle

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I shave my head because I'm bald, lucky for me it suits me. If I or friends look at old photos of me with hair I just look very, very weird and odd lol. I'm happy being hairless :biggrin:

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I think if I was bald, I'd shave off all hair on my head including eyebrows etc, get really skinny so I look like a skeleton, maintain a pale complexion, & walk around in several layers of robes, scarves, & occult paraphernalia so people think I'm some sort of mystic. Maybe a turban as well so I can rock the terrorist angle



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Don't ever think you're safe, your hair may be thinning for years without being apparent that you're balding, it's only when you already lost a large chunk of the density that the thinning becomes noticeable.




seriously... balding is what we're worried about... ? :lol:

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