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The Halloween "scary and creepy stuff" thread


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lets talk about creepy shit, whether we believe its truly paranormal or not....i don't really believe in ghosts but i am nonetheless enraptured and fascinated by ghost stories, sightings, and other tales.



recently ive been obsessed with the "spirit box" phenomenon.




im practically positive its fake, but the idea/setup is interesting nonetheless, and with some suspension of disbelief some of the responses can be quite creepy.



i would love to set this up in a supposedly haunted house near where i live, just as an experiment.

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I have very very vivid dreams and a few times my dream state has bled into reality. Here's one:


When I lived in my old flat I woke up at three in the morning and there was a middle aged man kneeling beside my bed a few feet away staring at me. I just kind of shuffled and rolled over to face the other way and fell back asleep.


Thinking about it, if I was more paranormally inclined I probably would have put this down to a ghost or apparition or whatever, but that just seems silly to me. I reckon a lot of middle of the night ghost in the room stories are probably this.


Another weird possibility is that I was living in a house share and I didn't lock my door at night. There's the very real possibility that it could have been somebody creeping into my room at night. Now THAT would have fucked me up!

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Guest Frankie5fingers

same thing has happened to me. when youre still asleep but your eyes are open so your dreams and reality collide. except for me i didnt get an old man, i got the creepy girl from the grudge. not to easy to sleep after seeing that.

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that video is clearly clips of radio interference.


no shit sherlock


same thing has happened to me. when youre still asleep but your eyes are open so your dreams and reality collide. except for me i didnt get an old man, i got the creepy girl from the grudge. not to easy to sleep after seeing that.


i dont know how you two can experience that and not go gradually insane from terror.


anybody still have the Jesus Friendship room stuff?

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The first time it happened it scared the shit out of me. Back home I slept on a futon for a while, so I was quite close to the ground. I woke up and there was a massive rabid dog in my room snarling at me, I jumped up startled and threw my quilt over it before running out of my room, slamming the door and locking myself in the bathroom.


I sat in the bathroom for about 15 minutes running through all the ridiculous possibilities of how that could have happened, including the classic "maybe it climbed up the drainpipe and through my window?" before reality seeped back in and I came to my senses suddenly wondering "Why the fuck am I in the bathroom?". Strolled back into my room, picked up the quilt looking under it and conveniently finding no rabid dog, then went back to sleep.


I was about 20 at the time. How ridiculous is that?

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Guest Frankie5fingers

same thing has happened to me. when youre still asleep but your eyes are open so your dreams and reality collide. except for me i didnt get an old man, i got the creepy girl from the grudge. not to easy to sleep after seeing that.

i dont know how you two can experience that and not go gradually insane from terror.

every since i was 5 or 6 the only dreams i would have were pretty brutal. lot of things similar to the Saw movies. after a couple of years i just got used to it. its still can be pretty creepy or scary, but i know it isn't real.
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Years ago on Halloween, really late my wife and I woke up to loud knocking, very excessive and frantic knocking, on our walls and not our front door nor our outside window. Probably 3 or so in the morning. This was at an condo complex with only two walls bordering neighbors, neither of which were the ones being knocked on. It sounded like we were surrounded. We were half awake and just waited for it to stop, which it did in a minute or so. Never heard anyone run off nor distinctly human laughing or talking. We didn't get up, went back to sleep, and beyond that next morning we never really spoke about it again.


same thing has happened to me. when youre still asleep but your eyes are open so your dreams and reality collide. except for me i didnt get an old man, i got the creepy girl from the grudge. not to easy to sleep after seeing that.


I've had one where I saw a black shadow figure race past me as a I laid paralyzed in my bed. It was the only time that occurred specifically, but it was a one of a few times I've had sleep paralysis while dreaming.



The first time it happened it scared the shit out of me. Back home I slept on a futon for a while, so I was quite close to the ground. I woke up and there was a massive rabid dog in my room snarling at me, I jumped up startled and threw my quilt over it before running out of my room, slamming the door and locking myself in the bathroom.


I had a friend who didn't like cats because as a kid she'd wake up and find one in her room hissing at her in the middle of the night. Neither her nor her neighbors had a cat nor feed any feral ones, assuming one could even get in her house.


Personally I think there is some kind of spiritual energy out there, paranormal things occur, and that it effects certain people far more than others. I know friends who come across voices speaking, experiences with seeing things, etc who are neither religious nor irrational. I've actually had it occur to me a couple times at what is considered a very haunted area, the grounds of St. Edward's University in Austin, TX. One time, at around 10 or 11, I was driving by one of the buildings and saw a person in a red robe walking in a hallway. We thought it was strange to see someone that late, figured it was a janitor, reversed the car to see the same angle just seconds later, 5 seconds tops, and the figure was gone.


On a far scarier occasion I actually looked out the window in my friend's dorm, arguably the most notably haunted, and saw a shadowy hand silhouette moving in the window in a manner that was very repetitive and creepy. Assumed (for my sanity) it was a tree branch shadow and my friend who lived there walked up and closed the blinds. Walked around the building that next morning and realized there wasn't a tree within 50-75 feet of that window. Multiple people I knew there told me stories of very loud scratching and popping noises on walls, floors, ceilings, etc even though its a cement brick building with no crawlspaces. Residents with no previous "ghost" experiences talk of hearing voices all the time, seeing people seemingly walk in and around corners - most report seeing and hearing a little girl consistently. People would wake up and see their roommates sitting upright and staring at them, eyes open but completely asleep, usually awaking because someone's voice woke them up. My wife who lived there said the school, which is Catholic (most students aren't though) actually did "maintenance" involving priests blessing the rooms per requests from students. Freaky place.

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I currently reside in a house my great-grandfather built in 1904 when he came to the US from Norway. Where I sleep is my great-aunt's room. Often at night I feel someone sitting on the end of my bed and rubbing my feet. For some reason it doesn't scare me, mainly because I too don't believe in ghosts. But I believe in energy, and since this is my family, It's a positive feeling. Almost comforting. Happy Halloweeny.

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I've had one where I saw a black shadow figure race past me as a I laid paralyzed in my bed. It was the only time that occurred specifically, but it was a one of a few times I've had sleep paralysis while dreaming.


This thread, and specifically what you've said, has made me think about a few experiences When I was younger I remember having weird trippy dream-like states when laying in bed. They're fucking hard to explain but I remember them vividly. One was when I lie there everything seems to happen at 10X the normal speed. Like my head movement was ultra fucking quick and any arm movement would make my whole self go "blurry".


The second one was similar to the first except for this one related to size. Everything seemed expanded somehow. I was in the top of a bunk-bed and trying to feel or look at the bars was hard as everything just seemed an incomprehensible size.


My last one when I was young was probably my first "paralysis" one. I had a tv at the end of my bed and I lay there staring at it. The reflections in it would go in and out slowly. You know the way Hitchcock made that effect, with the zooming in an out of a tall staircase. Like that but much slower. I remember being unable to move while I watched that.


Then recently I've had two of these paralysis moments when I can remember a ton of what I was thinking at the time but just couldn't move in any way. I'm sure I remember trying to shout out and at least move my arms. It was fucking weird and I remember those two like they were yesterday. I'd like to experience again with a better knowledge on what was going on and see if I can recollect my thoughts the next time I was awake and thought about it.

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This house also has tiny doorways to who knows where inside of every closet, they are all locked and I don't know where the keys are. Every door in the house uses skeleton keys except the back door I use to enter/leave through. There's also a few tiny doorways randomly in bedrooms, and in the bathrooms. Actually in my bathroom upstairs there's a closet, inside that closet there's a mini-doorway, and another mini-doorways next to the bathtub. But by far the creepiest area of this house is the cellar. I don't even dare walk down the flimsy staircase that leads down there, I don't even open the door. I know there's a well, cistern, canning room, some farm/work area, a whole kitchen, and a lab where I believe my great-grandfather made alcohol.


I have to sleep with music on because when it's quiet, all I hear is noises coming from the cellar all the way up 2 flights of stairs to my bedroom. There's 7 bedrooms here, and the entire house besides my bedroom/bathroom/kitchen is sealed off. Everything is antiques, mostly made by my great-grandfather, grandfather (both were stone masons /carpenters) or my grandmother who did most of the upholstry). My grandfather had 9 brothers/sisters so I imagine the house was busy back in the day.


I take it back, possibly the barn back near the woods is creepier than the cellar. If I have to go outside at night to take out the garbage or something, the quiet is deafening, almost painful.

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My friend's mom woke up in a panic one night and told him she was sure that something terrible had happened to her brother (friend's uncle). The next day they received a phone call that his uncle had passed away that night. He's a staunch atheist, and I'm pretty sure he's equally dubious about ESP, so I'm not sure what he attributes the incident to, if anything.

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