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Disney buys Lucasfilm

Rubin Farr

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I was too old when the prequels came out to freak out over them as the OT did when I first saw them, but did kids who saw them get all crazy over it like the OT did with the kids of that day?


I'm pretty sure Kenner or Hasbro or whoever made the toys for the prequels smoked a lot of celebratory cigars. Oh, and Lego... so yeah, I'm pretty sure kids went nuts over those movies.

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  • 2 months later...

I loved Star Wars as a child. I think I have probably seen the original over 50 times and close to that for Empire and Return of the Jedi. I really wish they had aimed the prequels to a more mature audience, turned the series really dark and violent or something. In my head I'm convinced it would have been the right way to go, particularly with all the people who grew up watching the originals.


Instead we got a festering pile of shite. And for that I cannot forgive Mr Lucas. The thought of future star wars movies interests me not. Can barely stand watching the originals now. Cos I know what comes after*


* or before, whatevs

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Yeah, yesterday i put on episode 1. Didn't get far into it, up to the princess speaking to the trade federation spokesperson or whatever the fuck. Everything up to that point was lame. The accents of the trade federation guys, the robots acting goofy after the jedi were gassed, the fact that rather than starting their tale small and then slowly bringing us into the wider view of what was happening they just dumped us into a giant action sequence that was in process, and so forth.

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  • 1 month later...

You never know - they might actually be able to pull this off and make a decent successor to the original trilogy. I think Disney has plenty of evidence of what does and does not work (e.g.: prequel trilogy), and assuming those involved look beyond the obvious financial success the prequel trilogy had, will end up not making the same cinematic mistakes.

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I'm actually fairly optimistic... I actually like Abrams. He's no Paul Thomas Anderson but he has made some pretty decent action movies. And well, compared to George Lucas he IS Paul Thomas Anderson.

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I'm actually fairly optimistic... I actually like Abrams. He's no Paul Thomas Anderson but he has made some pretty decent action movies. And well, compared to George Lucas he IS Paul Thomas Anderson.

Yeah, he's handled the Star Trek reboot well so far (Star Trek: Into Darkness wasn't as bad as some would have you believe), so hopes are high for Star Wars. At least it's not Michael (explosion) Bay!

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I'm actually fairly optimistic... I actually like Abrams. He's no Paul Thomas Anderson but he has made some pretty decent action movies. And well, compared to George Lucas he IS Paul Thomas Anderson.


Tell me when JJ Abrams will have directed movies as good as :


THX 1138

American Graffiti

Star Wars



The guy is batting .500 ffs

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Guest Gary C

I too have an issue with Abrams' supposed quality. He's a hack. He's clearly Hollywood's latest tool. Look at the budget he was given for the Lost pilot FFS!


But, oh look, he's now producing Half Life and Portal movies.


Where's my gun?

Wouldn't surprise me if he's a Scientologist.

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He's an hollywood princeling. Both his parents were producers. So the princeling is playing with all the toys he wants to and all the media are paid to say yay he's fab, what a winner. His work sucks and he's not an artist, if anything worked out for him it's because of something the help did to make it work.

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I'm actually fairly optimistic... I actually like Abrams. He's no Paul Thomas Anderson but he has made some pretty decent action movies. And well, compared to George Lucas he IS Paul Thomas Anderson.


Tell me when JJ Abrams will have directed movies as good as :


THX 1138

American Graffiti

Star Wars



The guy is batting .500 ffs



Star Wars was a complete mess before someone helped Lucas out and The Empire Strikes Back wasn't even made by Lucas. Also, THX 1138 is overrated. I'm not saying it's not an okay movie, but it's overrated.

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