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Japanese Navy Releases First Photo Of Downed UFO Off The Coast Of Okinawa


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It's all just disinformation to cover up for a HAARP test run. Get a brain! Morans.



*doesn't know if being serious or sarcastic*


that's the problem with sarcasm (on the internet). it's a disease.







I was not being serious. I was satirically referencing the following crazy people:








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baph what's gonna happen when one day you have something amazing to report and nobody believes you, bro?


the boy who cried truth, lol




much too much sarcasm everywhere.

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I thought I was being really obvious. Perhaps certain bits of cultural detritus don't travel far, although all of the above has been referenced on watmm in the past. Sorry.


The only way I know how to deal with absolutely batshit irrational people is to satirize them. I can't just go around punching people in the face (anymore).


Basically if I make a really obvious misspelling you can rest assured that it is sarcasm. Except for that one time I accidentally wrote "alot" and Usagi called me out on it. I swear that was just a fucking typo.

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oh ok so... a ufo came across, at the very least a long stretch of our own galaxy, and then....



so this super advanced craft, which would probably have cloaking technology, be completely automatically piloted by advanced AI, have advanced sensors that.. well they would be able to SEE the planet, and the the nav computer would do some calculations to uhhh, not fucking crash into it?


seriously, the whole idea of a ufo coming here just to crash. is so retarded. them coming here and just 'ooops' crashing into our planet would be about like einstein coming up with relativity but then forgetting how to do basic math. it would be even more ridiculous than that.


more ridiculous than einstein forgetting basic math. this is not an exaggeration. this is how ridiculous it would be. the aliens would have tech that was based on things well beyond anything einstein conceived of. beyond our own current tech. but you can look at where our stuff is going. everything is being automated. yet they just crash. you might as well go out and look for bigfoot turds in your backyard if you believe this crap. or maybe you should quit watching the 'history' channel.

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put this another way- if they crashed then maybe their shitty piece of crap ship isn't worth salvaging? what are we going to learn from it? how to build piece of crap ships that crash into shit?

leave that junk at the bottom of the sea where it belongs.

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Incidentally, CNN ran this story nationally (official video in link) on an actual UFO sighting about a month ago. If you watch it, you'll see that CNN tries to duplicate the footage, and succeeds in filming UFOs of its own. CNN then interviews a baffled expert.




I am almost completely certain that what you're seeing is insects flying close to the camera lens I've taken hot summer day photos with similar results, most assuredly caused by bugs. [i took this terrible picture of what enthusiasts call "Rods" in 2003, with no processing... there were bugs flying around everyfuckingwhere and they look bizarre once an average camera, focused on something else, gets hold of them. LOL guys it's an angelfire link, doesn't that take you back?]


Nobody offers this simple, easily tested hypothesis in the "story." That, on its own, is sort of interesting. Anyway, it would be super cool if more people interested in researching UFOs (and I think UFOs are worthy of researching) would actually, like, apply, you know, the scientific method the way they were taught in 5th grade.

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oh ok so... a ufo came across, at the very least a long stretch of our own galaxy, and then....



so this super advanced craft, which would probably have cloaking technology, be completely automatically piloted by advanced AI, have advanced sensors that.. well they would be able to SEE the planet, and the the nav computer would do some calculations to uhhh, not fucking crash into it?


seriously, the whole idea of a ufo coming here just to crash. is so retarded. them coming here and just 'ooops' crashing into our planet would be about like einstein coming up with relativity but then forgetting how to do basic math. it would be even more ridiculous than that.


more ridiculous than einstein forgetting basic math. this is not an exaggeration. this is how ridiculous it would be. the aliens would have tech that was based on things well beyond anything einstein conceived of. beyond our own current tech. but you can look at where our stuff is going. everything is being automated. yet they just crash. you might as well go out and look for bigfoot turds in your backyard if you believe this crap. or maybe you should quit watching the 'history' channel.


this is all just assumption, though, isn't it. I mean you're probably right, but you're assuming they're super-intelligent and so much more advanced and that they'd, or their tech would never ever make a mistake or malfunction at all.


just saying.

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damn pesky aliens be crashing their shit into shit all the time







But seriously racism is terrible.







if he shaved his head and wore a North Face jacket, then i'd take the dude more seriously. :wink:

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put this another way- if they crashed then maybe their shitty piece of crap ship isn't worth salvaging? what are we going to learn from it? how to build piece of crap ships that crash into shit?

leave that junk at the bottom of the sea where it belongs.

Yeah, but what if it's an intergalactic Skycycle? You'd feel pretty stupid for giving that to the dolphins imo.

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It's all just disinformation to cover up for a HAARP test run. Get a brain! Morans.



*doesn't know if being serious or sarcastic*


that's the problem with sarcasm (on the internet). it's a disease.







I was not being serious. I was satirically referencing the following crazy people:









Those are my two favorite videos, back to back. Those always cheer me up.


"Just study it out." Priceless.

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You know, Mill argued in "On Liberty" that freedom of speech is a fundamental right because either (a) if our opponents give us the truth, we'll miss out on the truth, or (b) if our opponents give us falsehoods, we miss out on something that is almost as important as truth, namely, the opportunity of seeing our true beliefs collide with error (and so we have to defend ourselves).


I think Mill overlooked another, even more important reason to protect free speech: © the sheer comedic value of the batshit-crazy. I fucking love it. Dumb motherfuckers crack me up!

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You know, Mill argued in "On Liberty" that freedom of speech is a fundamental right because either (a) if our opponents give us the truth, we'll miss out on the truth, or (b) if our opponents give us falsehoods, we miss out on something that is almost as important as truth, namely, the opportunity of seeing our true beliefs collide with error (and so we have to defend ourselves).


I think Mill overlooked another, even more important reason to protect free speech: © the sheer comedic value of the batshit-crazy. I fucking love it. Dumb motherfuckers crack me up!

why don't you stop trying to sound smart by quoting/referencing famous dead people you heard about in school, and actually explain who is dumb here, and why? i think that's the cheapest thing you can do, just come up in a thread acting all super-intelligent, and full of yourself, and talking about dumb moterfuckers, without any examples or anything. that's 5th grade level.

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put this another way- if they crashed then maybe their shitty piece of crap ship isn't worth salvaging? what are we going to learn from it? how to build piece of crap ships that crash into shit?

leave that junk at the bottom of the sea where it belongs.

Yeah, but what if it's an intergalactic Skycycle? You'd feel pretty stupid for giving that to the dolphins imo.


i guess you have a point.

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I think Mill overlooked another, even more important reason to protect free speech: © the sheer comedic value of the batshit-crazy. I fucking love it. Dumb motherfuckers crack me up!


yes, lol


@MisterE: the person in the HAARP rainbows video I linked to is most likely a dumb motherfucker (or else just completely hilarious)

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Guest bitroast





oh ok so... a ufo came across, at the very least a long stretch of our own galaxy, and then....



it could've had a laser beam shot straight through its vessel hundreds of years ago in some crazy intergalactic star war in space. and the blast destroyed the ships engines and sent the ship off course. and the space ship has been aimlessy drifting through space for all these hundreds of years, now totally dead and empty. and by sheer chance happened to crash on to earth. and the ship looks like lens flare when photogprahed.


i mean, shit. it could happen. don't stop believing.

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