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Million Dollar Extreme's Youtube account got pulled down


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People totally lose the nuance in their humor. The best comedy always tackles truths that we're uncomfortable with and while they don't always hit the mark, MDE tackle some great stuff that stays largely untouched. The hyperbole is on overdrive though. There is claims of "journalist attacks" that are actually just Tweeted memes. Come on mang. I understand that anti-Semitism is not funny on the main but Pepe and Kristallnacht can never be made equivalent.


Exactly, they cover things other people don't bother to cover or who are scared to.  The baby in a stroller scene, dad crashing through the window


They make it abstract without being lolrandom, the little interludes with weird electronic music are great, the music in general is great


The scripts are so good that even though the acting is often laughably horrible, it's still amazing


i love this show

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People totally lose the nuance in their humor. The best comedy always tackles truths that we're uncomfortable with and while they don't always hit the mark, MDE tackle some great stuff that stays largely untouched. The hyperbole is on overdrive though. There is claims of "journalist attacks" that are actually just Tweeted memes. Come on mang. I understand that anti-Semitism is not funny on the main but Pepe and Kristallnacht can never be made equivalent.


The comedy is hit or miss, but definitely has its moments. I think off the cuff sam is the best form of sam though. I also think he's a pretty reasonable man. I think he gets easily offended by pussy liberals because it's what he has had to deal with the most. Doing comedy puts you in the direct line of fire from those idiots, and why would Sam have any reason to feel guilty for his "privilege"? he's a middle-class american that scrapes his way by on his own ingenuity. That's hardly something he should feel bad about.


The issue with the alt-right people is that most of them are just shit stirrers using the exact same tactics they decry. It's total hypocrisy. They don't really stand for anything other than "leave me alone". They are likely about to get fucked over by another politician they thought they could believe in, so good luck with that.


mike cernovich, gavin mcginnis, stefan molyneux, david seaman, paul joseph watson, et al. These are not serious people with serious commentaries. They get it right some of the time, but most of what they are doing is making money for themselves. That's all they are about.

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Brett Gelman Says He’s Severed Ties with Adult Swim Due to Their Treatment of Women

and also because of the alt-right extremist group million dollar extreme.

Sam Hyde is such a bummer of a human being

He's like a meth addict who's been keeping the party alive for the last 5 years with hourly bumps,

but instead of meth it's just non-stop toxic sarcasm

Can't manage to twist that mirror around on himself (or any part of the Alt-Right) for even a second


And after awhile you can no longer tell the difference between reality and all the anti-Semitic dank memes and so pretty soon you're re-tweeting InfoWars un-ironically


It's really such a great way to spend your time on this earth

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I liked them a lot more when they didn't align themselves with anything politically. That really changes the tone. 


Yeah I've kind of put off watching World Peace because of how much MDE got involved with election coverage. It's not their political beliefs that put me off, just the fan involvement and Hyde's comments about Trump and HRC. Last thing with Hyde I listened to was his interview with Anthony Fantano and the highlight of that was finding about the album I Trawl The Megahertz that Sam recommended.

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Correction: This article originally identified Wonder Showzen as a show that appeared on the Adult Swim network; it aired on MTV. We regret the error.


well Atlantic just lost all respect with that blunder, amirite?


It'd be interesting to hear some left-wing support for the show and MDE in general but I take it no one has the time/effort or wants to risk their reputation. No one was trying to sift out all of Sam's offensive material when the TED talk went viral.

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These people are babies. I probably dont agree with 90% of sam's ideology but the show was moderately funny and visually interesting. Whiny liberals who cant allow for any self reflection or criticism are one of the myriad reasons we have trump as president. "I disagree with this so its dangerous" is not a sound argument.

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Yeah, I agree

And I definitely think Sam is a funny guy

Some of his criticisms of the Left are completely valid

But he doesn't seem to actually have any criticisms of the (Alt-)Right

(Or at least none that I've been able to find)

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hyde has replied: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5dgn9z/buzzfeed_reporter_joe_bernstein_tries_to_destroy/da4w0v0/


most relevant bit:


In these articles they are trying to take a comedy show that was made with the help of black people, Jews, women, gay people, etc. and paint it as "Nazi propaganda". The connections they make are ridiculous, and I could spend a few pages refuting ideas like saying the name "David Duke" as a joke somehow makes me responsible for some anonymous commenter calling the author of the article a racial slur, but I shouldn't have to.




We do comedy for everyone, we love this country, and we don't hate anyone (except journalists). Eric Andre was never asked by The Atlantic to defend his "Everybody Hates Kikes" joke, nor should he be--it was a funny joke, and in the realm of comedy, if something is funny, that supercedes the feelings of some special snowflake who doesn't get the joke. Comedy has the power to relieve racial tension and heal divisions and that's one of the best things about it. We make fun of everyone on our show, including and especially white people. I mean what the fuck, it's just crazy they're even trying to rekindle this debate.




I don't have a beef with people who want to debate honestly and fairly. If you don't like our humor, or you think it goes too far, those are totally fair points. Hold the rest of the comedy world to the same standard though. Be honest about it. If you start using a double-standard, or worse, you start lying, that means you lose. You have officially forfeited the battle of ideas. You've admitted your ideas aren't strong enough to stand on their own by claiming they only apply to one case, and by attempting to prop them up with falsehoods.

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hyde has replied: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5dgn9z/buzzfeed_reporter_joe_bernstein_tries_to_destroy/da4w0v0/


most relevant bit:



In these articles they are trying to take a comedy show that was made with the help of black people, Jews, women, gay people, etc. and paint it as "Nazi propaganda". The connections they make are ridiculous, and I could spend a few pages refuting ideas like saying the name "David Duke" as a joke somehow makes me responsible for some anonymous commenter calling the author of the article a racial slur, but I shouldn't have to.




We do comedy for everyone, we love this country, and we don't hate anyone (except journalists). Eric Andre was never asked by The Atlantic to defend his "Everybody Hates Kikes" joke, nor should he be--it was a funny joke, and in the realm of comedy, if something is funny, that supercedes the feelings of some special snowflake who doesn't get the joke. Comedy has the power to relieve racial tension and heal divisions and that's one of the best things about it. We make fun of everyone on our show, including and especially white people. I mean what the fuck, it's just crazy they're even trying to rekindle this debate.




I don't have a beef with people who want to debate honestly and fairly. If you don't like our humor, or you think it goes too far, those are totally fair points. Hold the rest of the comedy world to the same standard though. Be honest about it. If you start using a double-standard, or worse, you start lying, that means you lose. You have officially forfeited the battle of ideas. You've admitted your ideas aren't strong enough to stand on their own by claiming they only apply to one case, and by attempting to prop them up with falsehoods.


Yeah, everyone's just joking

He's just joking when he retweets Alex Jones

(And of course Alex Jones is just joking too)

"It's just a prank, bro"

Why don't the cops who respond to a fake bomb threat realize it's just a prank?


If you ask Bannon why he didn't want his kids going to school with Jews...first he'll deny it, but the next move is "I was just joking"


Trump was just joking about loving war and using nukes

And sexually assaulting women and calling blacks lazy


Rest assured: everyone is just joking

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Yeah, I agree

And I definitely think Sam is a funny guy

Some of his criticisms of the Left are completely valid

But he doesn't seem to actually have any criticisms of the (Alt-)Right

(Or at least none that I've been able to find)



that was a pretty good response from sam


It wasn't though


Everyone's "just joking":

















How about we stop being assuaged by the "just joking" excuse?

This is real life with real consequences on real people's lives

"Just joking" doesn't disconfirm a single concern





i unignore you and this is my thanks? you've turned my home into a house of lies!

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you are conflating a politician using "just joking" with a comedian using "just joking" wherein everything the comedian says as part of their work is intending to get laughs.

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I make racist jokes to be edgy around my friends, because they are good people and they cringe at it. The point isn't to make racism acceptable to us, nor is it intended to normalize racism. It's intended to get a reaction, just as all jokes are. 


I'm not racist. I don't care what color someone's skin is.

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I make racist jokes to be edgy around my friends, because they are good people and they cringe at it. The point isn't to make racism acceptable to us, nor is it intended to normalize racism. It's intended to get a reaction, just as all jokes are. 


I'm not racist. I don't care what color someone's skin is.



gonna tell you right now, according to identity politics, if you're white, there's no way to prove that you're not racist. it's like trying to explain to a christian that we're not born with sin. just doesn't mesh with their ideology.



racism is original sin for white people. you spend your life checking your privilege (confession) with your ethnic friends (priests) so you can be absolved of sin in death (race war).

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I make racist jokes to be edgy around my friends, because they are good people and they cringe at it. The point isn't to make racism acceptable to us, nor is it intended to normalize racism. It's intended to get a reaction, just as all jokes are.


I'm not racist. I don't care what color someone's skin is.

gonna tell you right now, according to identity politics, if you're white, there's no way to prove that you're not racist. it's like trying to explain to a christian that we're not born with sin. just doesn't mesh with their ideology.


Sociologist =\= SJW

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Adieu, this doesn't apply to groups of close friends: to the extant that they are indeed "good friends", they already know the quality of each other's minds and character(s).


The idea here is that you're symbolically asking a new person--or a new group of people--how they feel about the trespassing of a certain social boundary or taboo. The behavior of the person (or people) is the "answer", and if the answer is "no", the speaker claims he was merely trespassing the social boundary for comical effect.

Edited by LimpyLoo
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Adieu, this doesn't apply to groups of close friends: to the extant that they are indeed "good friends, they already know the quality of each other's character.


The idea is that you're symbolically asking a new person--or a new group of people--how they feel about the trespassing of a certain social boundary or taboo. The behavior of the person (or people) is the "answer", and if the answer is "no", the speaker claims he was merely trespassing the social boundary for comical effect.


Yeah, and I agree to the obvious "walk back" technique that serious people in serious positions use, but I do not think Sam Hyde falls into this being that he's an entertainer.


you can tell when he is off or on. When he is on it's funny/edgy when he's being serious it's like this


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The reason that otherwise-sane people end up watching (and emulating) Alex Jones is because the pretense of "humor" is the salt added to abhorrent ideologies to make them palatable.


Everyone insidious ideology has a safe layer of 'humor' surrounding it, making the first dip-of-the-toe into the waters not so frigid (or even pleasant). Every initiation of every member of every pedophile-ring in the world started with such a 'joke'.

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