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What do you do all day?

Guest happycase

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Srs answer cause people care


3:30 be woken up by dogs, get pissed, go back to sleep

4:30 be woken up by dogs again, get more pissed. attempt to fall asleep once again.

6:20 wake up for no apparent reason, look at clock, OH SHIT I CAN SLEEP FOR 20 MINUTES

6:40 alarm, attempt to get up. browse internet on my phone. or shower

6:50 finally get up. make food hastily and throw together a lunch. oh yeah and COFFEE

7:20 walk dogs before leaving

7:30 leave. play music or listen to talk radio.

7:55-8:10 arrive with varying degrees of panic depending on how late i arrived

12:00 lunch break. eat huge lunch and still be hungry. watmm


4:30 leave.

4:45 get pissed at other drivers

5:00 home, walk dogs, and begin descent into internet

??? - 11:00 I will either go to work out or make some music or play vidjas. Occasional friend visit. And food.

10:30 contemplate going to bed early. continue on with whatever i was doing

11:00 take a shower

11:30 contemplate sleep again. this time i mean it. oh but shit i better walk the dogs

11:45 bed time. i should get some sleep. oh shit i wonder whats going on in watmm better check

??? sleep

3:30 - 6:40 with dogs waking you up is i exactly what i go through on some days, hahah.

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530 am get up and shower

6am get up if I didn't shower

7am- work (currently at a yearbook publishing place doing quality control to make sure things are printed properly)

1130am- lunch, usually a sandwich and fruit

3:30pm go spending my evening feeling degraded whilst working at Walmart, or hang out with friends if I don't work

9pm-midnight get off work at Walmart

Go to bed. Repeat.

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dont you get sore? i usually do after 3 wanks in a day.



Haha yeah, I am obviously exaggerating just a bit. I actually sometimes just stop wanking to see how long I can go. It is fun in a masochistic sort of way.

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8 hours of work sometime between 8am and 6pm depending on how I manage to wake up. Maybe couple of hours at uni at some point, but not in the last month. After work: groceries, drinking tea, noodling, cooking, reading books, internet, watching TNG for laughs, listening to music, going to movies, etc. Sometimes straight to bar after work for a couple of beers.


Usually at the end of the day I go running and then to sauna. Then maybe some food and alcoholic beverages and reading a book in bed before dozing off.

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6:45: alarm goes off, wake up and sit up in bed
- go to bathroom, piss

- go downstairs and make tea/porridge/weetabix/special k strawberry crunch cereal (delicious), depends how I feel

- go back up and put on clothes I'll wear that day, pack some stuff in my bag like headphones etc.

7:30-45: leave for the bus stop directly outside my house

8:15: arrive at bus station, wait for next bus

8:50: my stop

9:00: get in class, log in and browse watmm and read news until tutor arrives to class

12:00: class finished, head to library, browse watmm more and generally fuck about on the internet

- lunch is usually a tuna sandwich and sparkling water, or a snicker. or boost bar or something

1:00: second class starts
4:00 second class finishes

4:15: bus arrives
4:40: bus arrives at bus station
4:45: second bus arrives at bus station
5:15: my stop, get off, get in house
5:20pm - 5:00am at latest: fuck about on internet

- go a walk and take some photos if the weather's nice , but lately it has not been

- make dinner about 8pm

- complain to self about how annoying my neighbours are

- etc.



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dont you get sore? i usually do after 3 wanks in a day.



Haha yeah, I am obviously exaggerating just a bit. I actually sometimes just stop wanking to see how long I can go. It is fun in a masochistic sort of way.


also, builds up your load so you can have a real sprayer the next time!

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Today Ive been putting together lectures on Powerpoints (pretty fun for work), writing prompts (hate this), and listening to Howard Stern stuff (fun!)


Then to reward myself for being diligent, I will play some Arkham City, which I just purchased for 15 bucks.

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Guest happycase

interesting thread

my winter vacation schedule:


10 turn off alarm

11 get out of bed, make coffee in my bialleti, cereal, internet

12 start reading. currently "the price of inequality" by joseph stiglitz

2.30 ride bicycle along the mighty Han River (30-40km) while listening to Recondite, Kendrick lamar, et al

4.30 shower

5 second pot of espresso, reading

7 dinner, homemade chicken garam masala today, while watching movie or bill maher

7.30 reading

9 internet, youtube, tv, beer

1 bed, reading

2 sleep


god i'm lazy

Why do you read so much? You sound very scholarly.

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Guest happycase

Personally, I'm very surprised by how early many of you wake up. I sleep in anywhere from 10AM to 5PM depending on whether or not I have work. Sometimes I go to sleep at 8AM. I get all my best work done at night. And by work I mean, I have no octopus idea what I do during those hours, but I feel better for having done them at that hour.



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I currently work 3-5 days a week at no set time. This will go on til May and then back to 0-7 days.


If work:

Wake up 10-20 minutes after alarm.

Meditate 15-20 minutes.

Core exercise 10-15 minutes.

Pack for work.

Subway to work - 30 min.

Arrive at office, pack gear into van.

Go somewhere, shoot for 7-14 hours with 1/2 hour for lunch.

Store gear back in office.

Subway home.


Set batteries on charge, etc. Prep for next workday.

Muck about on internets until sleep, trying not to get less than 8 hours.


If no work:

Sleep in til whenever. Try not to get up past 10 or 11, as it tends to feel terrible.

Meditate 15-45 minutes.

Core exercise.

Muck about on internets/movies/music/sound design.

Feel deep, irrational loneliness. Forget that I have friends I can call.

Contemplate signing back up for internet dating, reject idea.

Fend off thoughts of stabbing self in the lower abdomen (100% success, I should be proud).

Get annoyed at church bell every 15 minutes counting down the time I do nothing in.

Stay up late on WATMM/webcomics.



About an hour of yoga and/or 2-3 hours of full-body conditioning outside.

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How many of you are alone most days as opposed to hanging out with friends? Do most evenings entail internet / etc in solitude?


Also my "schedule":


10am-1pm: wake up / internet / appointments

1pm-6pm: internet and then dinner at some point

6pm-11pm: work on websites for clients with 2-3 hour long voice chats with colleague

11pm-2pm: internet / movies / etc

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How many of you are alone most days as opposed to hanging out with friends? Do most evenings entail internet / etc in solitude?

I try to get out as much as possible. Basically every thursday night, ill hang out with some classmates because we don't have school the next day. We usually just walk around, smoke reefer and talk about life. If friends from universities are back home, i'll hang with them about every other day or as much as possible. Weeknights ill sometimes hang with slackers if i have no homework to do. If i don't get out on the weekend/friday i get really depressed

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Same thing with me. In the last couple years I've enjoyed just taking walks alone late at night, especially in more 'rural' areas with lots of trees, silence and atmosphere. I see friends maybe once every 2 weeks, sometimes can go a month. I'm quite alone most of the time.

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Guest Franklin

work day:

0900 or 0830 = alarm clock says Rise and Shine

0930 = leave for first client

0100-1200 = therapy with first client

1230-1430 = therapy with second client

1500-1700 = therapy with third client

1730 = come home to supper!

1800-2130 - hang out with wife/cat/play drums/surf interweb/handle some business stuff that didn't handle during daytime

2130 = put wife to bed (routine where I read a couple short stories from the bathroom reader:)

2200-0100 = smoke (vape) weed, watch lectures, read books, finish off evening then bed


On the days I don't have client you can substitute report writing and speaking with insurance adjusters/lawyers/psychologists/doctors instead. the evening is almost unchanging.


This is all pre-baby. It might be way fucking different in like a week. I'm sad to give up this lifestyle.

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How many of you are alone most days as opposed to hanging out with friends? Do most evenings entail internet / etc in solitude?

I'd say about 70% alone on my days off. I'm probably way off because my social memory is really bad.


and franklin congrats on babby!! excite!! and fear!!

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How many of you are alone most days as opposed to hanging out with friends? Do most evenings entail internet / etc in solitude?


For the week I am alone....teaching for hours a day wears you out a bit socially...and its nice to just go home, finish up paperwork and relax with a film or viddy game for the night. On the weekends I try to go out, but recently my schedule has been rather paperwork-intensive...so i don't expect to do much socially for a little while more.

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SInce the new year and cold weather I've been a depressing little shit.


Usual workday.

7:20-wake up


8:10-get heavy dosage coffee (usually sip on it til 12:00)

9:00get to work

9-5 surf web all day amidst work

1:00pm-go to lunch. read or call people.

6:00pm- get home.

7-9:00pm-look up all music and vids that i couldnt watch at work. makefood/buy food. smoke weed. jerk off. watch something.

10:00pm -

11:00pm-make lunch for tomorrow.get vitamins ready.make sure everything is where it needs to be for me to grab on my way out.

12pm-1am bedtime.



I was hooking up with this girl evey other weekend but now that has slowed to a halt (and I don't want to txt her just yet).


Silent Barn and Shea Stadium are a 5-10 min walk so I sometimes end up there with a friend just to check some shit out. I'm usually too high to really be all that social. This also happens on weekdays sometimes.

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-Listen to music

-Play poker

-Practice rock/jungle/jazz/Brazilian/Afro-Cuban on drums

-Practice on practice pad

-Jam on SH-101

-Jam on SP-303

-Practice flamenco/bebop on nylon string guitar

-Stare at WATMM

-Say "chat the hell is going on?" in CHATMM


-Watch poker vids

-Watch drumming vids

-Hang out with friends

-Play music with friends

-Record synth notes into my Casio SK-5 and realize it might be the coolest piece gear I own

-Go to Goodwill and buy VHS tapes (my collection is pushing 300-ish)

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recently since finishing college and moving out, my days have become quite open and free...probably too free, i'd feel almost embarrassed to post my average day

too much possibility in a day theses days, not enough desire to obtain them

it's funny, i read some of these work/study/college related days which revolve around the majority of your time and schedule working around them, you fall into the routine and do it, not so happy about it, but you carry on and do it, it keeps you busy - you long for the days when you'll have nothing to do, nothing to worry about....then when they come, you're just nothing, wasteful of your time, and borderline depressed...i blame society

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