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Drawn to Perfection


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this portrait is not the product of a camera but the steady hand and sharp pencil of a London artist with an astonishing eye for detail.





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Amazing technique. He's only 27, so I hope he continues to hone his craft, but eventually combine it with other genres.


Photo-realistic surrealism would be fucking crazy.

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Guest Lucy Faringold

Photo-realistic surrealism would be fucking crazy.





re. Kelvin Okafor, I'm glad to see he's getting some coin for his hours of work, but his stuff is pretty indistinguishable from the work of other high-level hyper-realists.


Dirk Dzimirsky is one of the few I've seen whose stuff has actually moved me:



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This last one is the only one that moved me. If you're gonna be too good at copying a camera there's no point, you gotta humanize what you see not technologize it.

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Damnit, I was trying to find futuregirlfriend's (I think it was) drawing of Tom Cruise doing yoyo tricks too close to Craig Anderson's head, but it seems to have vanished off the net.

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Guest Aserinsky

Damnit, I was trying to find futuregirlfriend's (I think it was) drawing of Tom Cruise doing yoyo tricks too close to Craig Anderson's head, but it seems to have vanished off the net.


Good thing I archived it! Here you go:



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Photo-realistic surrealism would be fucking crazy.




Dirk Dzimirsky is one of the few I've seen whose stuff has actually moved me:







Fucking hell, that's beautiful.

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woah, how did he get it looking all noisy?

impressive, though he's not exactly the first person to do something like this.



and this, the reason it looks like a camera is because the artist has actually drawn in the colour noise, particularly on her forehead. impressive! I wouldn't call it pointless... more a "hey, look what I can do"

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Guest Lucy Faringold



and this, the reason it looks like a camera is because the artist has actually drawn in the colour noise, particularly on her forehead. impressive!




Helnwein is great at projecting the image of a painstaking master (there used to be some hilarious pics on his site of him setting about a vast thirty-foot canvas with a miniscule little brush), but his stuff loses some of its magic once you find out that he often paints on top of photographic images and has a 'team of assistants' to help him realise his work. I still dig a lot of his stuff though, and I like that he usually brings a conceptual angle to these things, even if it's often pretty heavy-handed.


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Some of this stuff is cool but I think painting from a photo is utterly pointless. Why? Because the human eye can see subtle hue and value shifts that a camera can never capture - that, or the human eye just introduces a bunch of imperfections or exaggerations. Whatever the case, you can usually instantly tell if something was painted from a photo - it looks dead and tacky - vs. painted from life.

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is this guy drawing from photos? i can generally tell when something is copied, but these look like they're from life. and then helnwein does both i believe. either way, it's only impressive on a technical level. i don't think i've ever been moved by a representative piece unless it's subtly manipulating the reality of the subject.

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