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Iain Banks/Iain M Banks

Guest Eggylips

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I listened to most of the Culture books in audiobook form, they were all amazing. Banks makes the future seem more awesome than any other writer I've come across.


If you haven't yet, listen to "Iain M. Banks - The State of the Art (BBC)"...


Also, if you like sci-fi, check out this list I put together:



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Iain C

Very sad news - that rarest of things, a brilliant sci fi author. What I've read of his 'literary' work was great too.


Plus, he provides an essential counterweight to Iain Duncan Smith in the "Iains in public life" stakes. Today I read that he even fought fascists on the street in the Battle of Lewisham in 1977.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest jasondonervan



You will be sorely missed.

Well, that is rather shit news. It's always the good ones.

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Guest Eggylips

Bought 'Matter' today, got to page 29 and heard the bastrurd news, actually cried a wiped tear in the sunshine, the... the fukin pub, the cheeky cunt shyyin away to mortality. just had a scotch on the rocks to toast the lil wizard of imagination amalgamation...


"I luv the ded, this old basturt sez to me when I wiz trying to get some innfurmashin out ov him. You fukin old pervirt I sez, gettin a bit fed up by this time enyway, an slit his throate; ah asked you whare the fukin Sleeping Byootie woz, no whit kind of humpin you lyke. No, no he sez, splutterin sumthin awfy and gettin blyd all ovir ma new curiearse, no he sez I sed Isle of the
Dead; Isle of the Dead thats whare yool find the Sleeping Beauty, but mind and watch out for the - then the basturt went and dyed on me. Fukin nerv, eh? Ah wiz dead upset but thare you go these things are scent to trie uz. "

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Guest chunky

Feersum Endjinn is relatively unpopular I think, due to the phonetic spelling used by one character for the duration of every chapter from his point of view - extract:



Woak up. Got dresd. Had brekfast. Spoke wif Ergates thi ant who sed itz juss been wurk wurk wurk 4 u lately master Bascule, Y dont u ½ a holiday? & I agreed & that woz how we decided we otter go 2 c Mr Zoliparia in thi I-ball ov thi gargoyle Rosbrith.

I fot Id bettir clear it wif thi relevint oforities furst & hens avoyd any truble (like happind thi lastime) so I went 2 c mentor Scalopin.

Certinly yung Bascule, he sez, i do beleave this is a day ov relativly lite dooties 4 u u may take it off. ½ u made yoor mattins calls?

O yes, I sed, which woznt stricktly tru, in fact which woz pretti strikly untru, trufe btold, but I cude always do them while we woz travelin.

Wots in that thare box yoor holdin? he asks.

Itz a ant, I sez, waven thi box @ his face.

O this is yoor litil frend, is it? i herd u had a pet. May i see him?

Iss not a pet, iss a frend; u woz rite thi furst time, & iss not a im iss a she. Luke.

O yes very pretti, he sez, which is a pretti strainge thing 2 say about a ant if u ask me but thare u go.

Duz it - duz she ½ a naim? he asks.

Yes, I sez, sheez calld Ergates.

Ergateez, he sez, thatz a nyce name whot maid u call her that?

Nuffink, I sez; itz her reel name.

A I see, he sez, & givs me 1 ov thoze lukes.

& she can tok 2, I tel him, tho I doan xpect yule b able 2 here hir.

(Shh, Bascule! goze Ergates, & I go a bit red.)

Duz she, duz she now? mentor Scalopin sez wif wunna them tolerint smylez. Very wel then he sez, pattin me on thi hed (which I doan much like, frangly, but sum times u jus ½ 2 pool up wif these things. N-way whare wer we? O yes he woz pattin me on thi hed & sayin), off yugo (he sez) but b bak by supper.

Ritey-ho, I sez, all breezy like, nevir thinkin.


i really love it though, and the story itself is pretty fucking mindblowing. not read transitions no...plan to!


Deleterboy wrote a famous novel? Whoa dude. Thought he'd given up on that funny writing style. Heh.

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sad news. i hope his final book he wrote as he was dying is good. stonemouth was his first book ive ever thought was abit unimaginative and shite. one of my favourite authors for sure.

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