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It's very easy to speak of the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, but the happiness that results from renunciation and acceptance requires some really hard work for the vast majority of human beings. You literally have to want it more than anything else.


Mindfulness and meditation practice is a double-edged sword because it is relaxing, but if you want some transformation out of it, at some point, it will require facing all those elephants in the room, such as your lack of control over important circumstances and the impermanence of everything that you know and value. This is a threat to the entire value-system of maximizing your short and long-term benefit, which comprises most of our concerns. This is what inspires stress. So while you can say that stress is entirely needless, it isn't for most people because it is an integral part of the behavior that these people value and maintain. If it weren't, they wouldn't lend so much energy to it.


While people can accept this type of philosophy on an intellectual level, when we really get down to it, there will almost always be some underlying level of attachment, just a tiny little level of red alert on the radar, to see if one can snatch that opportunity of extra benefit, or prevent a certain danger.


Through mindfulness, you only become blissful because in your state of being, there is not a single concern. How often does that occur for the ordinary person? This is why people go on vacations, retreats, take drugs, so on. They literally cannot switch off in familiar circumstances. I have recognized that after all the hard practice I've done, its relatively easy to let go of concerns on my own, depending on the circumstance, but when I get together with people I have known for a long time, all those old behavior patterns tend to pop up again. There are even some masters who say that this type of bliss is "the bliss you cannot have", it will come and go on its own and there's little you can do to control it. It's not entirely true, but it's not entirely false either.


At some point it should dawn on you that this is just another thing not to become dependant on. And when you recognize this, it makes a lot of sense for people to be just the way they are.

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I think murphy needs to practice what he preaches, he's replied the most to this thread so it appears that his mind needs calming:


".. your mind is not concentrated on your body, but on his stupid obsessions, like reading this thread.."

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They literally cannot switch off in familiar circumstances. I have recognized that after all the hard practice I've done, its relatively easy to let go of concerns on my own, depending on the circumstance, but when I get together with people I have known for a long time, all those old behavior patterns tend to pop up again.


I run into the same thing. I can reconcile everything in the world and be content just being for as long as I don't have conversations with certain people. And I've found that in order to maintain that state, I have to not respond to a large chunk of what people say & do. If you know somebody who has a proverbial raincloud perpetually over their head, it's hard not to get struck by their lightning when engaging them in any way.


In many instances in my life I've had to entirely shed myself of certain people or groups of friends once I'd overcome the insecurities that caused me to relate to them in the first place, and evolved beyond that. Otherwise, engaging with them would drag me back into my old bad habits.

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They literally cannot switch off in familiar circumstances. I have recognized that after all the hard practice I've done, its relatively easy to let go of concerns on my own, depending on the circumstance, but when I get together with people I have known for a long time, all those old behavior patterns tend to pop up again.

I run into the same thing.


Absolutely, I lose about 80% of my emotional maturity after a day with my parents. They are totally cool people but I become such a child. It's kind of hilarious, and really frustrating.


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Guest murphythecat8

It's very easy to speak of the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, but the happiness that results from renunciation and acceptance requires some really hard work for the vast majority of human beings. You literally have to want it more than anything else.


Mindfulness and meditation practice is a double-edged sword because it is relaxing, but if you want some transformation out of it, at some point, it will require facing all those elephants in the room, such as your lack of control over important circumstances and the impermanence of everything that you know and value. This is a threat to the entire value-system of maximizing your short and long-term benefit, which comprises most of our concerns. This is what inspires stress. So while you can say that stress is entirely needless, it isn't for most people because it is an integral part of the behavior that these people value and maintain. If it weren't, they wouldn't lend so much energy to it.


While people can accept this type of philosophy on an intellectual level, when we really get down to it, there will almost always be some underlying level of attachment, just a tiny little level of red alert on the radar, to see if one can snatch that opportunity of extra benefit, or prevent a certain danger.


Through mindfulness, you only become blissful because in your state of being, there is not a single concern. How often does that occur for the ordinary person? This is why people go on vacations, retreats, take drugs, so on. They literally cannot switch off in familiar circumstances. I have recognized that after all the hard practice I've done, its relatively easy to let go of concerns on my own, depending on the circumstance, but when I get together with people I have known for a long time, all those old behavior patterns tend to pop up again. There are even some masters who say that this type of bliss is "the bliss you cannot have", it will come and go on its own and there's little you can do to control it. It's not entirely true, but it's not entirely false either.


At some point it should dawn on you that this is just another thing not to become dependant on. And when you recognize this, it makes a lot of sense for people to be just the way they are.

yeah super interesing stuff. I totally agree. But seriously, you seem to be either all in, or nothing at all, there is a million different steps toward a better life.. if anyone practise morality and learn to relax his mind, its already a BIG step toward anybodys good for his development.

I was more trying to reach people saying: I dont beleive in anything, fuck religion ect.. once you establish, just once in your life mindfulnees, you just know that buddhism as some truth.


I think that you said that, just like trying to explain DMT to someone who never smoked it, its impossible. he may not even beleive what you tell him what dmt does. well that is what some people do in here actually, suppose. I'm sick of all those insult. I'm out for good.

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It's very easy to speak of the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, but the happiness that results from renunciation and acceptance requires some really hard work for the vast majority of human beings. You literally have to want it more than anything else.


Mindfulness and meditation practice is a double-edged sword because it is relaxing, but if you want some transformation out of it, at some point, it will require facing all those elephants in the room, such as your lack of control over important circumstances and the impermanence of everything that you know and value. This is a threat to the entire value-system of maximizing your short and long-term benefit, which comprises most of our concerns. This is what inspires stress. So while you can say that stress is entirely needless, it isn't for most people because it is an integral part of the behavior that these people value and maintain. If it weren't, they wouldn't lend so much energy to it.


While people can accept this type of philosophy on an intellectual level, when we really get down to it, there will almost always be some underlying level of attachment, just a tiny little level of red alert on the radar, to see if one can snatch that opportunity of extra benefit, or prevent a certain danger.


Through mindfulness, you only become blissful because in your state of being, there is not a single concern. How often does that occur for the ordinary person? This is why people go on vacations, retreats, take drugs, so on. They literally cannot switch off in familiar circumstances. I have recognized that after all the hard practice I've done, its relatively easy to let go of concerns on my own, depending on the circumstance, but when I get together with people I have known for a long time, all those old behavior patterns tend to pop up again. There are even some masters who say that this type of bliss is "the bliss you cannot have", it will come and go on its own and there's little you can do to control it. It's not entirely true, but it's not entirely false either.


At some point it should dawn on you that this is just another thing not to become dependant on. And when you recognize this, it makes a lot of sense for people to be just the way they are.

yeah super interesing stuff. I totally agree. But seriously, you seem to be either all in, or nothing at all, there is a million different steps toward a better life.. if anyone practise morality and learn to relax his mind, its already a BIG step toward anybodys good for his development.

I was more trying to reach people saying: I dont beleive in anything, fuck religion ect.. once you establish, just once in your life mindfulnees, you just know that buddhism as some truth.


I think that you said that, just like trying to explain DMT to someone who never smoked it, its impossible. he may not even beleive what you tell him what dmt does. well that is what some people do in here actually, suppose. I'm sick of all those insult. I'm out for good.


said the dude that doesn't get cosmogramma

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They literally cannot switch off in familiar circumstances. I have recognized that after all the hard practice I've done, its relatively easy to let go of concerns on my own, depending on the circumstance, but when I get together with people I have known for a long time, all those old behavior patterns tend to pop up again.

I run into the same thing.


Absolutely, I lose about 80% of my emotional maturity after a day with my parents. They are totally cool people but I become such a child. It's kind of hilarious, and really frustrating.


It's definitely embarassing and kind of funny to consider the kind of insignificant shit that makes you lose your shit from time to time.


Not that your parents are insignificant, I'm just saying in general.


yeah super interesing stuff. I totally agree. But seriously, you seem to be either all in, or nothing at all, there is a million different steps toward a better life.. if anyone practise morality and learn to relax his mind, its already a BIG step toward anybodys good for his development.

I was more trying to reach people saying: I dont beleive in anything, fuck religion ect.. once you establish, just once in your life mindfulnees, you just know that buddhism as some truth.

You're 100% right, I am speaking on this on an all or nothing perspective. You can find a lot of benefits from many different physical and psychological methods. I'm just speaking from my perspective and I was in a really bad space when I started with this stuff. At first it was just the philosophy that fascinated me, from people like Alan Watts. I was not ready for meditation, I was even repulsed by meditating people, I considered it the most ridiculous and disturbing thing in the world. Later on, it dawned on me that if you're coming from that kind of spot, you literally have to die to yourself if you want it to work. You have to recognize that you're carrying a weight that's like several centuries of existence, and fully commit to dropping it.


In reference to an earlier post you made, to be advised to be more moral wouldn't have worked for me. It was as I got the foundation of mental equilibrium that the core of morality came around. But you're right, it more or less comes down to moral behavior. And moral behavior is a type of meditation. But you can't make it an object and expect rewards for it. The true freedom comes when you can be cool, do stuff for people and not think twice about it, like why you should be doing it and so on.


I think that you said that, just like trying to explain DMT to someone who never smoked it, its impossible. he may not even beleive what you tell him what dmt does. well that is what some people do in here actually, suppose. I'm sick of all those insult. I'm out for good.

You don't have to leave. Don't take it so serious, we're all friends here.

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Guest murphythecat8

said the dude that doesn't get cosmogramma


hehe, I did try after your recommendation thought but I still dont like it as a whole. I couldnt listen to the whole thing, but I definitly love some tracks.

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Guest murphythecat8




They literally cannot switch off in familiar circumstances. I have recognized that after all the hard practice I've done, its relatively easy to let go of concerns on my own, depending on the circumstance, but when I get together with people I have known for a long time, all those old behavior patterns tend to pop up again.

I run into the same thing.


Absolutely, I lose about 80% of my emotional maturity after a day with my parents. They are totally cool people but I become such a child. It's kind of hilarious, and really frustrating.


It's definitely embarassing and kind of funny to consider the kind of insignificant shit that makes you lose your shit from time to time.


Not that your parents are insignificant, I'm just saying in general.


yeah super interesing stuff. I totally agree. But seriously, you seem to be either all in, or nothing at all, there is a million different steps toward a better life.. if anyone practise morality and learn to relax his mind, its already a BIG step toward anybodys good for his development.

I was more trying to reach people saying: I dont beleive in anything, fuck religion ect.. once you establish, just once in your life mindfulnees, you just know that buddhism as some truth.

You're 100% right, I am speaking on this on an all or nothing perspective. You can find a lot of benefits from many different physical and psychological methods. I'm just speaking from my perspective and I was in a really bad space when I started with this stuff. At first it was just the philosophy that fascinated me, from people like Alan Watts. I was not ready for meditation, I was even repulsed by meditating people, I considered it the most ridiculous and disturbing thing in the world. Later on, it dawned on me that if you're coming from that kind of spot, you literally have to die to yourself if you want it to work. You have to recognize that you're carrying a weight that's like several centuries of existence, and fully commit to dropping it.


In reference to an earlier post you made, to be advised to be more moral wouldn't have worked for me. It was as I got the foundation of mental equilibrium that the core of morality came around. But you're right, it more or less comes down to moral behavior. And moral behavior is a type of meditation. But you can't make it an object and expect rewards for it. The true freedom comes when you can be cool, do stuff for people and not think twice about it, like why you should be doing it and so on.


I think that you said that, just like trying to explain DMT to someone who never smoked it, its impossible. he may not even beleive what you tell him what dmt does. well that is what some people do in here actually, suppose. I'm sick of all those insult. I'm out for good.

You don't have to leave. Don't take it so serious, we're all friends here.


really intresting when you talk that for you, you had to center your mind before even attempting at morality. We all have different minds and where you are in your path may be way past mine or vice versa. why I say that its that I realize today how far I was compared to my girlfriend. I was SO immoral, hating people for no good reasons. Now I realize how my girlfriend has a much closer to buddha mind that I used to have, and stilll have, and that explains so much. For example, I used to be mad at her for not wanting to take drugs, or try to have fun doing "some" sports, but now I understand so much better where she is in her life path. She, way before me, realized how trivial some activity I used to love was. I used to think that SHE had a problem, I was way more in deep waters. I was the problem. What I wanted from life and from people was so out of line, but I thought that she was! Crazy how I have changed in a couple of years!


Yes, me too, at first it was the philosophy that interested me, fascinating stuff. but I was too young to realize all its implications in life. Its only around 22 years old, after a couple of profound psychadelic experience, and quite franckly, being scared of going crazy, that I finally discovered what I had realized in my life was being told by first, quantic physics, and then to a close extent the buddha. What a releif it was. I was really finding myself crazy for a while, but I cant not even recall what was all my mental process at the time, but it was hard for me to realize how responsible we are in life. how our life is not just a game, and that our actions, good and bad, have so much impact around us and most importantly, to ourselves. I really knew that everything was a illusion, but considering the society we live in, it was really hard to accept that im not crazy, everyone else is. Now, I realize that mostly everyone thinks like that up to a extent, but at the time, I felt almost schizophrenic. ANYWAYS!


yeah ill stay, I will learn something out of this. I shouldnt get angry!

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ive never practised buddhism, but im pretty shit hot at having complete control over my emotions, i havent been angry or upset for about 7 years. shit happens, i realised the only person who loses out from the anger is me, so i stopped doing it. no idea on a method, or system, i just kind of phased it out, and i float through life in a sort of unaltering cloud of vague contentment.

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im pretty shit hot at having complete control over my emotions, i havent been angry or upset for about 7 years. shit happens, i realised the only person who loses out from the anger is me, so i stopped doing it. no idea on a method, or system, i just kind of phased it out, and i float through life in a sort of unaltering cloud of vague contentment.

I've taken sort of an opposite trajectory. Up until I was 19 I was all about doing the constant vague contentment thing, then I decided "ya know this sucks, i've got an emotional spectrum & I'm gonna friggin use it". Last few years I've basically been training myself to not hold back at all when I feel myself getting angry or sad or ridiculously giddy.


Emotions are one of those "gotta have the good with the bad" things. Cycle through em all at least once in a while, gives a whole new series of flavours to your perceptions. Some day I will return to that childlike level of freedom - srstalk think about being a little kid, crying until it physically hurt, or falling down from laughing so hard (I still do that last one actually), that nervous tingling excitement. So many flavours to life!

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said the dude that doesn't get cosmogramma


hehe, I did try after your recommendation thought but I still dont like it as a whole. I couldnt listen to the whole thing, but I definitly love some tracks.


sweet :beer:

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