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Obama Admin. admits to surveillance methods: Beating a Dead Horse Pt. 74


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Guest Franklin

I'm not well-versed on this topic but I kinda always assumed that part of my tax contribution is going towards protecting my skinny ass from big bad motherfuckers, not just at the local level with city police, but with high level monitoring programs. In a way collecting metadata is less invasive than going to a big concert, a Major league baseball game, or getting on a plane. I'm literally getting felt up in the latter but I'm cool with that because I don't want some dumb fuck spoiling my fun. with metadata it's a computer program that's skimming non-content for threatening patterns before setting off an alert which would require a warrant.


I was detained in portugal for 2 days just after 911 because I think I matched a profile of somebody who looked like me and was traveling in that area or something. That was super shitty. I would be much happier with my gov't shining a flashlight on my meta-data than up my asshole again.

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Someone should build a script with a message generator based on a list of 'forbidden' words and an automatic send to functionality which sends these to random accounts in afghanistan.

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Guest disparaissant

that idea is the bomb. seriously, i hope this all explodes in the nsa's face.



i want to make a pressure cooker joke but it might be too soon for that


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what would really help would be if entertainment shows like family guy, the simpsons, all other similar cartoons, any popular scripted tv shows (including the 'reality' ones), late night shows, and if famous comedians would slam this via jokes as they did every little thing that happened under bush. then we might have your typical non-attentive morons caring about the issue. unfortunately we have the wrong kind of pres for any or most of those sources to want to mock this/bring it to the slobbering masses, so if they do make jokes they will be the more light-hearted kind with the subtext that it's really no big deal. and for every one of those there will be at least 2 famous people tweeting that it keeps us safe (who would be tweeting how this country is ran by fascists if this came out under a rep pres).

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really good point man. we need more...jokes. then like, yeah!

yeah. how many people get their 'news' from the daily show? if you don't think 'jokes' influence anyone's political opinions, or if you think you can convince me that they don't, you're an ass.


it's not even so much the jokes themselves, as it is the fact that there are still massive amounts of people that have absolutely no idea about benghazi even happening. if we had a rep president when it happened, those sources would have made damn sure that the average person was well aware that there was an attack and killing of a US ambassador on the anniversary of 9/11. the idea of it being a spontaneous protest would not have been allowed to fly or would have, itself, been ridiculed by the likes of saturday night live. instead of having probably most people being completely unaware of it even happening, you would have most people being aware that at least something did happen, and that it was likely the pres's fault. you can deny or disbelieve this all you want. it doesn't matter. it's just how it is, and it's partly why nothing will come out of this.

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well at least Greenwald is getting to people now (and not just under the skin of those who make avatars or fake hit and run accident stories). Really excited for how much publicity he got out of this story.

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under the skin ? lol, i think he's a joke. he's utterly meaningless and has zero scientific merit, he simply channels chomsky-like activist agit-prop bullshit to a wider crowd in an assertive manner. obviously there's a demand for that.

when you've read an article or two of his you can basically predict pretty accurately every other article of his on any given topic.

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under the skin ? lol, i think he's a joke. he's utterly meaningless and has zero scientific merit, he simply channels chomsky-like activist agit-prop bullshit to a wider crowd in an assertive manner. obviously there's a demand for that.


holy shit LOL

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yes it's true, when i make death threat jokes about people it's totally not because they got under my skin. I treat all people that are 'utter meaningless' with death-jokes. It's a tell-tale sign that someone didn't get under my skin at all in fact, to make jokes about them dying. Glenn Greenwald is a shit scientist, someone should take away his grant

and good thing the entire world media (including Fox news and michael savage) for a whole week has been taken in by 'Chomsky-like activism'. Its about fucking time, the world needs more chomsky vibes seeping through it.

*changes avatar to an unflattering picture of Glenn Greenwald to emphasize just how meaningless he is and how he doesnt bother me *at all* *

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