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So my ex-girlfriend just put a spreadsheet on facebook, detailing all the pros and cons of her past boyfriends


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I love how people putting together lists that demand some kind of near perfection from a potential partner have many, many flaws themselves. They might think their shit smells sweeter than everyone else's, but they are very much mistaken.


Sorry this has happened to you, man. Some women (and guys) seem to turn into such asshats after a break up. Like everybody else here, I think you're well shot of her.

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beat the shit out of her irl and repost the spreadshit with addition "he beat the shit out of me irl" near yourself so people know that violence is not good

also all western women are friendzoning whores so dont worry, go to asia to look for women

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^^So edgy!



This girl sounds like a dick! Hope she is respectful of what you said, but it might not happen.

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Oh lord ... two things I can't wrap my mind around in general: First of all, how so many people end up being something close to sworn enemies with people they once dated. And secondly, the entire dating culture of you guys beyond the great sea altogether. It all seems very misanthropic, "No family history of genetically inheritable diseases." I mean, Jeez, what's going on here? First base, second base, dating-rules, fuck all of this, really, and just act like human beings already, for fucks sake!


However, this rant is not meant to address you, Root5, so to say something about your specific situation:


It seems like you (much unlike her) acted very decently in this whole thing, however, I don't think you should give too many shits about this spreadsheet affair. It's nothing more than a sad relic of her own weak personality, something she's gonna look back at & feel embarrassed about in a few months or years, not you. My best friend spilled the beans IRL about some very private sexual stuff I had told him about and basically outed me as a major perv in front of my entire circle of friends - and it didn't matter. I was really pissed at him for about half an hour when I found out, but then I laughed at the situation (I actually benefited from this outing but that's another story...) - Anyway, I'm saying, like ThatSpanishGuy said, whoever reads negative stuff about you into that stupid spreadsheet doesn't know you very well in the first place and doesn't deserve your time. Your real friends won't do that.


Also, you should have a strong enough sense of identity to be above comparing yourself to the "facts" she wrote in her stupid little bitch list. Who cares what she thinks of you. And don't worry about your reputation. We got a saying in Germany - Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt es sich ganz ungeniert! - which basically means once you've lost your reputation you've got much less to worry about. :wink:


PS: I don't hate facebook, it's often very handy and fun. Still I don't get why you're friends with her on there when apparently you're not actually friends in real life anymore...?


PPS: You've gotta post the spreadsheet at this point, take out the bits talking about you.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth


Probably the joy that is derived from having people pay attention to you on facebook has temporarily overpowered her decision making abilities.


This. People just go overboard with this kind of shit and end up looking like nutcases when people can't be arsed to click like anymore. *hates facebook* *checks facebook*





Just ignore it, and if anyone mentions it to you laugh it off. It reflects on her rather than on you and even if people do "figure out" which one is you, the information is coming from an unreliable source and anyone with any sense will pay no attention to it. Everyone will forget by next week.


And remember...






and this


As has been said before, just ignore her. Don't reply to her, do not contact her or comment on the fb post or anything. If someone thinks lesser of you because of what a immature bitch says, you'd be better off without him/her anyway. If anything, send her a PM explaining how it's not OK to expose someone's private life to the public without his permission, in a polite and neutral way, if you're too concerned about your privacy. Anyways, someone should tell her how it's totally not OK to do tha, preferably someone neutral to the whole situation; but the kind of people who post this shit on fb tend to stay away from and dismiss people who offer the slightest shade of criticism


and this.

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I would have just said ignore the immature bullshit.


But the "abusive relationship" comment is very worrying, proper defamation of character. Might want to ask her to remove or at very least clarify that you are a victim and not a perpetrator. I wouldn't be happy with that shit against me.

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Make a spreadsheet with all her faults, including being an attention seeking cunt, with just her on it but scrub her name out.


See how she likes them apples!!!

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My experience with #5 has been from dealing with workaholics and if that's the case here, that's, that's a scary thing. I've seen it happen all the fucking time in academic culture where people work like the days before unions and the weekend and forget they actually have bodies that need taking care of. #3, Maybe I'm reading too much from too little, but if she is holding herself up to her own unrealistic standards she will burn out eventually from stress-related illness, maybe not now, but in the next decade. It's been sad to watch this happen over the years with academics who are a bit scattered and chronically stressed from overwork. The kind who feel guilty about taking a day off to enjoy life, and who blame others for not being motivated, when other people are actually living normal, healthy lives. It's sad to watch, and it feels like there's nothing you can do when it does...There could be a bit of envy there too.

Maybe I am reading too much, but, going by the academic culture I'm surrounded by at least in this part of the world..that might be a factor. ymmv

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Just the act of writing that spreadsheet up makes her look a neurotic, needy, self-centred and deluded moron. Unfriend her, or at least hide her posts - don't get drawn into a public debate, take the high road. She'll regret doing that when she's grown up.

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Okay, here's the spreadsheet: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/84529016/dating.pdf


I'm number 1.


Thanks y'all for the confirmation that there's something wrong with her behaviour. The suggestions to ignore her or just send a private message were well taken. I'm definitely not going to engage this on a public forum at all. At the moment I'm trying to not let this bother me, and I'm hoping that none of my acquaintances suspect me of abusing past partners.

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Okay, here's the spreadsheet: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/84529016/dating.pdf


I'm number 1.


Thanks y'all for the confirmation that there's something wrong with her behaviour. The suggestions to ignore her or just send a private message were well taken. I'm definitely not going to engage this on a public forum at all. At the moment I'm trying to not let this bother me, and I'm hoping that none of my acquaintances suspect me of abusing past partners.


A respectable 3rd place but 10 points behind 1st place, not good enough.

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Okay, here's the spreadsheet: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/84529016/dating.pdf


I'm number 1.


Thanks y'all for the confirmation that there's something wrong with her behaviour. The suggestions to ignore her or just send a private message were well taken. I'm definitely not going to engage this on a public forum at all. At the moment I'm trying to not let this bother me, and I'm hoping that none of my acquaintances suspect me of abusing past partners.


what the fucking fuck

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I wonder why she broke up with boyfriend no.3, he's like Mr. perfect


Also only two boyfriends willing to learn Chinese for her, piss poor at least make an effort or pretend 'till she breaks up with you.

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also all western women are friendzoning whores so dont worry, go to asia to look for women

She appears to be Chinese based on the spreadsheet so try again. The myth of a submissive, obedient sex kitten girlfriend from Asia is just that. Unless you are stratospherically wealthy but then many many bets are off if that's the case.



exactly. the greatest lady i ever loved was anything but a submissive kitten. though she did appreciate letting a man be a man.

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Okay, here's the spreadsheet: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/84529016/dating.pdf


I'm number 1.


Thanks y'all for the confirmation that there's something wrong with her behaviour. The suggestions to ignore her or just send a private message were well taken. I'm definitely not going to engage this on a public forum at all. At the moment I'm trying to not let this bother me, and I'm hoping that none of my acquaintances suspect me of abusing past partners.


Lol wtf. bitches be crazy.

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