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the great pyramid

Guest skibby

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I find it amusing how this entire new-age ufo movement, for all it's lofty interstellar dreaming, is built on the assumption of how limited, incompetent, and helpless humans are. Instead of the secular humanist ideal of limitless human potential, they say "we could never have done that alone!"

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^ proof of aliens.



















































fuck this thread


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I find it amusing how this entire new-age ufo movement, for all it's lofty interstellar dreaming, is built on the assumption of how limited, incompetent, and helpless humans are. Instead of the secular humanist ideal of limitless human potential, they say "we could never have done that alone!"

Good point. It does kinda display a sense of inconsistency with other beliefs often held in such movements.




Edit: smiley added to annoy a specific set of people. It's the smug smiley, so to speak.


Also, i think i'm pretty good at non-verbal communication in situations like these.

;D ;P

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Ehm yeah, and those colosseums in heavily populated parts in the world. People tend to be the most destructive force on the planet, so the pyramids being built in " most inhospitable" places is actually in their favor? Possibly? I mean what are the odds those pyramids were bombed in the wars since the coloseums were built? And what are the odds those coloseums were bombed?





The constant pelting of the sand in the desert like a giant burning hot sandblaster is far more destructive. It's not like the coliseum was nuked directly or some shit lol.


The Parthenon is still standing too after a few world wars, but it's a couple thousand years newer than the pyramids.


A couple thousand years is a long time.

The pyramids are in a great place to be preserved , a dry desert.


Giant constant sand blasting is not great for preservation. Especially considering the pyramids are made from giant sandstone blocks that aren't any more dense than the sand being blasted at them. It's rock not beef jerky.


Yeah beef jerky and mummies are easy to preserve out there in the dry desert.

Fact is, those pyramids are still standing even after about 4600 years.


That's impressive.



That's better than water erosion. Being as massive as they are, I don't think it's that crazy that they are still largely intact despite this supposed 4500+ years of "sand blasting".

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Ehm yeah, and those colosseums in heavily populated parts in the world. People tend to be the most destructive force on the planet, so the pyramids being built in " most inhospitable" places is actually in their favor? Possibly? I mean what are the odds those pyramids were bombed in the wars since the coloseums were built? And what are the odds those coloseums were bombed?





The constant pelting of the sand in the desert like a giant burning hot sandblaster is far more destructive. It's not like the coliseum was nuked directly or some shit lol.


The Parthenon is still standing too after a few world wars, but it's a couple thousand years newer than the pyramids.


A couple thousand years is a long time.

The pyramids are in a great place to be preserved , a dry desert.


Giant constant sand blasting is not great for preservation. Especially considering the pyramids are made from giant sandstone blocks that aren't any more dense than the sand being blasted at them. It's rock not beef jerky.


Yeah beef jerky and mummies are easy to preserve out there in the dry desert.

Fact is, those pyramids are still standing even after about 4600 years.


That's impressive.



That's better than water erosion. Being as massive as they are, I don't think it's that crazy that they are still largely intact despite this supposed 4500+ years of "sand blasting".



Water erosion is harsh, definitely.


I think sand filled wind can be pretty harsh too probably. Then again I'm just assuming. But you're right part of that is definitely how massive they are, which is part of why they are so awe inspiring isn't it? That was kind of my point.

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I find it amusing how this entire new-age ufo movement, for all it's lofty interstellar dreaming, is built on the assumption of how limited, incompetent, and helpless humans are. Instead of the secular humanist ideal of limitless human potential, they say "we could never have done that alone!"


Nobody says that ("we could never have done that alone!"), you are just making assumptions. People are proposing that ancient Egyptians had advance technology. The achievement still human, just that the methods and technologies used were way more advance than mainstream archaeology thinks.


The people who believe aliens built the pyramid are like 0.000000001 percent of the leftfield theories community.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Nobody says that ("we could never have done that alone!"), you are just making assumptions. People are proposing that ancient Egyptians had advance technology. The achievement still human, just that the methods and technologies used were way more advance than mainstream archaeology thinks.


In India they had craft that could hover about and fire nuclear weapons at each other, and the Mayans had planes. I'm sure the Egyptians weren't too far behind

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I find it amusing how this entire new-age ufo movement, for all it's lofty interstellar dreaming, is built on the assumption of how limited, incompetent, and helpless humans are. Instead of the secular humanist ideal of limitless human potential, they say "we could never have done that alone!"


Nobody says that ("we could never have done that alone!"), you are just making assumptions. People are proposing that ancient Egyptians had advance technology. The achievement still human, just that the methods and technologies used were way more advance than mainstream archaeology thinks.


The people who believe aliens built the pyramid are like 0.000000001 percent of the leftfield theories community.





ok this is a good post.






now lets be nice to each other and talk about boss pyramids and how they totally house everything.

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I watched a pretty decent special on the pyramids and they speculated that they were kind of batteries or large electrical devices using water and positive and negative charges. they were not tombs or constructed by slaves for purposes of burials or mummies. also they seemed to have been maintained for a couple thousand years and their actual age is somewhat disputed to be much much older than 5000 years.




Ehm yeah, and those colosseums in heavily populated parts in the world. People tend to be the most destructive force on the planet, so the pyramids being built in " most inhospitable" places is actually in their favor? Possibly? I mean what are the odds those pyramids were bombed in the wars since the coloseums were built? And what are the odds those coloseums were bombed?




The constant pelting of the sand in the desert like a giant burning hot sandblaster is far more destructive. It's not like the coliseum was nuked directly or some shit lol.


The Parthenon is still standing too after a few world wars, but it's a couple thousand years newer than the pyramids.


A couple thousand years is a long time.

The pyramids are in a great place to be preserved , a dry desert.

Giant constant sand blasting is not great for preservation. Especially considering the pyramids are made from giant sandstone blocks that aren't any more dense than the sand being blasted at them. It's rock not beef jerky.


Yeah beef jerky and mummies are easy to preserve out there in the dry desert.


Fact is, those pyramids are still standing even after about 4600 years.


That's impressive.

That's better than water erosion. Being as massive as they are, I don't think it's that crazy that they are still largely intact despite this supposed 4500+ years of "sand blasting".

Water erosion is harsh, definitely.


I think sand filled wind can be pretty harsh too probably. Then again I'm just assuming. But you're right part of that is definitely how massive they are, which is part of why they are so awe inspiring isn't it? That was kind of my point.

it wasn't a desert 5000 years ago

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I watched a pretty decent special on the pyramids and they speculated that they were kind of batteries or large electrical devices using water and positive and negative charges. they were not tombs or constructed by slaves for purposes of burials or mummies. also they seemed to have been maintained for a couple thousand years and their actual age is somewhat disputed to be much much older than 5000 years.


Ancient aliens style pseudo archeology.

Here is one of few good threads debunking this




Someone has crunched the numbers for the great pyramid

8000 tonnes of granite contains:

U-238 504,000,000 Bq

Th-232 64,000,000 Bq

K-40 9,472,000,000 Bq


Total Emitted Energy:

U-238 4.269 MeV

Th-232 4.083 Mev

K-40 0.6785 Mev


Throwing all the math together (and ignoring the fact that alpha particles have a +2 charge and beta particles have a -1 charge) and converting electronvolts to joules/second we get:

U-238 .00034 watts

Th-232 .000042 watts

K-40 .001 watts


For a grand total of .00138 watts.



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oh they found receipts for their olive oil lamps? interesting...



yea, anyway, point taken. I just refuse to believe that all that math and engineering that we still can't figure out was done by slaves for a tomb. that is the most illogical theory of all to me.

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I find it amusing how this entire new-age ufo movement, for all it's lofty interstellar dreaming, is built on the assumption of how limited, incompetent, and helpless humans are. Instead of the secular humanist ideal of limitless human potential, they say "we could never have done that alone!"



this, also if there is some big bad guy that rules world they are infinitely crafty and infinitely able to supress their existence etc. like good people = dumb bad guys = smartest people ever



also of course they are in the group of 'good' people too, people can't have gray areas, etc.

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the way I put it when people ask 'how can some ppl be so smart when there are so many dumb ppl' I say take whatever extreme of dumbness you see in the world and just imagine outliers of intelligence in the other direction. I could probably state that a better way but I'm dumb

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im doing lessons about egypt with my pupils. much fun, i find out a lot about the egyptians.


for instance, the mummification process is something that had to be perfected over the course over some hundred years; they didn't get it right the first time.


the placement of the pyramids is always something special, and definitely related to the location of the stars. for instance, the three great pyramids align with the heart of the Orion belt, where the egyptians believed Ra lived. The sphinx faces east to watch the rising sun. all very cool astrologically aligned.


as for it being beacons.. i have no idea about that yet. In my view something big definitely happened 5000 years ago, either being visited by extraterrestials, or we discovering the unlimited potential in the human self. priesthood was nothing to joke about in the early days.


anyway, it's an entertaining thought to juggle with and definitely beats the nihilistic atheism that's so popular in baby boomers and their spawn

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^ I loved studying Ancient Egypt in school, especially the mythology. Ancient Roman mythology was cool too, but there was just something fascinating about tombs and hieroglyphs and their own pantheon.

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what blows my mind about the great pyramids is just how fucking old they are.


like, think about cleopatra. she's ancient, right? she lived ~2000 years ago. the great pyramid was built 2560 years before she lived. that shit was ancient when cleopatra motherfucking philopater the goddamn seventh was around.

it blows my mind that cleopatra is closer to our time than the pyramids were to her time.

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