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the great pyramid

Guest skibby

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I don't have time to read through all of this, but skimming these, it looks some actual, serious work has gone into studying this shit.


http://michaelsheiser.com/PaleoBabble/2011/03/building-the-pyramids-its-not-a-mystery/ (many links to pdfs)


http://michaelsheiser.com/PaleoBabble/2012/07/build-great-pyramid-today/ (two links are busted, but the links to the collapsed pyramids are interesting, even if it is wikipedia)

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Your antidote to cyber-twaddle and misguided research about the ancient world


With an opening like that, how could one not love this page? O wait, I think I know the answer...mafted, your move.



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Yah, if people are to play fight on the webz, might as well play fight in ze realz. Nothing wrong with getting in the octagon for no reason and smashing each other's skulls in, until both are at a state where they will eternally miss their previously pretty faces. I once thought of buying an airplane ticket and paying for hotel, for a dude who kept spamming horrible music and being fucking ridiculous about it. So my logic was that if you really care so much about that shit- enough to piss off everyone else- then defend it with your life. Like, we'll both get in the octagon, no clothes on, and we fight until we both die (or one dies before the other). I then realized that's retarded, but I did laugh.


On the upside to this thread, this was mentioned:




I think all ze malez on WATMM can sit back for a second, take a deep breath, and enjoy that thought (...the very few, that is... what with WATMM being 95/05, babes/dudes).


...The great pyramids and related structures are interesting, but it's nothing to get upset or insulting over. So what if I told all of you that I can manifest physical structures equivalent to the great pyramids, in a matter of seconds, by mere will. And then I did it, and it was filmed by thousands of people. And then I revealed the knowledge to the world, of how such structures were built in ancient times. WHO THE FUCK CARES. The more important fact is that pink panties can be right in front of you, if you choose wisely.


I'm talkin' a pastel flavor of pink; soft skin visible through the thin cotton. The thin type where when you caress your fingers firmly over that plump butt, it's like playing with a pillow-sized marshmallow covered in powdered sugar. I'm talkin' 'bout pink panties, where after you've applied your mystic abilities, the sweetest of panty cracks gets so wet; throbbing rich pinkness underneath the delicate cotton pinkness that is slowly losing its will to even cover skin. You slide your fingers in-between the legs of misses pretty pink panties... onto her pink panties covered mound... the puff can no longer contain its cream... The pink panties are gushing syrup. ...Melting down your forearm, glistening for your cock. Glistening for your being. It doesn't matter if your cock was severed in the IDM Warz, because misses pretty pink panties wants you- your being is now your cock. Her pink panties are now yours. Every part of her body that those panties touched, are now yours. You can do whatever you want, because misses pretty pink panties knows that your will, is right. No need to fight. You both give in to each other. The air fills with mist of pure sweet sex. Misses pretty pink panties is still wearing her panties and wants you to do something about that. It is now... PINK. PANTIES. TIME.


And here you muthafuckaz are talkin' 'bout how your ghetto is more hard than that dude's, 'n your bullet scars are more legit than that other ugly dude's knife scar- and then something about being a pile of shit for typing text and pressing "Post". So whilst playing Ghetto Master Library Man Blaster 3000 seems fun and all, just know that your other option is misses pretty pink panties, waiting for you to pause the game and come play with her, so you both may experience joint ecstasy that makes MDMA seem like eating handfuls of uncooked rice in a blazing desert.

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relax.. yeah. push ppl over the edge then blame them. fuck you


could've said it on a telefmgram. doesn't change the fact I was ready to go. omg he was on the internet and wanted to break someone's face.. how is that possible? it cant be

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

If you go to the great pyramid there are dudes there with camels who heckle you until you let them take a photo of you and then won't give your camera back until you pay them. They also cajole you into getting on their camels and then won't let you get off until you give them money. I think there is a high probability they would use your pink panties for various nefarious activities if you left them in the area for any length of time.

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i think i can build a pyramid with my dink. ...or at least how to align it with the milkyway


what makes you think i wouldn't break your face in half just because i 'said it on the internet'? why don't you give me a call and i'll fuckin say it right now. come to my front door and i'll say it even louder .. it makes no difference.

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do you have to take off work for this sort of thing or do you just fit it in on your off time? do you provide airport pick up or does one have to cab it to your front door? after the beating is any food and bev provided? room and board? deets pls

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i get the impression that it has nothing to do with what you guys were discussing before, he's probably just sick and tired of your personality, which strikes me as very smug, pretentious, and annoying.

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i get the impression that it has nothing to do with what you guys were discussing before, he's probably just sick and tired of your personality, which strikes me as very smug, pretentious, and annoying.


hey i tried to get it back into a reasonable framework, but everyone seems obsessed with affirming their own subjective minutiae.


Im not sure what's more smug, pretentious or arrogant: to call everyone skeptical of alien architecture an idiot, or to call admirers of the pyramids idiots.


I don't think there's a clear cut winner here.

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After giving it some serial consideration I'll literally go out on a limb here and say that I am agaist slavery imho, no offense to all you egyptian watmmers, but imho stop it.

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now listen up you dullard trolls:


the great pyramid does not contain mysteries, it contains information that proves that whoever built it knew the circumference of the earth, average distance from the sun, speed of light.


its a 3d time capsule.


and, no architect could build it today, especially using the tools that historians say, even if they had all the slaves in the world.


but the precision in the kings chamber alone would take a master mason a lifetime to figure out.


we dont even have stonemasons now, with all the technology in the world, who can build the mortarless "inca" walls in peru and bolivia.


eat it trolls.

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