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2014: the year Ellen Page made scores of neckbeards cry out in psychic anguish


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This all just feels like code for...well, you know.






It feels like 'no I'm not racist, but I preferred things the way they were before black people had rights. It destroyed the institution.'

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I'm having fun with this thread. Seeing mister E viewing the thread that first time was like watching Goku descend from Snakeway.


I have tons of gay/lesbian/gendervariant friends. Love 'em to pieces. To be fair, the comparison to women's rights is a fallacy. There is no concrete science that homosexuality is black and white biology, therefore the fear spoken of is based on behavior, not on genes.


The rush to biology is happening because the knee jerk is to blame someone else. If they can't help it then any in opposition are "on the wrong side of history." It's clever stuff. There is definitely something else behind it.


Fact is I would love you whether it was a choice or genetic predisposition.


Meanwhile I'm in an interracial and highly rewarding cis-marriage.


It's exactly the same as women's rights because you have societies built by bigots and misogynists who determined for themselves how society would operate. Then after they made those decisions they influenced others to feel the same way as much as possible until you had a ruling patriarchy that diminished as many as possible in order to maintain power and control.


Same for women, blacks, and homos.


Nah, people try to confirm biology because those in opposition to the behavior demand something more substantial than "I prefer this", because they are adhering to ideology that was written before we had a mathematical equation for how gravity functions and when we believed we were the center of the universe. Why would someone blame someone else for their own sexuality unless they were socially conditioned to believe there is something wrong with them? Interesting that science is a necessity for proof to those for whom their personal beliefs rely so little.


If you love them then you would promote the idea that they should be given all the same liberties that you enjoy.


Also, I very much enjoyed the Mr. E. moment.


You still owe me examples of how accepting homosexuality accelerates the collapse of a society. Sodom and Gomorrah will not be acceptable. No fables please.

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I'm having fun with this thread. Seeing mister E viewing the thread that first time was like watching Goku descend from Snakeway.


I have tons of gay/lesbian/gendervariant friends. Love 'em to pieces. To be fair, the comparison to women's rights is a fallacy. There is no concrete science that homosexuality is black and white biology, therefore the fear spoken of is based on behavior, not on genes.


The rush to biology is happening because the knee jerk is to blame someone else. If they can't help it then any in opposition are "on the wrong side of history." It's clever stuff. There is definitely something else behind it.


Fact is I would love you whether it was a choice or genetic predisposition.


Meanwhile I'm in an interracial and highly rewarding cis-marriage.


Cool. Maybe one of your kids will be gay and it will be like God's way of testing your faith and you can go to church and give a big speech on how your son was born gay to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ and everyone will applaud and your son will definitely not be present.

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Just strolling on by to say that I am sad that I have no chance with Ellen Page as my carnal desires for her were and still are, quite high.


The fuck is with the gay marriage debate? This thread is about a fine honey becoming a clam-shacker. Start a gay marriage debate thread



EDIT: P.S. Candiru is on fire here.

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From the WHO:


Behavioural traits, such as aggression or sexuality, are extremely complex and cannot be explained by one gene or genetic component. Cultural norms pertaining to gender roles and sex-related behaviours fluctuate and change with time as well as across cultures. Moreover, the existence of a gene does not guarantee the expression of that gene; indeed, expression is the product of a complex network of other genetic, developmental, biological and environmental factors. It is this complex network of interactions that constantly shape and define behaviours. (54) Any genetic component that is found to be linked to a complex behavioural trait at most indicates a probability of that behaviour manifesting, and not that the behaviour will definitely occur. Behavioural genetics research is still in its infancy, and its capacity to identify any genetic component of behaviours, such as sex -specific conduct, is limited.

Come on WHO, this is 2014!!!

Source: http://www.who.int/genomics/gender/en/index2.html

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What I don't get is why so many people think it's nature vs choice. It's nature or nurture, guys; nurture is NOT choice. I believe that homosexuality is nature and nurture, neither of which means a person chooses it. I think subconscious choice does have some impact, but little compared to the other two things.


Like, who cares if it's not entirely set when you're born? Just because you weren't born with a disposition doesn't mean that you chose it.

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From the WHO:


Behavioural traits, such as aggression or sexuality, are extremely complex and cannot be explained by one gene or genetic component. Cultural norms pertaining to gender roles and sex-related behaviours fluctuate and change with time as well as across cultures. Moreover, the existence of a gene does not guarantee the expression of that gene; indeed, expression is the product of a complex network of other genetic, developmental, biological and environmental factors. It is this complex network of interactions that constantly shape and define behaviours. (54) Any genetic component that is found to be linked to a complex behavioural trait at most indicates a probability of that behaviour manifesting, and not that the behaviour will definitely occur. Behavioural genetics research is still in its infancy, and its capacity to identify any genetic component of behaviours, such as sex -specific conduct, is limited.

Come on WHO, this is 2014!!!

Source: http://www.who.int/genomics/gender/en/index2.html



How is this important?

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From the WHO:


Behavioural traits, such as aggression or sexuality, are extremely complex and cannot be explained by one gene or genetic component. Cultural norms pertaining to gender roles and sex-related behaviours fluctuate and change with time as well as across cultures. Moreover, the existence of a gene does not guarantee the expression of that gene; indeed, expression is the product of a complex network of other genetic, developmental, biological and environmental factors. It is this complex network of interactions that constantly shape and define behaviours. (54) Any genetic component that is found to be linked to a complex behavioural trait at most indicates a probability of that behaviour manifesting, and not that the behaviour will definitely occur. Behavioural genetics research is still in its infancy, and its capacity to identify any genetic component of behaviours, such as sex -specific conduct, is limited.

Come on WHO, this is 2014!!!

Source: http://www.who.int/genomics/gender/en/index2.html



How is this important?



Because, I said there is no science that says homosexuality is 100% biology. Nurture plays a huge part, and honestly, if there is nothing wrong with it, why is it so offensive that it could be a choice for some more than others?


I think biology, environment, and volition are all factors for behavior.

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