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Call for female electronic Musicians

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I generally think StephenG's heart is in the right place on the forum, but yeah dude. Take a quick step back and educate yourself on the history of the web, online communities (or just communities in general) and gender inclusiveness. Then you will quickly understand how you are rapidly re-enacting every stupid thing a possibly otherwise well-meaning dude on the internet has said since like 1993.


Educate me then.


Point out some stupid things I've said.


I haven't personally attacked anyone (except for tri), so I don't understand the vitriol.


And to imply I'm uneducated is rather rude. Educate yourself on common courtesy.

I'm gonna start a jew only label



sounds ridiculous doesn't it.

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meanwhile, four pages ago:


bah I don't want to get into the sexism conversation lol.

I'll leave it at that I don't want to offend anyone or de-rail the thread.







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(opens "seeking white artists only for white man event" thread*)



The funny thing is, Mr. G, is that you can do that. You're allowed to open such a thread. Who tells you you can't? No-one will shoot it down. This is a free world!


I mean, MadameChaos is allowed to have a female only thread and she doesn't get any negative posts saying she...ah, wait, she did. Never mind.


Are you implying that such thread wouldn't get negative response? There will always be someone who feels left out, stepheng just let his opinion out (even if I would have been happier he didn't), going full whiteknight is unnecessary.



I would never do that of course, it would be as ridiculous as this thread.



Calling attention to something creates awareness of it. If something or some group of people is largely ignored, then how can they gain this so-called merit for which you speak?


Are they lacking in attention because they are female, or do men have a more innate ability to make good sounding music? That I don't know, but I do know that the pop scene is dominated by female artists.


Seems like they are doing just fine to me. If anything there should be a thread promoting male pop artists.


what is the meaning of making this point?


I mean, firstly it's incorrect. but I'm not discussing the veracity of this statement, just the statement itself and what it may or may not say about either your attitude towards females in music, or your ability to write cohesive sentences that stay relevant and correct to the discussion.





People are arguing that females are generally not promoted or equals in the music scene.


I could name you dozens of millionaire female artists (which means yeah, they get promoted).


That's all. Don't try and look deeper because there is nothing deeper.




Beyonce, Pink, Taylor Swift, etc are in the top 10 earning music stars (not even factoring in which of this top 40 list is pop and which is other genres). lol


Justin Timberlake straddles the gender line so yeah, that's 40% of the top earning stars according to that list.



There are 8 women on that list out of 40 and barely any of them actually write or produce any material of their own.


The men don't need any awareness created for them. They fucking run everything. This whole "oh poor white males" shit just smacks of insecurity.



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I never said "poor white males"..?


what? what I'm promoting is gender indifference, because gender really shouldn't matter.


oh watmm... where everyone says everyone said something other than what they said.

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Why are there so few female electronic musicians?



Because they lack logic and reason.



didn't i tell you this joke? nice job anyway


good luck, madame

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So a female focused music night is "sexist " and yet women only porn is ok. I see a double standard here.

wow! Good argument, saying something I've never said once in my life that I don't believe in. Wtf?

I doubt you'd find many forum members that believe what you just said either

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basically this community is so alienating for women these sorts of things need to take place


i sincerely hope this works out. wish i was in/around london to witness these events. <3

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is this community really alienating towards women? or are the women just as sarcastic and hilariously edgy as the rest of us on any other topic?

now taking applicatiON:ZZZ/?<>...,,,,,*V37

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I was visiting in africa two months ago
My goal was to see all those wild animals
Most excited I was when I came close to elephants
They were so big and somehow so scary
Something happened when I snapped a picture
Three elephants surrounded me
One of them ripped off all my clothes
Second elephant came on me and started to spread my buttocks
With its huge trunk
I screamed in agony when I felt it started to shove up my ass

Third elephant forced me to take its giant cock in my mouth
I sucked like a whore while I was assfucked by elephant trunk
After all it wasnt too bad at all
It took only about ten minutes and cock in my mouth started to cum
Extremely huge load of elephant sperm filled my throat and spurted allover my face
I was completely fucked up, but elephants had one more thing to do
All three of them huffed and puffed shits on me
Then they left me alone with my ripped asshole
I'll never go to Africa again




>whoops wrong thread<

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Lol Ascdi. Well said.


Stephen man you're not exactly showing a willingness to learn here. But I think you can see that almost every electronic producer out there is a white male. Every single electronic show is "white male electronic night." Every single label is "white male electronic label." They don't have to say it. It's just true. It's the scene. It's not overtly sexist or racist. But it is almost completely made up of white men. Starting "female electronic night/label" is a necessary step in this world, giving other women a beacon to gather behind, an example to say, "Oh hey, I could be on that label. It has women on it." It's that simple. Having every record label be full of men has a chilling effect on female producers. Having even one female producer night inspires people and it improves the scene.


For you to get all uptight about it, acting unconcerned but obviously 100% bothered by bring excluded from this one particular thing, says that you're not satisfied with owning almost everything - you want to own every damn thing. There should be nothing in this world forbidden to you. Well, guess what? Some things are just for women. So shut the FUCKING FUCK up and go back to the incredible privilege you already have.


You're normally a decent seeming guy, but the way you're handling this really pisses me off.

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Yeah what A/D said.


The way these things usually go online (and seriously, check any argument related to a "XXX for women" online community or thing of any kind for context) is some people get really up in arms about "equality" and how promoting WOMEN (or minority X, or whomever) isn't EQUAL because if it was EQUAL than ALL PEOPLE WOULD EQUALLY HAVE A SHOT AT BEING ON THE LABEL, MAAAAN


Thing is, it really ISN'T about "equality", at least in that sense. With most minorities in these situations you have to appreciate that the WORLD OVERALL is already incredibly biased against them. So, as A/D said, a "men's only electronica label" already effectively exists and is… all labels.


Obviously there are exceptions but the point isn't to make EVERY SINGLE THING 50-50, but to make the world OVERALL 50-50 (or better!) for minorities, which NECESSARILY MEANS, BECAUSE MATH, that there need to be some "women only", or "predominantly women" things to offset the fact that EVERYTHING ELSE MOSTLY HAS BEEN FOR MEN FOR ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY.


But seriously, google the subject of gender privilege online and you can read a ton of nice literature about it by real writers.

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honestly gender politics isn't about 50-50 anything. it's about having women considered as fully operating subjects, which is a qualitative thing. there are different feminisms anyway, but the ones that are kind of coherently left-wing are all about universalism, which as i said is not a matter of quantities.


that said female-only electronic music is ok, not a great victory for feminism, actually something that's barely feministic at all, but the extreme knee-jerk reaction from some of the people on this thread is bloody appalling. female electronic music will probably be the same as male electronic music but isn't that the fucking point? and isn't it good that electronic music, which actually has at various points in time had progressive intentions, should try to appeal to women?


god mate grrr ughh

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There was recently a "people of color" yoga class in my neighborhood that got shut down for being discriminatory. In fucking Brooklyn NY! Jesus Christ white people, you drive me insane sometimes. Whew. Cooling down.

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you women already have your cooking and make up and talking behind people's backs, do you really have to try and steal this from us with these stupid events? does anybody takes shit like this seriously apart from PC white knights? what's so wrong about being recognized for genuine artistic merit rather than having shit handed to you due to some stupid secondary characteristic?

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Lol Ascdi. Well said.


Stephen man you're not exactly showing a willingness to learn here. But I think you can see that almost every electronic producer out there is a white male. Every single electronic show is "white male electronic night." Every single label is "white male electronic label." They don't have to say it. It's just true. It's the scene. It's not overtly sexist or racist. But it is almost completely made up of white men. Starting "female electronic night/label" is a necessary step in this world, giving other women a beacon to gather behind, an example to say, "Oh hey, I could be on that label. It has women on it." It's that simple. Having every record label be full of men has a chilling effect on female producers. Having even one female producer night inspires people and it improves the scene.


For you to get all uptight about it, acting unconcerned but obviously 100% bothered by bring excluded from this one particular thing, says that you're not satisfied with owning almost everything - you want to own every damn thing. There should be nothing in this world forbidden to you. Well, guess what? Some things are just for women. So shut the FUCKING FUCK up and go back to the incredible privilege you already have.


You're normally a decent seeming guy, but the way you're handling this really pisses me off.


Dude, my commentary is way less on the actual topic that MC is talking about than the effects of positive discrimination. If you can't read that then you can't read.


So shut the FUCKING FUCK up and fuck you. Get a grip instead of attacking people. Read the fucking posts and see where the personal attacks started. I was simply trying to have a constructive discussion on the issue which btw you have no fucking idea how I really feel about.



Lol Ascdi. Well said.


Stephen man you're not exactly showing a willingness to learn here. But I think you can see that almost every electronic producer out there is a white male. Every single electronic show is "white male electronic night." Every single label is "white male electronic label." They don't have to say it. It's just true. It's the scene. It's not overtly sexist or racist. But it is almost completely made up of white men. Starting "female electronic night/label" is a necessary step in this world, giving other women a beacon to gather behind, an example to say, "Oh hey, I could be on that label. It has women on it." It's that simple. Having every record label be full of men has a chilling effect on female producers. Having even one female producer night inspires people and it improves the scene.


For you to get all uptight about it, acting unconcerned but obviously 100% bothered by bring excluded from this one particular thing, says that you're not satisfied with owning almost everything - you want to own every damn thing. There should be nothing in this world forbidden to you. Well, guess what? Some things are just for women. So shut the FUCKING FUCK up and go back to the incredible privilege you already have.


You're normally a decent seeming guy, but the way you're handling this really pisses me off.



There is also a larger discussion we could have about the gender binary and why we seem to always see people as either male or female and assign set characteristics to them based on those two limited options.



Uhm yes, this was what I was trying to discuss.

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meanwhile, five pages ago:


bah I don't want to get into the sexism conversation lol.

I'll leave it at that I don't want to offend anyone or de-rail the thread.







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