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Call for tracks!! 432Hz


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432Hz ting is fucking real, d00dz (and d00dettez). But pitch shifting a 440 track DOES NOT WORK.


People with a half understanding of these matters have spread false information on the internet, tainting the wondrous magic that is biologically harmonious sonic resonance.


Starting with "A as 432Hz" is part of the point, but the real magic comes from the tuning of the other notes and subsequent beats created through resonance. Thinking of this with simple numbers: If the pattern of "2, 4, 6, 8, 10" were converted to a form where the first value was to be raised to 3- and the significance of the pattern was relative doubling- the converted pattern would become "3, 6, 12, 24, 48" (as opposed to "3, 6, 9, 12, 15", which would result if all values were simply x1.5-- and if the significance of the pattern was keeping relative difference a value of 2, then the new pattern would become "3, 5, 7, 9, 11"). So with the "A=432Hz" concept, the main question of such a scale is: What is the significance for the pattern? And the answer, is that all notes must be biologically harmonious frequencies (including subsequent resonant frequencies)-- which is something that is not attained when shifting all notes linearly (as done with the "pitch shift a whole fucking track" technique).


So what are the proper notes for ultra magic music when based around western 7-note-main scale?:












You can work out the rest yourselves- and realize why or why not the missing sharps/flats are biologically harmonious freq- and if you are too lazy to put in the effort, then Gaia is like, "Then why the fuck should I give you the resulting IDM ultra magic?!"


Here are the same notes, INCORRECT, resultant of just multiplying everything by (432/440) (i.e. "pitch shifting fucking everything") Correct freq after // for comparison.:

B= 485.01818...// 486

Bb= 457.52727...// 456

A= 432// 432

G= 384.87272...// 384

F#= 363.27...// 364

F= 342.65454...// 344

E= 324// 324

Eb= 305.34545...// 303

D= 288.65454...// 288

C= 257.23636...// 256

As you can see, most notes are fucked, and as you might imagine, the resultant harmonic beats are also fucked. Most everything is fucked. Might as well use 440. Might as well claim you're enlightened and then rape someone. True "432" music is so deep and direct. I hope this helps.

If anyone wants to positively troll on wannabe spiritual boards/blogs filled with 99% bullshit spiritual people, please forward this. I don't have time or effort to tell so many people they are wrong and don't know shit about what the fuck they're doing. At least they are on a lit path. Source of all this: I've been meditating for over 25 years.

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Oh, yah- one technical way to achieve this (that I've done), is using the Diatonic Shifter plugin (for Mac). I used to use a beta version of v1 like 8 years ago, but it seems version 2 does the same...(haven't tried it, though) You can set the freq values that inputted notes are to be converted to, which works well for leads. Chords are just a hassle issue of more tracks.


A real hardcore ghetto way to do it, would be to have individual tracks for individual notes, then use any decent pitch shifting plugin on tracks, for the respective note conversions.

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432Hz ting is fucking real, d00dz (and d00dettez). But pitch shifting a 440 track DOES NOT WORK.


People with a half understanding of these matters have spread false information on the internet, tainting the wondrous magic that is biologically harmonious sonic resonance.


Starting with "A as 432Hz" is part of the point, but the real magic comes from the tuning of the other notes and subsequent beats created through resonance. Thinking of this with simple numbers: If the pattern of "2, 4, 6, 8, 10" were converted to a form where the first value was to be raised to 3- and the significance of the pattern was relative doubling- the converted pattern would become "3, 6, 12, 24, 48" (as opposed to "3, 6, 9, 12, 15", which would result if all values were simply x1.5-- and if the significance of the pattern was keeping relative difference a value of 2, then the new pattern would become "3, 5, 7, 9, 11"). So with the "A=432Hz" concept, the main question of such a scale is: What is the significance for the pattern? And the answer, is that all notes must be biologically harmonious frequencies (including subsequent resonant frequencies)-- which is something that is not attained when shifting all notes linearly (as done with the "pitch shift a whole fucking track" technique).


So what are the proper notes for ultra magic music when based around western 7-note-main scale?:












You can work out the rest yourselves- and realize why or why not the missing sharps/flats are biologically harmonious freq- and if you are too lazy to put in the effort, then Gaia is like, "Then why the fuck should I give you the resulting IDM ultra magic?!"


Here are the same notes, INCORRECT, resultant of just multiplying everything by (432/440) (i.e. "pitch shifting fucking everything") Correct freq after // for comparison.:

B= 485.01818...// 486

Bb= 457.52727...// 456

A= 432// 432

G= 384.87272...// 384

F#= 363.27...// 364

F= 342.65454...// 344

E= 324// 324

Eb= 305.34545...// 303

D= 288.65454...// 288

C= 257.23636...// 256

As you can see, most notes are fucked, and as you might imagine, the resultant harmonic beats are also fucked. Most everything is fucked. Might as well use 440. Might as well claim you're enlightened and then rape someone. True "432" music is so deep and direct. I hope this helps.

If anyone wants to positively troll on wannabe spiritual boards/blogs filled with 99% bullshit spiritual people, please forward this. I don't have time or effort to tell so many people they are wrong and don't know shit about what the fuck they're doing. At least they are on a lit path. Source of all this: I've been meditating for over 25 years.


peace, would you be into writing the liner notes for the compilation? And perhaps also submitting a track?


I see the point you are making but I don’t understand how to arrive at those whole-number ideal scale tones that you are using. Where do the numbers besides 432 Hz come from? Are they just intonation or is it something more than that?

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Thanks for considering the possibility of me writing the liner notes, but if you've read any of my super long posts- and with subjects as deep as this- I would end up writing pages upon pages of shit that nobody would read. I suppose you could just copy and paste that post for half-serious purposes (because I felt from the OP that this comp was somewhat half a joke(?)). It would at least help others make such 432 magic music properly. As for a track, I suppose I could do a track manually..... But I'm pretty busy at the moment for such a time consuming project (if I have time, I might give it a shot, thanks).


But anyway, the numbers come from:

Pythagorean tuning

Solfeggio scale

Chakra activation freq

harmonic numbers based on nature spirals and all lifeforms


These numbers/freq are related to everything and are everywhere. You know that thing where you take a plate, cover it in sand, and shoot a sinewave through a speaker under the plate to cause the sand to form shapes? All of the symmetrical forms fall under these harmonious numbers. If you get into this "harmonious world" stuffs long enough, you might come across implosion technology and people like Viktor Schauberger who studied nature extensively to mimic efficiency in the highest form in machinery (other individuals who could harness nature's true power include Nikola Tesla, Edward Leedskalnin). And then getting back to music- when you realize just how inefficient modern technology is with regards to harnessing nature's harmony principle (if you're into engineering and physics)- you can maybe imagine just how inefficient non-harmonious music is in transmitting emotion. I've been experimenting with 432 for years, and I believe that if there is an artist out there who can utilize it to its full potential, there will finally be groundbreaking innovation and new paradigms in electronic music.


But the original original form-- the frequencies came from chakra activation and self-study. If you are in a cave that can be used as a resonance chamber, you can hit the note that is resonant to your skin, and your skin will vibrate and tingle. Likewise, when one is skilled enough with body energy manipulation and can perceive their own energetic framework, one can become sensitive enough to feel changes in energy centers; changes caused by external vibration. Then frequencies tuned, and one will come up with a harmony freq (or the point is that, this is how ancient peoples accomplished this). There are caves that were used for chanting, that even if used properly now, make you trip hard.


Speakers are possibly better for the "fullest-effect", but headphones will also work (ears/music, strong emotional connection, obviously). Without "music" and more abstractly, it's like-- if you played the resonant freq of a woman's vagina in her ears (or used binaural beats to change brainwave patterns), she miiight get a tingle eventually, due to all systems being connected. But if you blast the vagina resonant freq directly in a woman's crotch, her vagina would vibrate, possibly to orgasm. And obviously if you had enough power, you could set her vagina on fire.

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I suppose you could just copy and paste that post for half-serious purposes (because I felt from the OP that this comp was somewhat half a joke(?)).


My intent is to HAVE fun with the concept but not MAKE fun of it, if that makes sense. Fun, but not a joke.


I am definitely interested in understanding the subject of 432 if I am going to purport to do it, that’s for sure.

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That's pretty fascinating, thanks for that info. I didn't know about that stuff at all. I just know that c=256 was concert pitch circa 1700, and I like the way period recordings sounded with that tuning. I'd love to look into this more, it seems really fun.

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Chim, I wouldn't propose any health benefits from these tones, but I do like the way they sound. It's a slightly darker color, and just like fractional BPMs, it matters (to me). There's some nice recordings of Bach on period instruments in this tuning - really made the pieces come alive.


I guess I'm saying that feeling like a note sounds more "right" to you could be a spiritual experience, because that's what music is, right? But I'm probably missing the point of your post, and rambling.


Nothing wrong with that, in fact I agree, a lot of tunes sound softer and warmer in 432hz - heck, Stradivarius violins are designed for it! What I'm saying is that it is solely due to our conditioning to 440hz and is not inherent to the frequency, just like we are conditioned to equal temperament and find other tunings quite different. Did you hear Gareth Bachelor's submission to CHATMM12? It just keeps going down and down in tune, and it really slows you down. Is each subsequent iteration better than the previous because it's slower and lower in tune?


Anywhooo... Just intonation, which is tuned for every interval in a given key to be as scientifically harmonious as possible (ratios of whole numbers and shit, i'm bad at math), can sound very odd to the untrained ear. The reason the western world went with equal temperament is because it's equally transposable through all keys, it's simply mathematically tuned so that all keys are equal - this means a lot of nasty averaging out and resulting dissonance, but we've grown so accustomed to it we accept it. The 12-tone system makes completely harmonious tuning impossible - a tune that sounds wonderful in C in just intonation sounds god awful in another key, no matter how you tune it, when you go outside of the compromise of equal temperament, there will be so called wolf notes that clash with a certain key and can really mess up certain chords and intervals.


I am a huge fan jazz and other chromatic material, so I have no problem with the equal temperament, but it can be quite a wake up call to experience the difference in other material. Just intonation sounds wrong and slightly duller at first to the untrained ear, due to the lack of "excitement" in the inherent dissonance, but after careful listening it becomes very soothing and palatable.


It makes more sense on an oscilloscope:


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If you really want to make a statement, you should argue that just intonation has more pleasant intervals than equal temperament, since looking in an oscilloscope you can actually see that chords are more harmonius and even in JI, while equal temperament is chaotic by comparison - there's even a theory that this is what has lead to the energetic and stressful development in western pop music.


Funny thing is that if you do that the same sort of people that go on about 432 Hz (nobody here, I mean the people who won't shut up about it and have it tied into their views on aliens and economics and who you should vote for as dog catcher) will sneer at 'boring diatonic music' and say things like 'just intonation is for people who can't figure out harmony. Wankers.


I don't buy the 432 Hz thing because all the numerological flimflam depends on the (false) premise that there is something special about the duration of a second as the basic unit of time, which is of course bollocks. I do love Pythagorean ratios and golden proportion type stuff though just because it yields all sorts of pleasing mathematical symmetries. It's unfortunate that the only synths that let you load tuning tables and so on these days are workstation keyboards and suchlike - tuning/scale option is more common on older gear and there's even a IDI tuning standard for quickly switching to different tonalities, but it seems to have fallen out of use.

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For that matter, does anybody know any VST synths with custom tuning beyond global pitch, as in tuning individual cents of individual keys? The only one I have right now is Korg Polysix and FM7 and they only allows whole cents (I would love to try out decimals as well). I know certain synths load scala files but there are a fucking million scl files out there - I'd rather tune in real time.

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For that matter, does anybody know any VST synths with custom tuning beyond global pitch, as in tuning individual cents of individual keys? The only one I have right now is Korg Polysix and FM7 and they only allows whole cents (I would love to try out decimals as well). I know certain synths load scala files but there are a fucking million scl files out there - I'd rather tune in real time.


I don't use em, but from what I remember linplug vsti's also can import .tun scale files.

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Yeah I found there's a bunch of synths that can do that, and I even found a midi tool that automatically microtuned midi notes as pitch shifted data before it goes to a synth, but it's a bit of mess. I'll stick with making a custom tuning of FM8, and btw, if you want 432hz in it, there's no global hz setting but you can set the global tuning to -60. I crossreferenced with a 432hz tone and got it to correspond to that, anyway..


This has nothing to do with the 432hz tuning, but I've settled on this custom tuning for natural minor, it's quite close to meantone/JI except it favors thirds more than 7ths. You can set this up easily in FM8 or Polysix/MS-60 if you'd like to try it out.


1: 0

2: +12

3: +4

4: +16

5: -14

6: -2

7: -17

8: +2

9: +14

10: -16

11: -4

12: +12

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"I am a huge fan jazz", is a pretty aesthetically pleasing typo. Rolls out of the mouth as if propelled by angel queefs.


And the bit following that makes it an indie film of the month:



& other chromatic material

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Years ago I used to have Reason global tuning down by 30 cents by default, and loved it... Which I stopped doing when I stopped using Reason.


So that whole 432Hz thingie is quite interesting/intriguing to me.


If I got it right from what I read : if I want to compose melodies using 432Hz "tuning system", I have to tune my synths to Pythagorean scale tuning AND to tune them down by +/- 32cents at the same time, right ?

If I just tune down to A=432Hz, I'm just "pitching down" my tune. Then we're talking "concert pitch".


I'm just trying to understand it all, and then to do it properly : not that simple... There's also a myriad of different Pythagorean tuning files (same goes for Just Intonation tuning files), what a rabbit hole hehe


Any help/tuning files/simple tutorial would be sincerely welcome, cheers !

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so far i have been using 443-445 Hz tunings which i prefer to the usual 440 cause it sounds more exiting but i'll try this 432 story


i had an idea of making 'the perfect notes' based on freqs in SC that would have about 70-something notes per octave, over 10 octaves ...but i forgot about it :facepalm:

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Pretty interesting stuff!


So, I think it would be awesome if everyone discussion different workflows / techniques were to make a trac and submit it to this comp. It'd be awesome if a variety of approaches and interpretations of the 432 Hz "meme"—from total skepticism to total buy-in—were represented.


And a variety of different techniques as well:: Pythagorean, Just intonation, pitching down, or anything in between. I think the point is to keep the specific rules vague so that the comp overall can just be an open-ended exploration of this idea.


However, I am considering one other submission guideline and I'd like feedback on it: I think it would be a gas if we required that every track be given a "Syro-style" cryptic scrambled-typography name, along with square-bracket mix and/or tempo info if so desired.


Not that this comp idea has anything really to do with Syro, but I think it'd be a fun homage to remember fall of 2014 by. What do you guys think?

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Years ago I used to have Reason global tuning down by 30 cents by default, and loved it... Which I stopped doing when I stopped using Reason.


So that whole 432Hz thingie is quite interesting/intriguing to me.


If I got it right from what I read : if I want to compose melodies using 432Hz "tuning system", I have to tune my synths to Pythagorean scale tuning AND to tune them down by +/- 32cents at the same time, right ?

If I just tune down to A=432Hz, I'm just "pitching down" my tune. Then we're talking "concert pitch".


I'm just trying to understand it all, and then to do it properly : not that simple... There's also a myriad of different Pythagorean tuning files (same goes for Just Intonation tuning files), what a rabbit hole hehe


Any help/tuning files/simple tutorial would be sincerely welcome, cheers !


The idea here is just concert pitch, A=432hz . There is no 432hz "tuning system", and there's no need for tuning files or other stuff, that's just people like me messing things up cause I figured, why not go the whole nine yards and toy with this thing while we're at it?


How to tune A down to 432hz depends on what VST you're using. Many synths have a global pitch/tune that literally says A=440hz and you can tune it down easily, but it might also be some stupid arbitrary amount - like FM8 that has to be detuned by "-60". Many synths don't work in hertz, and -8hz (which we're going for) isn't even a whole semitone so it can be tricky tuning it down. If you have a good ear, you can do it manually if your DAW has a global test tone of A that can be tuned to whatever frequency you want.


If your synth can load global .tun files, you can use this zip file. It's in the standard equal temperament, the only thing changed is that A=432hz.




As a last resort you can use this guide. It uses a microtonal midi tool that acts as an intermediary and pitch shiftes down the correct amount, but when I used it there was a bit of delay and it doesn't work with chords.




For the record, at this point I've been composing with 432hz and my custom tuning for several hours, and I'm baffled at the lack of the slightest ear fatigue. I don't think I can go back after this...

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