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What's wrong with Florida?


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As promised. We just arrested a Creekside Middle School student who made threats to commit a school shooting at Creekside or Silver Sands Middle School.
He had written a list of names and targets. He says it was all a joke.


new achievement unlocked: florida becomes the first state who's police department doxes kids

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  • 2 weeks later...

this hurricane looks like its going to landfall where there's lot's of forests and the state capital. rural-ish places.. but also storm serge is gonna be intense if news is accurate... and that'll just sweep over a huge chunk of the coast.. it's fast moving so if it stays sort of together it'll push far into the region.  will in some ways be same old story, no power, lot's of rain, weeks w/o power in some places, beaches vanishing in the surf etc... there's a bunch of big universities in the path. could be hairy for all those kids. 

might get lucky and hit at low tide in a lot of places.. might get lucky if doesn't go cat 5.  could hit some spots hard and skirt by some others w/o much power. 

hurricanes suck. glad i don't have to do that dance anymore. 

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5 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

Cat 4 knocked out our power 12 hours ago, still no electricity. Approx 150,000 without power here in Jax currently.


shit!  i have fam in and around Jax. 150k not too bad.. i bet they get that sorted reasonably fast. 

there's 4million w/o power in the state i think.. and GA.. also, pumping stations and sewage treatment is turned off in tampa area/pinellas county.. so they told people they can't flush their toilets or sewage will back up in the bathroom. eek. 

looks like they actually predicted the storm serge pretty accurately which is scary. it's receding some in most places but looks like water levels got pretty high.. forcing people who didn't evac onto their roofs.. 

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as someone who lives in Florida, everything is wrong in Florida.. the people here are super ghetto and rude! we have an insane homeless population and there's druggies everywhere (I've known a few firsthand unfortunately and some people of course are just born into that life.) but pretty much every ingredient that would cause a bad pie is present. 
does that make sense? 😉 hope my analogy was decent, i hope Florida can really take a step back and try and get better

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20 minutes ago, bluepenguins said:

as someone who lives in Florida, everything is wrong in Florida.. the people here are super ghetto and rude! we have an insane homeless population and there's druggies everywhere (I've known a few firsthand unfortunately and some people of course are just born into that life.) but pretty much every ingredient that would cause a bad pie is present. 
does that make sense? 😉 hope my analogy was decent, i hope Florida can really take a step back and try and get better

what part of FL are you in? i grew up in miami. have family there and also in pembroke pines/ft lauderdale and more up in jacksonville. i have a nephew who is center right politically if not a little further right than that on some issues and talking to him ya'd swear there's no homeless people in ft lauderdale or pembroke pines and florida is doing a great job at all the things that other states have problems with.. so, some serious blinders.. but i think a lot of people there live like him and just don't see anything other than home ->car ->destination ->car ->home

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38 minutes ago, ignatius said:

what part of FL are you in? i grew up in miami. have family there and also in pembroke pines/ft lauderdale and more up in jacksonville. i have a nephew who is center right politically if not a little further right than that on some issues and talking to him ya'd swear there's no homeless people in ft lauderdale or pembroke pines and florida is doing a great job at all the things that other states have problems with.. so, some serious blinders.. but i think a lot of people there live like him and just don't see anything other than home ->car ->destination ->car ->home

From Gainesville, been to Jacksonville and Orlando too. there's a homeless person on every street and you see them all the time if you're casually walking (shout out to the guy who's been living in a makeshift tent outside of walmart and washes his clothes in the lake/river)
I don't even mind the homeless as much as others, the really ratchet ghetto subculture we have here is very foul. We've had people break into cars here and houses twice in the past few months. People breaking into cars in parking areas for UF.. people gangbanging at the highschools too! its insane and I don't bat a single eye when i see all this stuff on the news about school shooting threats and gun violence.

It's sad but true, I don't even feel safe at my own highschool! we've had 3 threats just this month for either bombs or guns!!

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