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Aphex Twin: Computer Controlled Acoustic Instruments pt2 EP


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My justification is I want to hear it now, and it rules. What if I die 3 days from now? I'd be pissed.

The thought of such an outcome ought to make you pissed now; you'd be missing out on enjoyable possible future experiences. But you wouldn't be pissed if you're dead, since you'd cease to exist, and existing is a necessary condition for any emotional state, including being justifiably pissed.

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Guest LoveRhino

Shite. I would if I could. It arrived on vinyl (my turntable is packed away) and the redeem code website is not live yet!!!

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Got this in the mail this morning, only listened to the first side at 33 rpm, the 'haunted' description really fits it. Sounds like an abandoned attic filled with drums and an old broken player piano.


aw man that sounds boring


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Guest LoveRhino

Span one side at 45 (sounds like the play speed of the original recording). Not sure which side as there is no indication of which side is which - all it says is "33 or 45" on each side. Interesting stuff. It reminded me of the more avant garde DrukQs prepared piano stuff. Also reminiscent of Moondog. Nice, weird, new. Also summat Anistasia like. Looking forward to hearing more.

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Guest crowndicey

Pretty good. I definitely like it. However, I kinda feel like the idea or concept of it is cooler than the actual content. It's great and all, but some of it sounds like half fleshed out ideas that could have went to amazing places. I'm mainly talking about the tracks a minute or so in length. As soon as I get into the groove it kinda dissapates. However, the more I listen to it on repeat and while drinking some beer the more I hear the shorter pieces running together with the longer ones to make a cohesive work. Could be the beer though. Definitely a good EP. Nice follow up to Syro. Different flavor.

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